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Estimation of Age, Growth Parameters and Mortality Indices in Lutjanus fulviflamma (Forsskal 1775) (Pisces: Lutjanidae) from Kenyan Inshore Marine Waters

B Kaunda-Arara
MJ Ntiba


Age and growth parameters of the reef fish Lutjanus fulviflamma have been estimated from tri-monthly plots of length frequency data and a knowledge of the spawning time of the fish. The growth parameters, L∞, K and to were derived from the progression of modal lengths as; 35.0 cm (total length), 0.59 and -0.55 years, respectively. These parameters were used to fit a von Bertalanffy growth equation for the species as: Lt = 35.0 [1 - exp(1 - (0.59 (t + 0.55))].

The total mortality (Z), fishing (F) and natural (N) mortality coefficients were derived for the species from length converted catch-curve and Pauly\'s empirical formula as, 1.97, 0.27 and 1.70/year, respectively. The low fishing mortality (on a 0-1 scale), together with low exploitation rate(Eopt) of 0.137, derived for the stock of L. fulviflamma in Kenya\'s nearshore fishery suggests that the stocks are under exploited. The possible reasons for this under-exploitation are discussed. It is recommended that the growth parameters derived in this study be validated further in order to allow the application of this rapid age assessment method for other species in the Western Indian Ocean, given the difficulties of aging tropical fishes.

Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology Vol.3(1) 2001: 53-63

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eISSN: 1561-7645