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Growth and dry matter accumulation in drought resistant maize (Zea-mays L.) under different sowing date and variety at Bagauda, Kano State, Nigeria.

MA Wailare


growth, dry matter accumulation and yield characters of maize planted under the same environmental conditions. The trial was conducted during the 2010 wet season at Bagauda the Kano University of Technology (KUST) temporary research farm (11° 39° N, 08° 20° E).The treatments consisted of three sowing dates (Beginning. of July, Middle, of July and End of July at 10 days intervals) and four varieties of maize (Zea mays L.) that consist of Sammaz 17, Sammaz 18, Sammaz 20 and Hakorin Hajiya (H/H). The treatments were factorially combined and arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and were replicated four times. However, sowing date and variety had significant (P≤ 0.05 or P≤ 0.01) effects on most of the considered characters like Plant height, Leaf area/plant, Number of leaves/plant, Fresh leaves weight, Fresh stem weight, Dry leaves and stem weights, Grain weight/plot, stover yield, number of ears/ha, ear weight, number of cobs and so on. It was observed that Sammaz 18 and Sammaz 20 out-performed the other varieties in terms of growth and yield characters. Sowing during the mid. of July proved significantly better than the other studied sowing dates for maize in the area.

Key words: Growth, dry matter, Variety, Sowing date, Maize.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-0906