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Chemical composition and binding power of dried pulp wastes produced from the African locust bean (Parkia Biglobosa) in low cost fish diets.

Y Akegbejo-Samsons
OB Oyewole
SO Olayinka
TO Olaniyan


The chemical compositions of pulp wastes produced from fermented African locust bean before and after fermentation were assessed in order to determine their possible utilization. The fermented bean pulp waste contained protein 11.75 %; ash, 15.86 %; crude fibre, 21.55 %; starch, 32.14 %; dry matter, 93.5% and moisture, 6.5 % while the unfermented pulp contained protein 10.13 %; ash content, 14.14%; crude fibre 22.63%; starch, 28.20%; dry matter, 92.5% and moisture, 7.5%. The unfermented locust bean pulp waste contained some essential amino acids including methionine, lysine, leucine and isoleucine and some non-essential amino acids include histidine, proline, glycine and tyrosine. Concentrations of tannin and oligosaccharides were generally very low. The pulp waste was used wholly and partially to replace corn starch (yellow maize) as a binder in the preparation of the diet of cultured fish (Clarias gariepinus). Six diets were formulated using the pulp waste in various proportions. The binding power and the crumbling rate were assessed. The crumbling rate declined with increased inclusion of the pulp. The unfermented locust pulp waste exhibited a stronger binding effect than corn starch after 12 weeks storage. Diets stored in jute bags showed minor quality deterioration due to insect infestation, while diets stored in polythene bags maintained good quality throughout the study period. The use of locust bean waste can thus serve the dual purpose of (a) turning the waste into a useful and value-added farm product and (b) effective substitution for corn starch as a binder in fish feeds.

Key Words: Chemical composition, binding power, locust bean, fish diets.

Ife Journal of Science Vol.6(1) 2004: 30-34

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3026-8583
print ISSN: 0794-4896