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Complement Levels and Haemate-Biochemical Parameters as Indices of Tryanotolerance in Nigerian Goats Experimentally Infected with Trypanosoma congolense

HA Kumshe
AW Mbaya
EB Otesile
AO Son Ibare
OO Alaka
LA Oladosu


Complement levels and haemato-biochemical parameters in West African Dwarf (WAD) and Borno White (BW) goats experimentally infected with Trypanosoma congolense were investigated.  Parasitaemia was established in both breeds of goats by day 7 post-infection. Peak parasitaemia of 7.5 x 103/µL for WAD goats was attained by day 14 post-infection while, in the BW goats, parasitaemia of 18 x 103/µL was attained by day 19 post-infection. This was characterized by anaemia, leucopoenia, hypocomplementaemia and depletion of C3 level and increased levels of total serum protein and globulin.  There was a significant (p<0.05) decline in packed cell volume (PCV), total haemolytic complement (CH50) values among BW when compared to WAD goats. The perceived relative trypanotolerance of WAD goats when compared to BW goats can be attributed among other things, to higher levels of C3, CH50 units, total proteins and PCV in WAD goats.

Keywords: Trypanosomosis, Trypanotolerance, Complement, Haemato-biochemical parameters, Nigerian goats.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0331-3026