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The potential use ofKhaya senegalensis oil as base in paracetamol suppository formulation

JD Audu-Peter
JD Kadiri
P Igbarago


The potential of the oil from Khaya senegalensis seed as a suppository base was investigated. Some physicochemical properties of the oil like the physical appearance, saponification value, iodine value, acid value and refractive index were evaluated. The oil was used to prepare paracetamol suppositories either as the sole base or in combination with glycerol using Glycerol Suppository BP as the standard base. Melting point, disintegration time and dissolution profile of the suppositories were determined. The results of the physicochemical tests showed that the oil did not solidify at room temperature. Saponification value was 183 which means it contains
mainly unsaturated fatty acid of high molecular mass and it is a non- drying oil because the iodine value was less than 100. It may not undergo rancidity on storage because its acid value was low. When used alone as a suppository base, the oil could not form a suppository but in combination with glycerol in equal ratio, a suppository was formed with increased drug release, melting point and disintegration time.

Keywords: Khaya senegalensis oil, suppository base, physicochemical properties, melting point, disintegration time, dissolution profile.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-8499