Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

Letter G: 31 journals.


Gadaa Journal

Open Access Open Access

Gadaa Journal

Gadaa Journal is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary bilingual journal (online and print version) published biannually by the Institute of Oromoo Studies (IOS) in Jimma University. It is a double blind, peer reviewed, open access, refereed Journal aspiring to have a brand value among the world’s multidisciplinary journals. The journal publishes original, multidisciplinary, scientific (theoretical and empirical) research in all fields of studies focusing on Oromoo and accepts articles that address aspects of the totality of Oromoo life in space and time.

This includes multidisciplinary research works pertinent to, but not limited to, Oromoo language, culture, philosophy, history, folklore, literature, arts, humanities, indigenous life systems and practices, environment, administrative and governance systems, economy, education, and science and technology. The forms of contributions the journal entertains include original research, review articles, book reviews, and short communications. These contributions should pass through the peer review process to be published on the journal.

This journal's own website can be found here.


Gender and Behaviour

Gender and Behaviour

Gender and Behaviour is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to articles, that reflect psychological and behavioural aspects of gender in general. Gender and Behaviour welcomes scholarly manuscripts from authors all over the world on a wide array of subjects concerning psychological and behavioural aspects of gender in general.


Ghana Dental Journal

Open Access

Ghana Dental Journal

The Ghana Dental Journal is the official publication of the Ghana Dental Association (GDA). The Journal publishes scientific papers, reports, research articles, and announcements of interest to Academia, Health Scientists. Articles in the field of dentistry, medical specialties, including basic sciences, paraclinical and clinical sciences, are published. Short or preliminary report on Original research work is also published.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science

Open Access Open Access

Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science

The Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science is a national scientific journal which is published by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana to serve as an outlet for papers concerning West African agriculture and related disciplines.


Ghana Journal of Development Studies

Open Access

Ghana Journal of Development Studies

Ghana Journal of Development Studies (GJDS) is a multi – trans – and an interdisciplinary journal with a development focus. The GJDS publishes works on development policy, programming and projects, whether analytical, evaluative, basic, applicative and/or descriptive. It accepts papers from varied disciplinary areas; including the physical sciences, social sciences and the humanities. Articles must show direct relevance to development. Emphasis is on empirical research that build on and/or ground theory. However, manuscripts of high quality on theoretical aspects of development related disciplines as well as book reviews are considered for publication. The GJDS provides a forum for lecturers, researchers, and development-related professionals to re/present findings on critical research and/or analysis of development issues with emphasis on, but not exclusive to the Ghanaian as well as African settings. The GJDS is a journal of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana. The GJDS is a peer-reviewed journal and indexed on internationally acclaimed scholarly indexing/publishing systems: The International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS), EBSCO and Society of African Journal Editors.


Ghana Journal of Forestry

Ghana Journal of Forestry

The Ghana Journal of Forestry (ISSN 0855-1707) is published by the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. The journal publishes scientific articles concerned with forest management and conservation, and in particular the application of biological, ecological and social knowledge to the management of forests. The scope of the journal includes the global forest ecosystem.
The journal aims to encourage communication between scientists in disparate fields which share a common interest in ecology and natural resources management, and to bridge the gap between research workers and forest managers in the field to the benefit of both.


Ghana Journal of Geography

Open Access Open Access

Ghana Journal of Geography

The Ghana Journal of Geography (GJG) is published by the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana. The Journal publishes the best of original research and scholarship in physical and human geography as well as research from other related disciplines working on issues of spatial relevance. It provides a forum for discussing new issues and ideas of relevance to the developing world.


Ghana Journal of Higher Education

Open Access

The Ghana Journal of Higher Education provides a forum for informed discussion on challenges confronting Higher Education in Ghana, Africa and, beyond.

The Ghana Journal of Higher Education (GJHE) is owned by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), a body responsible for Tertiary Education regulation in Ghana. The journal provides a forum for informed discussion on challenges confronting Higher Education in Ghana, Africa and, beyond.
The journal publishes original papers and reviews all aspects of Higher Education, including, financing, quality, governance and leadership, management, access, gender parity among others.
You can see the journal's website here.


Ghana Journal of Linguistics

Open Access

Ghana Journal of Linguistics

The Ghana Journal of Linguistics is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal appearing twice a year, published by the Linguistics Association of Ghana. Beginning with Volume 2 (2013) it is published in electronic format only, open access, at However print-on-demand copies can be made available on application to Digibooks Ghana Ltd.:
The Editors welcome papers on all aspects of linguistics. Articles submitted should not have been previously published.
The Editors welcome reports on research in progress and brief notices of research findings, as well as news of general interest to linguists.
The Editors also welcome books from authors and publishers for review in the Ghana Journal of Linguistics. They may be sent to Dr. Obadele Kambon, Editor-in-Chief, Ghana Journal of Linguistics, University of Ghana, P. O. Box LG73, Accra, Ghana. Anyone who wishes to review a particular book is invited to contact the editor.
Submissions should be submitted electronically to the Editor-in-Chief, at They should be accompanied by a brief biographical note giving the author’s name in the form it should appear in print, plus current academic or professional position and field of research interest. Please see the Author guidelines for detailed instructions.


Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology

Open Access Open Access

Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology

The Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology (GJRT), formerly Ghana Bulletin of Theology (GBT), is an interdisciplinary and interreligious refereed journal that seeks to serve as a forum for religious studies and to promote the encounter between people of different faith commitments and different perspectives on religion.
Other websites associated with this journal: Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology (


Ghana Journal of Science

Open Access Open Access

Ghana Journal of Science

The GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE is published by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana. It is open to all papers of scientific and technological nature from Ghana and elsewhere, irrespective of the organization to which the authors belong. The topics need not be related to West Africa.


Ghana Journal of Science, Technology and Development

Open Access

Ghana Journal of Science, Technology and Development

The Ghana Journal of Science, Technology and Development is an online double blind peer review journal which publishes scholarly articles in all disciplines of science, technology and development and will normally be published two times in a year. All articles have to be original research, reviews and short communications that have not been published elsewhere or are being considered for publication in other journals. The Ghana Journal of Science, Technology and Development mission is to provide a platform to all scientists, researchers, academicians, and industrialists to share their ideas, knowledge, information and research findings among the people of their fraternity.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Ghana Library Journal

Open Access Open Access

Ghana Library Journal

The Ghana Library Journal is an open-access double-blind peer-reviewed journal intended for librarians, library administrators, information scientists, academics, educators and students from various backgrounds who are interested in all aspects of Librarianship and Information Science that are central to the information profession.


Ghana Medical Journal

Open Access Open Access

Ghana Medical Journal

The Ghana Medical Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the Ghana Medical Association. It was established in 1962 It publishes quality manuscripts in in all aspects of health, health care and the medical sciences. The full text of published articles are available online at this website and at African Journals Online ( AJOL) and PubMed Central ( PMC).
The Ghana Medical Journal is indexed in Medline, African Journals Online (AJOL), African Index Medicus, Scopus, EBSCO
Other websites related to this journal:


Ghana Mining Journal

Open Access

Ghana Mining Journal

The Ghana Mining Journal (GMJ) is a publication which focuses on the exchange of ideas, dissemination of information and promotion of knowledge arising out of research pertinent to the effective and sustainable exploitation of mineral resources in Ghana and elsewhere. Original contributions in the following broad areas are suitable for publication in the Ghana mining journal: Geology and Mineral Exploration, Mining, Quarrying, Geomechanics, Groundwater Studies, Hydrocarbon Development, Mineral Processing, Metallurgy, Material Science, Mineral Management Policies, Mineral Economics, Environmental Aspects, Computer Applications and Mining Education.Other websites associated with this journal:


Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science

Open Access

Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science

About GJAS

The Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science (GJAS) is the official journal of the Ghana Society of Animal Production (GSAP). The journal publishes results of original research and reviews in all aspects of livestock and poultry production, i.e. breeding and genetics, nutrition and forages, physiology, economics and special topics. GJAS readers include stakeholders in research, education, industry and government.
All opinions and articles published in the journal reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the Journal. Submission of a paper implies that it has not been submitted or published elsewhere, and that the authors accept the conditions for publication outlined in the journal. Once accepted for publication, authors transfer copyright of their articles to GSAP unless expressly exempted in writing by the copyright holders. Those wishing to use illustrations or data from the journal in other publications should obtain permission from the publisher, and include a line acknowledging the journal as the source of material.
The first year of journal publication which is the maiden issue was in 2010. The frequency of publication has been two issues per year. We only publish in hard copy and due to the cost involved, we find it difficult to publish smaller number of articles. The last issue was published in 2020 in Ghana in the English Language. All papers are submitted to 3 reviewers for a blind review and the editorial board makes a decision whether to accept or reject the paper when a minimum of two review reports are received on each paper. It takes 4 to 8 weeks for a review to get done. Out of 10 articles, 7 manuscripts are accepted for publication.


Ghanaian Journal of Economics

Open Access Open Access

Ghanaian Journal of Economics

The Ghanaian Journal of Economics (GJE) is an international, peer-reviewed general interest economics and allied social sciences journal dedicated to publishing high-quality, original research. The GJE places emphasis on theoretical, analytical, and empirical articles, with policy relevance for the Ghanaian economy and other regions of the world.

Aims and Scope
The aim of the GJE is to lead a new trajectory of academic and professional research that enlarges the debate on key issues underpinning the Ghanaian economy and similar emerging economies around the world.

You can see this journal's website here.


Global Africa

Open Access Open Access

Global Africa

Global Africa aims to be the echo of the new voices of African research of excellence in the humanities and social sciences. Its objective is to significantly increase the African contribution to global scientific creation, and to arouse critical reflexivity to strengthen the epistemological, theoretical, methodological and ethical foundations of research in the humanities and social sciences (HSS).

Aims and Scope

Global Africa is a pan-African, international journal, dedicated to the expression, dissemination and promotion of excellent research in the humanities and social sciences on the African continent and its diaspora. It welcomes reflections on global issues and their challenges apprehended from Africa and its diasporas to show how the transformations of the world are played out from the continent.
​Led by Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis (UGB) through its Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Social Sciences (LASPAD) in partnership with a consortium of thirteen pan-African, African and European research institutions, the journal aims to contribute to contemporary debates both within and beyond the academic sphere, in which African issues intersect with global issues. It is particularly interested in current and future transitions, whether economic, energy, demographic, digital, health, ecological, technological, urban, based on multi/interdisciplinary approaches.
​​Global Africa Publishes regular and thematic issues four times a year including expert viewpoints on current event and book recensions.
​​The journal is distributed with articles in HTML and PDF formats. The entire editorial process of the journal is subject to compliance with its Ethical Charter. Each participant in the process (editors, authors, reviewers, translators) is deemed to be aware of it and is required to comply.

You can see this journal's own website here.


Global Approaches to Extension Practice: A Journal of Agricultural Extension

Global Approaches to Extension Practice: A Journal of Agricultural Extension

Global Approaches to Extension Practice (GAEP), A publication of the Department of Agricultural Extension, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria is an international journal which considers articles from all areas of Agricultural Extension: rural sociology, environmental extension, extension communication technology, community and rural development, programme planning, extension administration, indigenous knowledge practices, extension education, livestock extension, Women- In-Agriculture, home economics extension, and other relevant extension related issues.


Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Agricultural Sciences including Animal Production, Fisheries, Agronomy, Processing and Agricultural Mechanization. Related topics in Biological Sciences will also be considered.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:


Global Journal of Community Medicine

Open Access

Global Journal of Community Medicine

Global Journal of Community Medicine is aimed at promoting research in all areas of community or public health. It addresses issues of primary and tertiary health care. It deals with problems and solutions of health problems at the grassroots and daily livings.Visit the Global Journal Series website here:


Global Journal of Educational Research

Open Access

Global Journal of Educational Research

Global Journal of Education Research is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Education including curriculum development, educational technology, foundation, administration etc.

Visit the Global Journal Series website here:


Global Journal of Engineering Research

Open Access

Global Journal of Engineering Research

The Global Journal of Engineering Research is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Engineering Research including Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Chemical, Electronics, Geological etc Visit the Global Journal Series website here: 


Global Journal of Environmental Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Environmental Sciences

Global Journal of Environmental Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Environmental Sciences including waste management, pollution control, and remediation of hazards. The journal is published twice a year.Visit the Global Journal Series website here: 


Global Journal of Geological Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Geological Sciences

Global Journal of Geological Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Geological Sciences including geochemistry, geophysics, engineering geology, hydrogeology, petrology, mineralogy, geochronology, tectonics, mining, structural geology, marine  geology, space science etc. 
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:


Global Journal of Humanities

Open Access

Global Journal of Humanities

Global Journal of Humanities is aimed at promoting reasearch in all areas of Humanities including philosophy, languages, linguistics, literature, history, fine/applied arts, theater arts, architecture, etc.Visit the Global Journal Series website here: 


Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences

Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences publishes research work in all areas of mathematical sciences and application at all levels including, but not limited to basic research leading to development of new theories, techniques and application to science, industry and society. The journal aims to promote the exchange of information and ideas between all classes of mathematicians and /or the rest of society. Visit the Global Journal Series website here: 


Global Journal of Medical Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Medical Sciences

The Global Journal of Medical Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Medical endeavour and health care from Basic Science to Evidence Based Clinical Management.This Journal is also available online here: 


Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences is a multi-disciplinary specialist journal aimed at promoting research in Biological Science, Agricultural Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Medicine.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Articles are indexed on Chemical Abstracts(USA), CAB Abstract, African Geology, Zoological Records, African Journal Online (AJOL), Google Scholar, EBSCO and Proquest


Global Journal of Social Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Social Sciences

Global Journal of Social Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Sociology, Anthropology, Management Sciences, Geography, Regional Planning etc.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:


Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences

Open Access

Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences

Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences (GIJMSS) is a biannual (October and April) academic journal, which welcomes contribution from the diverse fields of Management and Social Sciences. The mission is to publish high quality papers from all over the world and make GIJMSS a high ranked journal.

GIJMSS adheres to a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy and all submissions are evaluated initially by the Editorial Board and only those papers that meet the specific and editorial standard of the journal, and fits within its aims and scopes will be subjected to blind review. The Editorial Board reserves the right to modify part of the papers adjudged acceptable for publication.
You can view the journal's own website here.