Published: 2013-12-10

Profitability of soil erosion control technologies in eastern Uganda Highlands.

M Barungi, DH Ng’ong’ola, A Edriss, J Mugisha


Nutritional value of commonly consumed desert date tree products

CA Okia, JG Agea, J Kwetegyeka, P Okiror, J Kimondo, Z Teklehaimanot, J Obua


Participatory identification of farmer acceptable improved rice varieties for rain-fed 683 lowland ecologies in Uganda.

D Nanfumba, N Turyahabwe, J Ssebuliba, W Kakuru, J Kaugule, S Omio, M Samuka


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-6589
print ISSN: 1021-9730