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Evaluation of falciparum parasitemia and urogenital schistosomiasis co-infection on haemoglobin and nutritional status of children and adolescents in riverine communities of southern Taraba State, Nigeria.

R.S. Houmsou
B.E. Wama
H. Agere
J.A. Uniga
T.J. Jerry
P. Azuaga
E.U. Amuta
S.L. Kela


Malaria and urogenital schistosomiasis are parasitic infections usually acquired unknowingly and sometimes cause anaemia and affect the  nutritional status of persons in endemic areas. This study assessed asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum, Schistosoma haematobium and their co-infection status with respect to the association of haemoglobin level and nutritional status in children and adolescents resident at Takum Local Government, a rural suburb of Taraba State, Nigeria. Thick blood films and urine filtration technique were used respectively to determine P. falciparum and S. haematobium species. Haemoglobinometer measured haemoglobin concentration and Body Mass Index determined nutritional status for each participant. The study reported 32.9% (87/264), 28.7% (76/264) and 30.3% (80/264) respectively for asymptomatic malaria, urogenital schistosomiasis and co-infection. Participants in Chanchanji community significantly had the highest asymptomatic P. falciparum infection, 56.4% (22/39) (p=0.003). Sufa and Manya communities respectively had the highest S. haematobium infection, 39.4% (15/38) (χ2= 41.3, p=0.000) and coinfection, 32.1% (12/37) (χ2= 52.45, p=0.000). A negative association was observed between anaemia and co-infection (r = -0.77, p=0.000) as well as between nutritional status and co-infection (r = -0.63, p=0.000). Participants who did not use LLTNs and lived close to water bodies were predisposed to co-infection with adjusted OR=0.003 (%95CI: 0.00 – 0.03; p=0.000). Birama and Manya areas highly predicted participants to co-infection with respective adjusted OR = 13.20 (%95CI: 2.34-74.38; p=0.003) and adjusted OR=57.9, (%95CI: 4.92-681.24, p=0.001). The co-infection predisposed participants to moderate and severe anaemia with respective adjusted OR of 2.198 (%95CI:1.307-3.696, p=0.021) and 1.192 (%95CI:0.355-4.009, p=0.017). Undernutrition was significantly affected with co-infection adjusted OR=3.732 (95%CI:1.003-7.393, p=0.011). Co-infection was significantly associated with anaemia and nutritional status at p≤0.05. It is recommended that the State and NGOs should provide malaria Intermittent Prevention Treatment as well as deworm the children and adolescents in Takum LGA.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1117-4145