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Bacteriology of Dried Meat (Kilishi) Hawked in Some Northern Nigerian Cities

A. E. J Okwori
C Obioha
A.O Olabode
N.S Etukudoh
M.D Lugos
A. A Turay
T.K.C Udeani
E Okwori


Bacterial aetiological agents have been implicated in roughly one-third of the food-borne disease outbreaks worldwide. This study is aimed at detecting the presence of bacterial pathogens in dried meat (kilishi) in northern Nigeria. A total of two hundred (200) samples of kilishi from 12 locations were examined bacteriologically. Two hundred and twenty five (225) bacterial strains of different species were obtained from the study areas. The bacterial count was in the excess of 10 x 10-6 cfu/ml. Bacillus species and Staphylococcus aureus had prevalence rates of 44.9% and 40% respectively. Escherichia coli had an occurrence of 5.8% and was only associated with 2 locations from one specific area. Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris had percentage occurrence of 5.3% in 3 locations. Citrobacter freundii was isolated from 5 samples showing a percentage of 2.2%. Salmonella paratyhpi A, Providencia species and Alcagenes species had percentage occurrence of 0.4%, 0.4% and 0.9% respectively. All samples examined had at least one isolate. With the total number of isolates in the study, kilishi has been identified as possible source of food borne disease outbreaks in Nigeria.

Keywords: Bacterial pathogens, dried meat, Bacteriology, Kilishi, Food-borne disease

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print ISSN: 0189-1731