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Point of View: Manner of Realising The Matter in Adichie's Half of A Yellow Sun

Chima Igbokwe
Eberechukwu F. Oweregbulam


This study is based on the fact that writers of no mean repute use 'technique' or 'manner' to create meaning or matter. The best form of art is the blending of form and content; means and end; manner and matter. Therefore, the uniqueness of any novelist's product is contingent upon how well or otherwise their peculiar application of fictional technique or manner such as point of view has enhanced the expression of that writer's world view or vision of society. This study aims at examining point of view as a technique or manner available to Adichie in Half of a Yellow Sun, in order to demonstrate how it has helped her to discover meaning or matter. To this end, the concept of point of view or manner as resource for realising matter or meaning has been defined. There is also an x-ray of the effects or matter derived through the proper application of the technique of point of view in the work under review. Finally, a concluding section presents a panoramic view of all that have been discussed.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1813-2227