Published: 2023-05-16

Determinants of adherence to antiretroviral therapy and retention of patients attending comprehensive care clinic at Karatina Sub-County Hospital Nyeri County Kenya

J. Munga, C. Nyagaka, J. Wandera, A. Waithaka, A. Kaloki, V. Maganga, K. Ngure, A. Nyambura, K. Irungu, T. Kahiga, F. Ongecha


Comparing awareness of glaucoma before and after a campaign on glaucoma amongst staff of a District Hospital in Abuja

A.C. Okudo, A.S. Kalambe, S. Zubair, U. Nwachukwu, N. Adeleye, N. Nd Ezuma , E. Anene, A. Dogo, U. Nwekpa, A.M.T. Abubakar


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0012-835X