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Response of starting turkeys fed malted sorghum sprout-based diets supplemented with higher levels of Roxazyme G® and yeast (Saccharromyces cerevisiae)

F.O. Obadire
S.O. Obadire
I.P. Ige
A.O. Osofowora
C.O Oke
A.O. Oso
V.A. Jegede


A study was conducted to determine the performance characteristics, nutrient digestibility and some blood indices of starting turkeys fed diets containing 100 g/kg Malted Sorghum sprout (MSP) supplemented with varying combinations of enzyme and yeast. A total of 100-day-old, Brit-ish United Turkeys (BUT) were reared for 28 days’ pre-experimental period. At 28d, birds were assigned to 5 dietary treatments. Experimental diets were formulated such that (Diet 1-without MSP, Roxazyme G /enzyme or yeast) and 4 MSP diets were made of a basal diet containing 100 g/kg MSP supplemented with 200 mg/kg Enzyme + 200 mg/kg Yeast (Diet 2), 250 mg/kg Enzyme + 250 mg/kg Yeast (Diet 3), 300 mg/kg Enzyme + 300 mg/kg Yeast (Diet 4), and 350 mg/kg Enzyme + 350 mg/kg Yeast (Diet 5) in (ratio 1:1) respectively. Starter turkeys fed on mixed additives re-gardless of the inclusion level had highest growth parameters. Turkeys fed the diet supplemented with 200 mg/kg E+200 mg/kg Y had the best (p<0.05) feed conversion ratio. All apparent nutrient digestibility parameters measured were significantly (p<0.05) affected except for crude protein, ether extract and acid detergent lignin (ADL). Turkeys fed diets supplemented with 200 mg/kgE+200 mg/kg Y and 350mg/kgE+350 mg/kg Y recorded increased values of the nutrient digesti-bility. All blood parameters measured were significantly (p<0.05) influenced except ALT. Values of PCV Hb, RBC, Glucose, TP, Albumin and Globulins reduced linearly with increasing dosage of enzyme + yeast in the diets. Turkeys fed diet containing a combination of 200 ppm enzyme + yeast obtained higher (p<0.05) values of all the parameters. The AST, Creatinine and uric acid of turkeys fed 350 mg/kg E+350 mg/kg Y was highest for all the parameters. It was concluded that supplementation with equal yeast + enzyme in starter turkey diets containing 100 g/kg regardless of the inclusion level showed improved growth performance, and nutrient utilization and posed no threat to the blood indices. Meanwhile, 200 mg/kg yeast +

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