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Les contradictions politiques et les obstacles au developpement en Afrique noire

EA Amouzou


The years of euphoria of the after-indeppendence have been able to give African counties the impression that by getting rid of their domination links, they could only walk, haughty, towords a beaming future.
The exaltation has given way, through missing experiences, to an actual distress. Africa, being set free as those new rich people who want to amaze the burgesses, was going to make a bad use of the newly acquiered power, leaving tribalism, dictatorship, misappropriations and bad management of public goods to development. In many countries, one reealies a keeping of power and monopolising of riches to only profit of the leaders and middle class. Besides, it seems that the "development battle" be the prime concern of the leaders. Therefore the
function of myths that set up around development problems tends to become the field of the handling of dominating social forces.
To take up the peasant challenges, there is a need to place them again in their present sociocultural context analysing then these different political contradictions, handicaps to development in black Africa.
In order for the African people to be able to take up the challenges, they have to accept to undertake deep structural reforms. The ultimate stroke will come from the leaders who have the heavy
responsability to guide their people towards a lasting development. The matter will be to reconsider policies put forward.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-354X
print ISSN: 1727-8651