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Reliability analysis of ekpoma 33/11kV injection substation distribution network

J.O. Aibangbee


The study analyzed the reliability indicesof Ekpoma 33/11kV Injection substation distribution network on Iruekpen, Irrua, and Express feeders respectively in terms of availability, failure rate, and outage duration.Operational load data on the feeders were collected from the Injection substation distribution network daily operational log book from January to December 2016. Majority of service interruptions that affect customers were caused by faults on the distribution system. Customer service interruptions were also caused by failures in distribution substations. Outages were classified into scheduled outage, Forced outage, frequency and durations. The reliabilities of the feeders were evaluated on monthly basis for one year. The average availability and failure rate for Iruekpen, Irrua, and Express feeders were 0.6147, 0.6343, 0.6371 and0.1716, 0.1624 and 0.1647; while outageduration in hours were 3375, 3204 and 3179 respectively.

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eISSN: 1116-4336