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Fry Production of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus in a Polyculture with Clarias gariepinus AND Oreochromis niloticus in Earthen Ponds

FO Nwadukwe


Adult Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus were reared in two fertilized earthen ponds containing Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus for a period of two years. All the fish were fed with a locally- compounded diet (35% protein) at the rate of 5% of fish biomass. At harvest, thirty-five (35) fry of C. nigrodigitatus were collected, indicating that reproduction had occurred in the ponds. Survival rate of adult fish was 62% for C.nigrodigitatus, 68% for C. gariepinus and 40% of O. niloticus. No fingerling of C. gariepinus was found but several thousands of O. niloticus fry and fingerlings were collected during the rearing period. No fry or fingerling of C. gariepinus was found at harvest. Physico-chemical analyses of pond water gave good values that were favourable for fish culture.

Keywords: Fry, Chrysichthys, earthen ponds, spawning, fish culture

Journal of Aquatic Sciences 28 (1): 9-16 (2013)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8779