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A comparison between Acacia and Combretum leaves utilized by giraffe

J.J.C Sauer


Various studies on the food preferences of giraffe indicate that the leaves of the Acacia and Combretum species are the most important food items selected. The present study was aimed at comparingth e chemical compositiono f the leavesa nd explainingt he utilizationo f both these plant groups by giraffe. The protein content of the leaves of the Acacia species is generally higher than in those of the Combretum species and they are therefore a better source of food.

Verskeies tudieso p die voedselvoorkeuer n voedselseleksie van kameelperde het aangetoon dat die belangrikste voedsel die blare van die Acacia en Combrefum species is. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die chemiese samestelling van die blare van hierdie twee plantgroepe en die benutting daarvan deur kameelperde te vergelyk en te verklaar. Die proteTeninhoud van die Acacia species is oor die algemeen ho€r as di6 van die Combretum species en is dus 'n beter bron van voedsevl ir hierdied iere.

Keywords: Food selection, giraffe, leaves,A cacia, Combretum, chemicacl omposition,c rude protein,s ucculence

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2221-4062
print ISSN: 0375-1589