Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.

Before submitting, please read carefully the following instructions to avoid the desk reject. 


All articles should be original research papers presented with high quality research work and novel scientific findings. The article should be submitted in word documents or PDF files.

Types of articles

Original paper: it presents high quality research work showing important and novel scientific findings. Review paper: It should not be a literature survey.  It should include a deep review and analysis in topics related to WAUJPAS themes with insight about recent research and where it is heading in the future. It is recommended to send a proposal to the editorial board prior to writing the review article for evaluation of its suitability to the journal publication.  

Check list before article submission

The following items should be checked before article submission:

  1. All names of the authors are included in the manuscript

  2. Corresponding author contact address, e- mail, and ORCID no. are provided

  3. Manuscript has an abstract followed by keywords

  4. Tables and figures are titled and in the right place and cited correctly in the text.

  5. Manuscript has been checked for spelling and grammar mistakes.

  6. All references are written properly and cited in the text.

  7. If any photos or other material has been taken from any sources, permission should be taken from these sources.

  8. Competing of interest statement should be provided at end of the manuscript.

  9. Fund resource statement should be provided at end of the manuscript.

  10. Authors contribution statement according to CRediT roles should be provided at end of the manuscript.

    Manuscript Preparation

4.1. Formatting requirements: The manuscript must contain the essential elements such as; Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, Figures and Tables. If the article includes any Supplementary material, it should be included in the initial submission for peer review purposes. The article should be divided into sections.
4.2. Article structure Sections and subsections: the article should be divided into sections and subsections with clearly defined numbers; e.g. 1.1, then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, .. , 1.2, …etc.

4.2. Introduction

It should include the work objective, background, previous work, short literature survey and work contribution.

4.3. Material and methods

Work methodology should be described in a way to allow work to be reproduced by other researchers.

4.4. Results and discussions

Work results should be described clearly and discussed concisely indicating the significance of the work.

4.5. Impacts of the research results on economy, environment and society

4.6. Conclusions

It should describe the meaning of the results, especially in the framework of the subject. It should include general and specific conclusions but not the summary of the article.

4.7. Authorship statement

Authors should have substantial contribution to the research work or research article. The contribution can be classified study conception and design, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation. Writing first draft, revision, approval of final version and agreement for all aspects of the work related to its accuracy or integrity.

4.7.1. Author contributions  

CRediT statement should be presented prior to acknowledgement. It offers authors chance to give accurate details about their contribution to the published work.  It contains: conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, investigation, resources, writing original draft, review and editing, supervision, funding.

4.7.2. Conflicts of Interest

The authors have no relevant financial or nonfinancial interest to disclose.

4.7.3. Data Availability Statement

Authors are encouraged to include their data during submission to be available to other readers and researchers as a 'Data Availability' section in their manuscript, and the authors may refer to data hosted in ANY repository. It should be placed before the references statement example:  All data are available in the manuscript.

4.7.4. Funding source

Authors are requested to identify the funding sources for any financial support to conduct the research work that resulted in the article preparation, specifying its role in any stage of the project: providing data, project design, analyzing and interpretation of data, writing the article and decision to submit the article for publication.If there are no funding sources, it should be stated. This research received no external funding.


References should be consistent. It should contain: author/s names/s, journal title/ book title. IEEE referencing style should be considered (attached a copy).

You can download the journal's article template here.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3006-0877