The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Eastern and Central Africa (JOGECA) is a peer reviewed quarterly journal published by Kenya Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (KOGS). It publishes:

1. Original work in all aspects related to obstetrics and gynecology
2. Reviews related to obstetrics and gynecology
3. Case reports related to obstetrics and gynecology

Full articles can be accessed through the society’s website (

Submission of articles

1. Articles are submitted through the society’s email:

2. All correspondences will be through the same email address

3. Submission of manuscripts to more than one journal at the same time is not accepted

4. JOGECA accepts original research papers, reviews, technical notes, short communications, notes from the field, case reports and case series. Editorials are usually invited.

5. The manuscripts submitted should be accompanied with a copy of ethics approval letter except for case reports and review articles

6. For case reports written approval by the patient(s) concerned will be required and must be provided upon the editors’ request.

7. All authors must give signed consent to approve publication upon submission of the manuscript

8. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be given within one month from the date of receipt

9. If a revised version is requested it should be returned to the editor within one month

10.Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by email. Only minor necessary corrections should be made. The corresponding author is expected to respond within 72 hours of receipt

11. Editors reserve the right make editorial corrections

12.Persons wishing to reproduce material from JOGECA must request written permission from the editorial office

13.In case of suspected plagiarism, JOGECA will follow the guidelines outlined by the Committee On Publications Ethics (COPE) found in []


Should adhere to International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) authorship guidelines for study authorship of manuscripts submitted to scientific journals. Authorship credit should be based on:

1. Substantial contributions to conception and design, OR acquisition of data OR analysis and interpretation of data

2. Drafting the article OR revising it critically for important intellectual content 

3. Final approval of the version to be published 

Authors should meet criteria 1, 2 and 3

Preparation of manuscripts

1. Manuscripts should conform to the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals ( and standards defined in the Helsinki Declaration

2. Reporting of findings should follow relevant recommendations as described in CONSORT, STARD, MOOSE, STROBE, PRISMA and STREGA

3. Submit articles in English, Arial font 12, single spaced, margins 1” (normal) and continuous page numbering.

4. Avoid abbreviations, when used describe them in full the first time they are used.

5. The total word count should not exceed:
• 2,500 words for original articles
• 4,500 words for review articles
• 1000 words for technical notes, case reports, short communications and
notes from the field
• 500 words for editorials

6. Number of references should not exceed:
• 30 for original articles
• 70 for review articles
• 10 for technical notes, case reports, short communications and notes from the field
• 5 for editorials

7. The following format should be adhered to

a. Original articles, review articles

Title page should have:
• Manuscript title, names, education qualifications, affiliations and institutions of authors
• Email address and telephone number(optional) of corresponding author
• Five key words for indexing and retrieval
• Running head of not more than (40) characters
• Total word count
• A declaration to the effect that the paper has not been published elsewhere and/or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (except as an abstract or preliminary report)
• Statement on conflict of interest

Abstract: structured abstract not more than 300 words covering Background (or introduction), Objective(s), Methods, Results and Conclusion

Introduction: Should NOT be more than one page (about three paragraphs), clearly describing the problem and justifying the importance of the study, culminating with study objective(s) in the last paragraph. References to other published studies should be made.

Methods: Should be structured as follows:
Study design
Study setting
Study population: give inclusion and exclusion criteria
Data collection and management: tools, variables, procedures Sample size and sampling frame where necessary
Data analysis approach

Results: Only results that answer the objective(s) should be presented in a logical manner. A maximum of 5 tables/figures for original articles and 10 tables/figures for reviews. Descriptions of tables/figures should appear above table/figure. Titles of table and figure titles should be descriptive enough to allow understanding by the reader WITHOUT reading the results section. Tables/figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers. If abbreviations are used in tables/figures, they should be described in full in a legend below the table/figure. Tables and figures should be inserted into the text where they are described.

Discussion: should be in relation to the objective(s), reference to results should be made without re-stating results in totality again. The discussion MUST cover the following:
The main finding(s) of the study
Possible reasons for the finding(s)
How the finding(s) compare with previous studies: reference to other studies with similar findings
Limitations and strengths (value) of the study
The implications of the study: how can the results be generalized or applied) to other settings

Conclusions: Should be short, concise and based only on the results presented

b. Case reports: Abstract, introduction, Case presentation, Discussion and Conclusion.

Acknowledgements: those who have given substantial contributions and do not meet authorship criteria should be acknowledged with their consent.

Funding: all sources of funding support should be declared

References: Vancouver format, numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text in Arabic numbers. References cited more than once should retain the same number. The references at the end of the article should be listed in numerical order.

References to an article: should include the names of the authors, followed by their initials (list all authors when six or fewer, when more than six, list six and add ‘et al’, the full title of the article in its original language, the name of the journal in its usual abbreviated form, year of publication, volume number (issue), first and last page numbers in full: e.g.,

Kosgei RJ, Ndavi PM, Ong'ech JO, Abuya JM, Siika AM, Wools-Kaloustian K, et al. Symptom screen: diagnostic usefulness in detecting pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected pregnant women in Kenya. PHA 2011;1(2): 30-33.

References to book chapter: should include names of the authors as above, the title of the chapter with the word “In” preceding the reference of the work as above e.g.,

Disaia PJ, Creaseman WT. Invasive cancer of the vulva. In: Disci PJ, Creasman WT, Editors, Clinical gynaecology oncology. St Louis. C.V Mosby 1984; 214-219.

Electronic references: should be given only when an original citation is unavailable, html address and date of access should be provided

References of articles accepted for publication: should give the name of article with mention (‘in press’)

Personal communications: should not be included as references 

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1012-8867