The African Journal of Environment and Agriculture is a French-language journal (free access) which publishes original and summary articles (four issues per year) concerning all areas related to agriculture and management sustainable environment: plant and animal production, veterinary science, forest science, soil and earth science, rural engineering, environmental science, fisheries and fish farming, bio-industries, agri-food and socio-economics. Articles are accepted for publication on the basis of their scientific value after peer review.

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Published: 2024-07-24

Cartographie des zones à risques d’inondation, cas de la retenue d’eau du barrage de Lom-Pangar (Est-Cameroun)

Mapping of flood risk areas, case of the Lom-Pangar water-retention dam (East Cameroon)

Fulbert Kamga Togue, Alioum Adama Haman, Enow Williams Atem, Anselme Crépin Mama, Clément Etchike Agnem, Narcisse Ngando Ebango, Solange Marlyse Leng, Abdoulaye Yaou Zakary


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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2708-5422
print ISSN: 2708-7743