Italian Studies in Southern Africa is published bi-annually and aims at providing a forum for academic discussion on all aspects of Italian culture. The journal features articles on the Italian language and literature and, since it is one of the primary aims of the journal to foster multi- and inter-disciplinary study and communication, contributions are invited from all writers interested in Italian culture, irrespective of their specific disciplines. Contributions of a less theoretical nature which provide an insight into Italian culture, especially as it mani­fests itself in Southern Africa, will also receive attention.

Each article will be critically evaluated by two referees. Notice of acceptance or rejection is communicated in writing to the author with reasons for the readers’ decision.

As from 2018 the printed version will be discontinued. The online version will be Open Access  and all articles will be on a 2-year embargo. All articles will appear online under the international licensing Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0.

Copyright on all published material is vested in A.P.I. When submitting an article for publication in Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi d’Italianistica nell’Africa australe, the author automatically accepts the following conditions: 1. If published, all copyrights on the article are ceded to A.P.I.; 2. The article has not been published nor is in the process of being published anywhere else.

Contributors must seek the Editor’s permission when a reprint of an article is envisaged. The Editor reserves the right to amend the phrasing and punctuation of any article as may be deemed necessary.

Opinions expressed in contributions are those of the authors, and are not necessarily endorsed by the Editor, the Editorial Board or by A.P.I.



  • Contributions in Italian or in English should be submitted preferably as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format. The text of the manu­script must be preceded by a brief summary (approx. 10 lines) in English for Italian texts and in Italian for English texts.
  • Although longer articles may be considered for publication, a length of 7000 words (about 15 printed A4 pages) is set as general guide­line.
  • The article should be supplied with a cover page on which only the title of the article, the author’s name and address and professional affiliation appear. The article itself should then start on the subsequent page, with the title and summary (about 100 words).


Manuscripts that do not adhere to the house style of the journal will not be considered.


Style Sheet

  • Typescripts, in their final draft, should have double spacing and occupy one side only of a page of about 2000 strokes (about 30 lines of 65 strokes each). It should be clear from the manuscript which words or parts of the text are to be set in italics, in block capitals or in small print.
  • Quotations in the body of the text longer than 5 lines should be indented and in single spacing. Omitted text should be indicated by an ellipsis (three dots in square brackets). The corresponding num­bers are affixed as superscripts, without parentheses after the full stop. References should be in brackets and follow the punctuation.
  • Bibliographical details of references should be provided either in the bibliography or in footnotes. The bibliography, if used, should be arranged alphabetically, as follows:

       Holland, N.N.    2013         Psychoanalysis and Dante. New York: Octagon.

       Massimo, J.L.    1970         “Magic in Buzzati’s novels” In: George, G. (ed.)  New literary perspectives. Santa Monica, Calif.: Sundby 4 Publications: 31-33.

       Potter, A.M.       2010         “Religion and the literary critic.” Literator, 10(1):66-76. April.

       Pratt, M-L.         1997         Toward a speech act of literary discourse. London: Indiana University Press.

  • Titles of publications and journals are given in italics. No quotation marks are used with titles of journals. In the case of journal articles, articles from newspapers and contributions in collections the relevant page numbers should be quoted. The abbreviated Harvard method of reference should be used.
  • References in the text are done as follows: Anderson (1982:305) or (Anderson, 1982:305)
  • Footnotes. The number (without brackets) should be put to the left of the punctuation mark as a superscript. The footnotes (with indication of the number) should appear on the same page (not at the end of the text) and in single spacing. The numbering of footnotes in the text should be consecutive.

Contributors are encouraged to preserve a copy of the manu­script since the publisher is not responsible for loss of, or damage to, typescripts submitted to this journal. No material submitted to the journal will be returned.

Contributors attached to a South African academic institution receiving DHET research funding are charged R120-00/page as page fee for their articles.

Contributions and correspondence for the Journal to be sent to the Editor:

Dr  Anita Virga                                 

Italian Studies, School of Literature, Language and Media

University of the Witwatersrand      

Johannesburg                                     Tel.  +27  (0)11  7174218

Private Bag 3, Wits 2050                  Cell. +27  (0)7225357753   

South Africa (RSA)                            E-mail:



NB: All issues and articles online not covered by the two-year embargo are Open Access.

  • Annual Subscriptions 2018 (Two issues. Online only)

        Individuals:   R300-00 (South Africa); $75 (Elsewhere)

        Institutions:   R500-00 (South Africa); $100 (Elsewhere)

               A.P.I. Members:  Free

  • Single Issues (under the 2-year embargo: 2016-2017)

Online (ISSA website)

                       R150-00 (South Africa); $50 (Elsewhere)

Printed (Postage fees not included)

                       R200-00 (South Africa); $50 (Elsewhere)

  • Single articles (under the 2-year embargo: 2016-2017)

R100-00 (South Africa); $35 (Elsewhere)          

Payments may be made directly online.

Find all information on issa-2/subscription (in English) or (in Italian).

Alternatively, payments may be made also electronically:

Electronic payments and orders:



Bank Account No: 9056609619

Sandton Branch

Branch Code: 63 200 5

Swift Code: ABSA ZA JJ


Electronic order files to be sent to:

Hon. Treasurer, Mrs A. Poeti, email:

To contact the association write to

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2225-7039
print ISSN: 1012-2338