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Biochemical Evaluation Of Seeds Of An Under Utilized Legume (Mucuna utilis)

EA Iyayi
JI Egharevba


The effect of heat treatment and germination on the proximate and mineral composition, HCN, tannins, phytk acid and the in-vitro protein digestibility of Mucuna utilis seeds were studied. The raw seeds had a
protein content of 35.4%, 7.7% crude fibre, 3.2% ether extract, 5.8% ash and 47.9% carbohydrates on a dry matter basis. The germinated and dehulled seeds had 40.5% crude protein 2.2% crude fibre, 3.4% ether extract, 7.0% ash and 47.0% carbohydrates, while the heat treated seeds had 34.4% crude protein, 11.9% crude fibre, 3.3% ether extract,
9.4% ash and 41.1% carbohydrates. Potassium and iron were the most
abundant minerals while the least were sodium and copper. Germination caused a reduction in the levels of all minerals while heat treatment also caused a reduction in the levels of the minerals but with the exception of
Ca, Mg and Zn. Processing caused a reduction in all the levels of anti- nutritional factors assayed. The in-vitro protein digestibility of the raw seeds was 89.4%; 91.7% for the heat treated seeds and 76.0% for the
germinated seeds.

Keywords: Mucuna utilis seeds, chemical composition

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0331-2062