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A journey in Megokgo ya lethabo and “Tubatse”

M.J. Mojalefa


When Groenewald (1993a: 20) examined Northern Sotho novels, he realised that certain authors have written about a journey. They have used it in different ways to achieve different aims and objectives. Groenewald is the first to emphasise the importance of a journey when an author to reveal and display his intentions in writing such a work of literary art uses it. This will be examined in full so that the importance of the journey as used as a technique can be realised. In Megokgo ya lethabo, (1992) Lentsoane uses a journey technique to resolve problems brought about by Dikgoneng's marriage. On the other hand, Mahapa (1968) uses the journey technique to contrast modern and traditional ways of living. By so doing, he creates problems because a modern philosophy of life and a traditional attitude to life are two different things.

Ge Groenewald (1993a: 20) a sekaseka dipadi tša Sesotho sa Leboa o lemogile gore go na le bangwadi ba bangwe bao ba ngwadilego ka leeto. Ba diriša leeto ka ditsela tša go fapafapana go fihlelela maikemišetšo le dinepo tša go fapafapana. Groenewald ke wa mathomo wa go gatelela bohlokwa bja leeto ge mongwadi a le diriša go utolla le go tšweletša maikemišetšo a gagwe ka mešomo yeo ya bokgabo. Taba yeo e tla tsinkelwa ka botlalo gore bohlokwa bja leeto bjalo ka ge le dirišitšwe bokathekniki bo tsupollwe. Mo go Megokgo ya lethabo (1992), Lentsoane o diriša thekniki ya leeto go rarolla mathata a go hlagišwa ke lenyalo la Dikgoneng. Ka lehlakoreng le lengwe, Mahapa (1968) yena o diriša thekniki ya leeto go fapantšha bophelo bja sebjalebjale le bja setšo. Ka go dira bjalo, o hlola mathata ka gobane tsela ya selehono ya bophelo le mokgwa wa bogologolo wa bophelo ga di nwešane a mokgako.

Key words: Technique, journey technique, traditional attitude to life, modern philosophy of life

[Jnl for Language Teaching 37(2) 2003: 237-248]

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eISSN: 2958-9320
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