Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

Letter R: 33 journals.


Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

Open Access Open Access

Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

The Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management is a biannual open access scholarly journal. All the articles published in the journal are double blind peer reviewed by eminent information and knowledge management scholars. The journal provides a credible, safe and trustworthy platform for information and knowledge management professionals, researchers and scholars in Africa and beyond to engage, share and learn through the publishing of quality scholarly materials online.
This is a biannual open access scholarly journal. All the articles published in the journal are double blind peer reviewed by eminent information and knowledge management scholars. One print special edition is published annually. This edition publishes the most popular articles of the year.
To be the preferred academic journal on information and knowledge management in Africa
To provide a credible, authoritative and trustworthy platform for information and knowledge management professionals and scholars in Africa and beyond to engage, share and learn through the publishing of quality scholarly materials


Regional Maritime University Journal

Regional Maritime University Journal

The Regional Maritime University Journal has as its scope topics relating to the maritime industry, including but not limited to the following:

  • Maritime education and training

  • Maritime technology

  • Maritime administration

  • Maritime environmental and ocean management

  • Port and shipping administration

  • Maritime transport and logistics

  • Maritime policy and practices

  • Maritime safety and security

  • Engineering

  • Information Communication Technology

  • Oil and gas

  • Multimodal transport administration and management

  • Technological, organisational, sociological, economic, etc. issues related to the maritime and allied industry


Research in Hospitality Management

Open Access Open Access

Research in Hospitality Management

Research in Hospitality Management (RHM) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles that make an original contribution to the
understanding of hospitality and to the theory and practice of international hospitality management.The journal focusses on three main areas:(1) “Hospitality (Management) Studies” includes articles related to the study of andthe study for hospitality. The study of hospitality refers to studies about the essence and ethics of hospitality from a social sciencesperspective, while the study for hospitality refers to a more disciplinary approach according to the quintessential managerial areas of Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Marketing & Sales, and Technology;(2) “Hospitality Management Education” is devoted to articles about curriculum content and delivery methods for training and educating hospitality managers. Considering the size and scope of the hospitality industry, and the number of staff and students involved, studies on efficient, effective, and innovative ways of developing hospitality competencies are considered indispensable; (3) “Student Research Projects” allows excellent student work to be published. Student work can relate to excellent BA dissertations or MA theses.RHM also accommodates short communications, working papers, book reviews, and discussion papers.More information for this journal can be found here


Research Journal of Business and Finance

Open Access

Research Journal of Business and Finance

The Research Journal of Business and Finance is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Research Journal in Business and Finance welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Research Journal in Business and Finance engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can see this journal's website here.


Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies

Open Access

Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies

The Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies is a high-quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serving society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation research work. Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual frameworks from researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students from all over the world. Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can see this journal's website here.


Research Journal of Health Sciences

Open Access

Research Journal of Health Sciences

The Research Journal of Health Sciences is dedicated to promoting high quality research work in the field of health and related biological sciences. It aligns with the mission of the Osun State University, which is “to create a unique institution, committed to the pursuit of academic innovation, skills-based training and a tradition of excellence in teaching, research and community service”. The Journal acts as a medium of improving the quality of health care and medical education particularly in the context of developing countries with limited resources.
The Research Journal of Health Sciences aim to make a substantial contribution towards providing high quality publications in health sciences and related biological sciences. It publishes manuscripts from basic and clinical sciences that have not been submitted for publication/or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Journal ensures a rigorous review process.
Research Journal of Health Sciences journal is a peer reviewed, Open Access journal. The Journal subscribed to terms and conditions of Open Access publication. Articles are distributed under the terms of Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). ( All articles are made freely accessible for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.


Research Review of the Institute of African Studies

Research Review of the Institute of African Studies

Please note: As of 2013 the Research Review of the Institute of African Studies is now publishing under the title Contemporary Journal of African Studies. You can view the CJAS pages on AJOL here: Research Review of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana is a peer-reviewed inter-disciplinary scholarly journal of the humanities and social sciences in Africa, appearing twice a year.Other websites related to this journal:


Review of Southern African Studies

Review of Southern African Studies

Review of Southern African Studies is a multidisciplinary journal of Arts, Social and Behavioural Sciences.


Revista Academicus: Revista multidisciplinar

Open Access Open Access

Revista Academicus: Revista multidisciplinar

The Academicus Magazine (ISSN / ISSN-L: 3005-3633) is an online multidisciplinary magazine with double-blind review that makes its content available free of charge in Open Access format, with the aim of providing its target audience with greater global democratization of knowledge.
The magazine encourages scientific production in all areas of knowledge in its most varied aspects in accordance with national and international standards aimed at various intellectual and educational activities.

You can see this journal's website here.


Revista Angolana de Ciências

Open Access Open Access

Revista Angolana de Ciências

Focus and Scope
The Revista Angolana de Ciências began as a property of the Multidisciplinary Association for Scientific Research , Angola, today, as a result of a cooperation protocol signed between the Association and the Universidade Rainha Njinga a Mbande , has become a cooperative journal between the two institutions. This journal is refereed and multidisciplinary in nature; is intended for the dissemination of unpublished scientific research results (scientific articles, essays, experience reports, scientific notes, technical notes and unpublished bibliographic reviews), covering the areas of Education, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Engineering and others. The objective of this magazine is to stimulate reflection and scientific debate at the level of the province of Huambo, Angola and abroad. Revista Angolana de Ciências at first published every six months, in the months of June (January-June) and December (July-December). As of January 2022, it will opt for the continuous flow publication mode. This journal uses the OAI-PMH data providerRAC  has published unpublished works since 2019, in Portuguese, Spanish and English and is maintained with its own funds resulting from the quota of members of the Multidisciplinary Association for Scientific Research, and Queen Njinga University of Mbande, publishing institutions.


Revista Angolana de Ciências da Saúde

Open Access

Revista Angolana de Ciências da Saúde

The ANGOLAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES / REVISTA ANGOLANA DE CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE, under ISSNs (Online: 2789-2832 and Print: 2789-2824), also represented by the acronym RACSaúde, whose abbreviation is Rev. Ang. de Ciênc. da Saúde / Ang. Journ. of Health Scienc., is a peer-reviewed angolan research journal, edited by a Multidisciplinary Team of Health Professionals, Professors and National Researchers, aiming to attribute easy access to scientific production and give visibility to research of the highest quality (in Portuguese, English and eventually Spanish) help them to make better decisions in the exercise of their profession.
You can view the journal's website here.


Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture

Open Access

Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture

The African Journal of Environment and Agriculture is a French-language journal (free access) which publishes original and summary articles (four issues per year) concerning all areas related to agriculture and management sustainable environment: plant and animal production, veterinary science, forest science, soil and earth science, rural engineering, environmental science, fisheries and fish farming, bio-industries, agri-food and socio-economics. Articles are accepted for publication on the basis of their scientific value after peer review.
You can view this journal's website here


Revue Africaine de Chirurgie et Spécialités

Revue Africaine de Chirurgie et Spécialités

The Revue Africaine de Chirurgie et Spécialités/African Surgery and Specialities Review has as ambition to become a sub-regional, regional and even international journal, publishing original articles, clarifications, clinical facts and technical notes related to surgery, surgical specialities and anesthesia-reanimation. It also publishes summary accounts of the congress of the Cameroon Association of Surgeons and any other African learned society dealing with surgery or surgical specialities which provide sponsorship and submit its proceedings for publication in the review.


Revue Africaine des Sciences Sociales et de la Sante Publique

Open Access

Revue Africaine des Sciences Sociales et de la Sante Publique

Created in January 2010 by a multidisciplinary team of African and European Sociologists, Anthropologists, Doctors, Pharmacists, Psychologists and Psychoanalysts, the RASP is a Pan-African open-access journal.
RASP is an open-access journal, which means all its content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author as long as they cite the source. Since January 2018, the RASP has been published by Bamako Institute for Research and Development Studies Press.

Aims and Scope
RASP aims to create a fund of valuable documentation in public health, social sciences and humanities for students, teachers, policy makers and researchers who find support for disseminating their work in French or English. RASP is an open-access journal, which means all its content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author as long as they cite the source. Since January 2018, the RASP has been published by Bamako Institute for Research and Development Studies Press.

You can view this journal's website here.


Revue algérienne des lettres

Open Access Open Access

Revue algérienne des lettres

The Revue algerienne des lettres is an international journal whose evaluation is done in double blind by peers. It is free and open access. It is published by the University of Ain Temouchent - Algeria. Its languages ​​of writing and publication are French, English and, as of 2024, Spanish. The fields of interest of RAL are literature, didactics of FLE, language sciences, arts & letters and translation. RAL is a journal that publishes thematic issues, and occasionally, miscellaneous issues as well as special issues. RAL welcomes original and unpublished articles; it does not publish conference proceedings.
Aims and Scope
The main objective of the journal is to actively contribute to the dissemination of original articles that add value to research in the fields covered by the journal. The journal aims to encourage researchers from all countries as well as doctoral students to publish their research and make it accessible to the entire international scientific community.
You can see this journal's own website here.


Revue Burkinabè de droit

Revue Burkinabè de droit

la RBD se compose de trois parties : doctrine - jurisprudence - chronique de législation. La partie doctrine comprend des articles de droit de burkinabè, écrits essentiellement par les enseignants de l'UFR/Sciences Juridiques et Politiques. La partie jurisprudence comprend une sélection des décisions et arrêts des juridictions burkinabé. Certaines de ces décisions et arrêts font l'objet de commentaires par les enseignants. Enfin la partie chronique de législation donne la législation et la réglementation qui ont été prises sur un semestre donné. Outre donc le fait que notre revue est animée par les enseignants et praticiens de droit, elle dispose d'une organisation composée d'un comité de direction, d'un comité scientifique et d'un comité de rédaction.


Revue Congolaise des Sciences et Technologies

Open Access

Revue Congolaise des Sciences et Technologies

La Revue Congolaise des Sciences et Technologies a pour objectif de rassembler, pour le monde scientifique, les résultats de recherche des différentes Institutions d’Enseignement Supérieur, Universitaire et des Centres de Recherche publics et privés disséminés à travers la République Démocratique du Congo, mais aussi à travers le monde. Elle est donc une plateforme d’échanges scientifiques pour les chercheurs du monde entier. Elle a un caractère multidisciplinaire et fait appel à tous les chercheurs pour contribuer au développement durable de l’humanité en général et de la République Démocratique du Congo en particulier. Cette Revue constitue pour des générations futures des bases de références pour le progrès et l’avancement de la science. À travers cette Revue, le Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique et Innovation Technologique de la République Démocratique du Congo veut donner une visibilité aux activités de la Recherche et un élan à l’effort des chercheurs dans la recherche des voies et moyens du développement et de la modernité.

La Revue Congolaise des Sciences et Technologies offre un forum aux chercheurs et aux
praticiens de toutes les sphères des sciences et technologies pour publier les résultats de leurs recherches.
C’est une revue en libre accès, spécialisée, évaluée par des experts nationaux et
internationaux et interdisciplinaire. Elle est dédiée à la recherche et au développement dans les domaines de :
– L’innovation,
– L’ingénierie,
– La science et la technologie.

La revue est trimestrielle et bilingue (français et anglais).

Vous pouvez consulter le site Web de cette revue ici.


Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines et Sociales

Open Access Open Access

Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines et Sociales

The Congolese Review of Human and Social Sciences (RECOSH) is an international, multidisciplinary scientific journal, published every six months by the Center for Research in Human Sciences (CRESH) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It is open to academic and research circles around the world and allows the publication in French (sometimes in English) of high-quality original scientific articles, conference proceedings, and communications at national and international conferences. Any publication is accepted on the basis of its added value in the field concerned, after double-blind evaluation by at least two experts on the issue addressed, and validation by the editorial committee.

La Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (RECOSH) est une revue scientifique internationale, multidisciplinaire, éditée semestriellement par le Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRESH) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Elle est ouverte aux milieux académiques et de recherche du monde entier et permet de publier des articles scientifiques originaux de grande qualité, des actes de colloques, des communications à l’occasion des congrès nationaux et internationaux. Toute publication est acceptée sur la base de sa valeur ajoutée dans le domaine concerné et ce, après évaluation, en double aveugle, par au moins deux experts de la question abordée, et validation par le comité éditorial. La langue de publication est le français, toutefois, les articles en anglais sont accueillis.
You can view this journal's website here.


Revue d'Information Scientifique et Technique

Revue d'Information Scientifique et Technique

The review aims at publishing research papers on any topic related to information processing at the digital age  which includes but is not limited to: digital Libraries, Digital Humanities and Heritage, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Web Technologies, Linked Data, Databases, big data, Machine Learning, deep learning, computer vision, ... and other issues related to information access, ethics and privacy.
Publication language is English but the review welcomes papers in Arabic language from native Arabic speakers.


Revue de l’Environnement et de la Biodiversité-Programme d’Appui Stratégique à la Recherche Scientifique (REB-PASRES)

Open Access Open Access

Revue de l’Environnement et de la Biodiversité-Programme d’Appui Stratégique à la Recherche Scientifique (REB-PASRES)

The journal aims to serve ecologists and environmental scientists, decision-makers and all of those who are interested in the preservation of ecosystems and their biodiversity. REB-PASRES publishes French and English-language original articles in the following fields: Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Sustainable management and Quality of natural resources and ecosystems, Environment and Anthropogenic pressure interactions.
You can visit this journal's website here.


Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie

Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie

La Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie is a semestrial publication of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Douala. It is destined to the university scientific community, physicians and other researchers in all countries who wish to make known the results of their research. It publishes original articles; case reports; editorials; seminar and congress reports in relation to human health


Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing

Open Access Open Access

Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing

REMAREM is a FREE ACCESS "Open Access" magazine of a managerial nature, whose vocation is at the same time Moroccan, African and international. It aims to publish original articles, which are in the field of theoretical or empirical research and which aim to advance knowledge in the field of management sciences. It is intended particularly for marketing and management professionals wishing to learn about the very latest methods and to take a step back from practices. The published articles deal with concepts and methods useful for marketing and managerial decision-making, as well as related issues and strategies (innovation, communication, internationalization, distribution, etc.).
Other websites associated with this journal:


Rural Planning Journal

Open Access Open Access

Rural Planning Journal

The Rural Planning Journal (RPJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes cutting-edge research of interest relating to rural development planning. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, and conceptual

Aims and Scope
Thematic areas of interest include Rural Development; Poverty Reduction; Development Planning and Management; Economic and Investment Planning; Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition; Environment, Climate Change and Energy; Population and Development; and, Cross-Cutting Issues. Specific focus areas include public policies, social services, agriculture, regional planning, public health, development finance, environment, gender, governance, business and entrepreneurship, and natural resources management.

Currently, the Journal publishes articles twice a year in June and December.

You can view this journal's website here.


Rwanda Journal

Open Access

Rwanda Journal

The individual series of this journal are currently being separated into individual journals on AJOL. 
The journal publishes original works on both fundamental and applied research. Such works either demonstrate a significant new discovery or other contribution that has been established to fairly rigorous scientific standards. The Journal will publish articles written in standard British English. However, articles on a specific subject matter will be published in the language of the subject matter and will contain an abstract in British English.The Journal publishes under a different subject category in each volume, for example:Rwanda Journal, Series A: Arts and humanitiesRwanda Journal, Series B: Social SciencesRwanda Journal, Series C: Mathematical Sciences, Engineering and Technology and Rwanda Journal, Series D: Life and Natural Sciences have merged to form the Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment and can be found here: Journal, Series E: Agricultural Sciences - This series is now a separate journal on AJOL and can be found here: Journal, Series F: Medicine and Health Sciences - This Journal has merged with the Rwanda Journal of Health Sciences and can be found here: Journal, Series G: LawRwanda Journal, Series H: Economics and ManagementSeries A, B, G and H have merged to form the Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business and can be found here:


Rwanda Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

The RJEAS  publishes  information about advances and their applications in making better use of the Rwandan and regional end environment  in  the fields  of Agricultural  Sciences,  Environmental  Sciences, Veterinary  Medicine,  Animal  and  Crop  Sciences,  Forestry,  Agricultural   mechanization,   Food science and Nutrition,  Agricultural Economics, Aquaculture and fisheries. Articles describing application   of  mathematical   modeling,   ICT,  genomics,   climate   change,   informatics,   remote sensing  and geographic  information  systems in agriculture  and environment but not limited to,  are highly  welcome. RJAS is meant to be national, regional and international both in the source of articles and its readership.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment

Open Access Open Access

Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment

The Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment (RJESTE) is a peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually by the University of Rwanda - College of Science and Technology. The journal aims at publishing original research articles, review articles, and selected conference articles on the latest developments in the fields of engineering, science, technology, environment and related. The publications should either demonstrate a significant new discovery or other contribution that has been established to fairly rigorous scientific standards. The Journal will publish articles written in standard British English.


Rwanda Journal of Health Sciences

Open Access

Rwanda Journal of Health Sciences

This Journal has merged with the Rwanda Journal: Series F: Medicine and Health Sciences and can be found here: Rwanda Journal of Health Sciences, a publication of Kigali Health Institute, publishes original research, short communications, and review articles on current topics of special interest and relevance in various health related fields including public health, allied health sciences, nursing, environmental health, nutrition, health policy and planning for wider sharing of results.


Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences

Open Access Open Access

Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences

The Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences is a peer reviewed journal published three times a year and is a continuation of the former Rwanda Journal Series F: Medicine and Health Sciences since January 2018. It publishes topics relevant to various health related fields including but not limited to medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, public health, nutrition, health management and policy, and other health sciences. The Journal accepts quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies, each evaluated for their scientific rigor and validity. The following types of manuscripts will be considered for publication in the journal: original research, review articles, short communications, letters to the editor, perspective articles, lessons from the field, editorials, and case reports.  Each of these is further elaborated below. The journal may publish supplements of conference proceedings or special editions. 
As of October 2023 the journal is now indexed in SCOPUS, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and African Index Medicus (AIM).


Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business

Open Access Open Access

Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business

The main objective of the Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business (RJSHB) is to disseminate scientific knowledge and generate debate in an interdisciplinary context, linking the different areas of social sciences such as anthropology, political science, history, philosophy, Sociology, Social Work, Education, Human Resources, Administration, Gender Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Psychology, Development Studies, Geography, journalism and communication, Fine and Performing art, Language and Linguistics, information studies, Religion, all areas of law, Management and Business Studies, economy and related fields.
RJSHB is focused on the analysis of societies, on the study of social problems, and on guidelines needed to overcome them. Thus, it is contributing to a qualitative and social transformation. This will help to the societies' development with a rigorous scientific basis, internationally proved.
With this approach, the journal also aims to reflect the outcomes of the major global research in social sciences, humanities and business; RJSHB pretends to achieve critical and scientific debate based on evidences that contribute to the theoretical and empirical knowledge.


Rwanda Law Journal

Open Access Open Access

Rwanda Law Journal

Rwanda Law Journal is a platform for legal professionals that covers legal topics, including legal theory, case law, legislation, and emerging legal trends.

Aims and Scope
The aim of Rwanda Law Journal is to offer critical analysis of Rwandan law and practice, or a comparative analysis of Rwandan law with other laws from other jurisdictions with the ultimate objective to improve on the Law and the practice of Law in Rwanda and beyond.

You can view this journal's own website here.


Rwanda Medical Journal

Open Access Open Access

Rwanda Medical Journal

The Rwanda Medical Journal aims at offering in-depth analysis of health-related issues from a Professional and research-centered perspective. In this light, the journal will address fundamental concerns and dilemmas encountered in the health sector in Rwanda, acknowledging the multi-faceted nature of problems and solutions. It should reflect agreements and differences in goals and point of view among health professionals in order to foster communication and cooperation, new thinking and action, and new form of consensus.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Rwanda Public Health Bulletin

Open Access Open Access

Rwanda Public Health Bulletin

Rwanda Public Health Bulletin (RPHB) is an open-access and peer-reviewed bulletin published by the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC). Its mission is to serve as a knowledge-sharing platform for national and international public health scientific information. Content published under RPHB will be used to control and address potential public health outbreak threats and strengthen health systems through real-time information availability. This will allow more effective communication between policymakers, researchers, and health practitioners.

To bridge the gap in public health information sharing between policy-makers, researchers, health professionals, and practitioners.

To serve as a scientific information dissemination platform of national and international significance, mainly in areas related to the Rwanda Ministry of Health’s essential mission to strengthen national and local health systems and improve the health of the people of Rwanda. The Rwanda Public Health Bulletin (RPHB) publishes disease surveillance summaries, public health response guidelines, public health notices, case reports, outbreak reports, original research papers, and policy briefs, among others. It generally features issues of importance to its targeted audience, which are health professionals, academic researchers, policymakers, and anybody interested in health issues. Articles for publication are received from doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, students, policymakers, government bodies, non-governmental bodies, and others.
You can see this journal's website here.


Rwandan Journal of Education

Open Access Open Access

Rwandan Journal of Education

The Rwandan Journal of Education (RJE) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, and annual journal dedicated to education. Its primary goal is to publish and advance knowledge and research in the field of education. The Journal is based at the University of Rwanda – College of Education and it publishes articles that critically explore research and theoretical issues, as well as innovations that inform education policy, planning and practice.
RJE encourages submission of original and unpublished manuscripts on pertinent educational issues that will stimulate and/or enrich discussion forums on improving quality in all aspects of education including teaching and learning processes, programs, governance, management and others.
Other websites associated with this journal: