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Effect of feeding rate and ammonia build-up on growth performance of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) juveniles

J.N. Nwakpa
T.N. Ikwor
J.S. Awoke
C.N. Mgbabu


A 56-day feeding trial was carried out on effect of feeding rate and ammonia build-up on growth performance of Clarias gariepinus juveniles in the Wet Laboratory, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. Completely Randomized Design was used; each treatment was replicated and stocked with ten fish. Fish were fed 1% body weight (T1) control, 2-5% body weight (T2-5) and ad-libitum (T6). One hundred and eighty fish at initial average weight of 9.7±0.91 g were used. Fish were fed Coppens feed three times daily. Analysis of variance and Duncan Multiple range test were used for significant difference among treatments and mean value of data. Ammonia and other water quality parameters were monitored. T5 and T2 recorded specific growth rate (% body wt. gain/day) of 11.26±0.43 and 11.04±0.4 respectively. Feed intake had significant difference (P<0.05) among treatments. T2 and T5 recorded highest weight gain. T1 had best food conservation ratio while T3 and T4 recorded the poorest. Ammonia build-up had no significant difference (P>0.05) among treatments. T1 and T2 recorded lowest ammonia of 0.01±0.00 mg/L while T3-T6 had 0.02±0.00 mg/L as highest. This study suggests that fish should be fed at 5% BW for better growth performance and maintenance of ammonia at maximum 0.02 mg/L.

Keywords: Feeding rate, nitrogenous waste, growth parameters, Clarias gariepinus

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8779