Journal Aim and Scope
The Journal of the South African Society of Archivists (JSASA) is published annually by the South African Society of Archivists. The journal publishes original articles and book reviews in English on archival science, records, information management and oral history. The purpose of the JSASA is to disseminate research content that support high level learning, teaching, community engagement, research and practice-based experience in archives and records management. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form or be under consideration for publication by another journal. The main focus is on empirical research results, case studies and reports of innovative projects. However, opinion papers and articles of high quality on practical and theoretical aspects will be considered. This journal is especially useful to professionals, academics and students in the archives, heritage, museum and records management fields.
Other websites related to this journal: http://www.saarchivist.co.za/content/publications
Current Issue: Vol. 57 (2024)
Published: 2024-11-27