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Die geheim van die prediking: om mondig te word

J Cilliers


The secret of preaching: finding your voice on the pulpit

This article contends that preaching is a speech-act in which the voice of the preacher - symbol of his or her personality and spirituality - has an important role to play. It argues that the voice of the preacher is a factor not to be overlooked in the dynamic structure of communication, and should be cultivated in a theologically responsible manner. The function of the voice of the preacher should, however, not be understood as a new, homiletical moralism, but in its relationship to (a) the salvation works of God, (b) the relational integrity of the preacher, (c) the integration of prayer within the framework of the preacher's theology, and (d) a life of virtue before God. The main thrust of the argument is that preaching is constituted simultaneously by a deeply human and profoundly divine activity in the life of the church.

Hierdie artikel gaan uit van die oortuiging dat prediking 'n spraakgebeure is waarin die stem van die prediker - simbool van sy of haar persoonlikheid en spiritualiteit - 'n belangrike rol het om te speel. Die stem van die prediker mag nie misken word in die dinamiese struktuur van kommunikasie nie, en moet inteendeel op 'n teologies verantwoorde wyse gekultiveer word. Hierdie rol van die stem van die prediker mag egter nie verstaan word as 'n nuwe homiletiese moralisme nie, maar in relasie tot (a) die verlossingswerke van God, (b) die verhoudingsintegriteit van die prediker, (c) die integrasie van gebed binne die raamwerk van die prediker se teologie, en (d) die deugdelike bestaan voor God. Die kern van die artikel rus op die veronderstelling dat prediking uit beide 'n waarlik menslike én Goddelike handeling bestaan.

Keywords: Homiletiek, Persoonlikheid, Spiritualiteit, Gebed, Etos, Homiletics, Personality, Sprituality, Prayer, Ethos

Acta Theologica Vol.22(1) 2003: 23-35

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-9089
print ISSN: 1015-8758