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Determination of Nutritive Value and Mineral Elements of Some Species of Genus Memecylon Linn. from Central Western Ghats

B. Asha
M Krishnappa
R Kenchappa


Five species of Memecylon were investigated for proximate analysis and elemental composition. These species include M. umbellatum M. malabaricum, M. talbotianum, M. wightii and M. lushingtonii. Among the proximates M. wightii showed highest percentage of ash, crude fiber and carbohydrate. M. umbellatum showed high percentage of moisture and crude fat. Crude protein was more in M. malabaricum Nutritive value was highest in M. lushingtonii among all the species. Among the macronutrients Na and K, Ca and Mg P and N were highest in M. malabaricum, M. talbotianum and M. umbellatum respectively. M. umbellatum recorded highest values of Cu and Mn where as M. lushingtonii and M. wightii recorded highest values of Zn and Fe. Among the heavy metals Pb and Cd M. umbellatum recorded highest values of Pb and M. talbotianum recorded highest values of Cd but both the heavy metals are absent in M. malabaricum

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2305-3372
print ISSN: 2226-7522