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Effectiveness of Vitamin C Consumption In Pregnancy On Dexamethasone Induced Low Birth Weight.
experimental model using theAlbino rats. Pregnant Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups of six rats each; group A- vehicle only,
group B- Vitamin C treated (100mg/kg maternal body weight), group C-Dexamethasone treated (bolus dose of 100 micro grams of Dexamethasone/kg maternal body weight on day 13 followed by a daily dose of 200 micro grams/kg maternal body weight from day 14 till
delivery) and group D -Dexamethasone and Vitamin C treated (100mg/kg maternal body weight of Vitamin C from day 7 of pregnancy to term; and on day 13 of pregnancy, were injected with a bolus dose of 100
micro grams/kg maternal body weight of Dexamethasone and subsequently a daily dose of 200 micro grams/kg maternal body weight until term). The weight and size of the litters along with the gestation
period and weight gain during the period of study were recorded.
T h e r e s u l t s s h owe d t h a t t h o u g h Dexamethasone caused low birth weight, Vitamin C had no significant (p>0.05) effect on dexamethasone induced low birth weight, litter size or gestation period.
It was hereby concluded that this was probably due to the inability of Vitamin C to influence the mechanisms by which dexamethasone induces low birth weight.