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Growth performance of Allanblackia floribunda Oliv seedlings in various nursery growth media in Nigeria

B.A. Ekeke


The growth performance of Allanblackia floribunda oliv seedlings in various nursery growth media was studied. Six nursery growth media were prepared in 1:1 ratio as follows: (1) washed river sand +forest topsoil (SdTsST1) (2) Washed river sand +heat sterilized decomposed sawdust (SdSwST1) (3)heat sterilized decomposed sawdust + top forest soil (SwTsST1) (4) Washed river sand + forest topsoil + heat sterilized decomposed sawdust(SdTsSwST1) (5) heat sterilized decomposed sawdust only (SwST1) (6) forest topsoil only (TsST1). Polythene containers (16cm x 14cm) were filled with each of the growth media. One predecoated seedling (ST1) was pricked into each container and there were five seedlings for each growth medium replicated three times. Observation was for 24 weeks. The highest seedling height (6.7cm+0.65cm), diameter at collar (2.53 + 0.5mm), number of leaves (6.0+0.9) and leaf area (54.3 + 4.5cm2) were observed in growth media containing a mixture of washed river sand, forest topsoil and sterilized decomposed sawdust. Growth media containing these three items are recommended as appropriate growth media for Allanblackia floribunda seedlings in the nursery, in Nigeria.

Keywords:  Allanblackia floribunda; seedlings, nursery growth media

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2227-5444
print ISSN: 2225-8612