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Trypanosoma vivax in Nigerian goats: Effect of chemotherapy of serum constituents of red sokoto bucks

AU Kalu
OA Ikwuegbu
HU Edeghere
GA Ogbonnah


The effect of trypanosome infection on serum protein and electrolyte levels was studied in Red Sokoto goats inoculated with Trypanosoma vivax and treated, during the course of the infection, with Berenial ( dimmazene aceturate), Samorin (isometamidium chloride) and Novidium (homidium chloride). During the infection total protein, albumin and albumin/globulin (A/G) ratio decreased significantly (P<0.05) while the globulin fraction and calcium increased progressively. Chloride concentration was elevated by the third week post infection and, despite treatmet, by the sixth week. Untreated animals died within five to six weeks of patent infection showing terminal hypoproteinaemia of 23.6% Treatment abolished trypanosomaemia within 48 hours and reversed the effect of the infection by the second or third week post drug administration. There were slight but insignificant differences in the levels of the parameters monitored in the different drug-treated groups However,four wee(cs post treatment preinfection levels of total protein and albumin, were not achieved by Berenil nor was therapy associated with modulation of the calcium and chloride concentrations to preinfection levels .

Key Words: Goats, Chemotherapy, Serum, Trypanosomiasis, Protein, Electrolytes.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0331-2062