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Yield, irrigation production efficiency and economic return of broccoli (Brassica oleracea. var. italica) under different irrigation methods and schedules

GKJ Lordwin
Z Tayal
R Abineet


Field experiment was conducted at the Irrigation Research Farm of Allahabad Agricultural Institute, U.P., India, during the winter crop growing season (November to March) of 2005-2006 on clay loam soil in order to evaluate the effect of irrigation methods and irrigation schedules on marketable yield, irrigation oroduction efficiency and economic return of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea. Var. italica). lrrigation was applied when the sum of daily pan evaporation data from United States Weather Bureau (USWB) class- A-open ran reach approximately to predetermined value of 16.3 mm. Irrigation at 150 percent of pan evaporation replenishment resulted in higher flower weight, marketable flower yield · and irrigation production efficiency, and it decreased with increase in irrigation level. The drip irrigation methods resulted in slightly higher marketable yield of primary flowers and irrigation production efficiency as compared with micro-sprinkler methods, whereas surface irrigation methods gave considerably lower yield of primary and secondary flowers and irrigation production efficiency. The irrigation at 150 percent pan evaporation replenishment resulted in higher gross return net return and benefit cost ratio. Micro-sprinkler method resulted in higher gross return, net return and benefit cost ratio followed by drip and surface irrigation methods. The seasonal water applied/irrigation level and marketable yield of Broccoli exhibited a strong quadratic relationship, which in turn can be used for allocating limited water resource within the crop under different irrigation methods. The overall results clearly indicate that the micro-irrigation system is highly economical for Broccoli in this region.

Keywords: Broccoii, Irrigation production efficiency, Drip, Micro-sprinkler.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2312-6019
print ISSN: 1816-3378