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Element characterization of african cuttlefish, Sepia bertheloti from the coastal waters off Qua Iboe River, Nigeria, using energy dispersive x-ray flourescence technique

IO Akpan
D Ama-Abas
EI Obiajunwa
FM Adebiyi


Ten samples of African Cuttlefish, Sepia bertheloti, collected from the coastal waters off Qua Iboe River Nigeria, were analyzed using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) analytical technique to determine their elemental composition. Eleven elements namely, CI, Sr, K, Ca, Br, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, and Se are identified and their relative concentration found. Of these elements, CI, Sr and Ca are present at the highest concentrations of 1.37 2.55 (1.86%), 1.15 - 2.10 (1.64%) and 0.09 - 0.43(0.31%), respectively. This is followed by K, Br. Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni and Se in decreasing order. Result further showed that at a daily consumption rate of 100 g/day, the values of the elements in the sea food are close to the US recommended dietary reference intakes for people of different age groups. These elements are of great nutritional value for proper and healthy growth of humans. The accuracy and precision of the technique were assured by analyzing the BCR reference
materials BCR 185 (bovine liver), and BCR 186 (pig kidney).

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1595-0611