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Response of durum wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.) to foliar application of micronutrients in salted and calcareous soil

B. Miloudi
A. Masmoudi
M.Ch. Masmoudi


The alkaline nature of arid regions soil usually posses a reduction in solubility and assimilability of micronutrient in soil. A study has been carried out to focus-on the effect of foliar spraying of micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mo) on wheat cultivation-in a saline and calcareous soil. The studied growth parameters are: stem length, yield, weight of1000 seeds and weight of dry matter. According to ANOVA at 5% the following results were obtained: the Zn + Cu 87.67cm, Cu + Mn 83.63cm, Fe + Zn + Cu + Mo 83.53cm treatments exerted the best lengths in succession. For dry matter, the best treatments reported are Zn + Cu + Mo 12396.00Kg/ha, Fe + Mn + Mo  11614.67Kg/ha and Fe + Zn + Cu + Mn11415.67Kg/ha. The results of the weight of 1000 seeds are arranged as follows: Cu + Mo 44.62g was the greatest followed by, Zn + Mo 42.97g, and then by Zn + Cu + Mn + Mo 42.85g. The top ranked treatments in the yield parameter are Fe + Mo 3480.00 Kg/ha, followed by Fe + Zn + Cu + Mn 3451.00 Kg/ha, and then Mn + Mo 3442.20 Kg/ha.

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print ISSN: 1112-9867