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Learning from experience: the art and science of clinical law

YA Vawda


Clinical law is a teaching discipline in terms of which students learn the skills, ethics and values necessary for the practice of law. Its mission is accomplished through the practical involvement of students in legal work, whether it is through simulated exercises or representing actual clients in their legal problems. Throughout this process, they are guided by teachers or supervisors who are practising lawyers within the law school. What is unique to this discipline is the employment of teaching methodologies which are experientially-based and geared towards problem solving, rather than 'academic' in nature. This contribution looks at some recent developments with regard to the regulation of the legal profession and suggests that clinical law is set to assume an even greater significance with the prospect that the period of vocational training is likely to be reduced, in terms of the draft Legal Practice Bill. Furthermore, the contribution argues that such an approach is a more effective form of teaching and learning, and that its methodologies should be integrated into other teaching disciplines. It also explores a model for implementing the notions expressed in this piece. Finally, based on the experiences of South African law clinics, it argues that clinical law can be delivered effectively even in resource-strapped situations.

Leer deur ondervinding: die kuns en die wetenskap van kliniese regsopleiding Kliniese regsopleiding is 'n onderrigdissipline in terme waarvan studente die nodige vaardighede, etiek en waardes aanleer om in die reg te kan praktiseer. Hierdie doelstelling (missie) word bereik deur studente prakties in regswerk te betrek, of deur simulasies (gesimuleerde oefeninge) of deur werklike kliรซnte behulpsaam te wees (te verteenwoordig) met regsprobleme. Dwardeur die proses word hulle bygestaan deur dosente of toesighouers wat praktiserende regslui is in die regskool (regsfakulteit).Wat uniek is aan hierdie dissipline, is die aanwending van onderrigmetodes wat gegrond is op ervaring en toegespits is op probleemoplossing, eerder as om akademies van aard te wees. Hierdie bydrae is gerig op sekere onlangse ontwikkeling met betrekking tot die regulering van die regsprofessie en redeneer dat dit aanvaar kan word dat kliniese regsopleiding van groter belang sal wees as gevolg van die moontlikheid dat praktiese regsopleidig waarskynlik verminder (verkort) sal word in terme van die voorgestelde wetsontwerp op regspraktyk ("Draft Legal Practice Bill").Verder toon die

Jnl for Juridical Sci Vol.29(1) 2004: 116-134

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0258-252X
print ISSN: 0258-252X