Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

Letter N: 78 journals.


Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Open Access

Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is a leading multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal, publishing research across the breadth of the arts and humanities. Part of Royallite Global, the journal has a mission to make research and knowledge accessible to all – authors therefore benefit from high visibility and readership for their work. The journal’s broad scope allows researchers to explore interconnected subject areas.
The journal operates under the expert guidance of a team of Senior Editors, supported by an international Editorial Board. Each submission is evaluated on its own scholarly merit and research integrity, and our expert academic editors take an objective and constructive approach to peer review. Article-level metrics let the research speak for itself.
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences considers original research and review articles in the following sections and broad topical areas:
Culture, Media & Film
Explores the ever-expanding fields of communications, media and film within the spheres of culture and their historical contexts. The section welcomes cross-disciplinary perspectives and those which address critical theory.
Cultural Heritage
Publishes work spanning the full range of cultural heritage research; inclusive of archaeology, anthropology, (including museum, heritage and conservation studies) and the connections and subdisciplines in-between and adjacent. Submissions of research and reviews are encouraged that explore diverse chronological contexts, global and local perspectives, and theoretical and methodological approaches.
Digital Humanities
Explores the potential impact of information technology and digital media on research communities. Digital technology has fundamentally changed the way humanities researchers conduct studies and engage with the world. It is now common for scholars to share research online with an increasingly global audience, yet wider resources and policies continue to animate and inform much of digital humanities research.
Covers the full breadth of historical research, ranging from social, economic and political, to cultural and international fields of history. The section’s broad chronological scope and geographical coverage enables researchers to explore multidisciplinary approaches and perspectives to their research.
Literature, Linguistics & Criticism
Publishes work spanning the full range of literature research, critical analysis and linguistics. National and international perspectives are welcome, and the section aims to attract research and reviews informed by multiple theoretical approaches and encourages cross-disciplinary connections, including cultural studies, politics, sociology and other humanities disciplines.
Philosophy & Religion
Aspires to cover the full diversity of these fields of research and its traditions. Interdisciplinary research that seeks literary, critical, conceptual, and historical approaches to religion are encouraged. We welcome Western and Eastern philosophy approaches, including: continental philosophy, pluralism, analytic philosophy, history of philosophy, ethics and critical theory.
Visual & Performing Arts
Publishes broad research across the visual and performing arts and texts. We encourage submissions that explore any form of performance studies and theories, in context within their wider interdisciplinary cultural and sociological contexts. Research fields include: contemporary arts, exhibitions, music, dance, critical theory, technology and theatre studies.
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Promotes critical reflection and international scholarship through exploring trends in crime control and the comparative organization and operation of criminal justice systems. We encourage work that looks at how key sociological constructs such as age, class, gender and race and ethnicity interact with definitions of criminality and the contemporary management of crime.
Providing a forum for international and interdisciplinary approaches to geography research. Topics covered may include urban, rural, regional, cultural, human, political, population and environmental geographies, and geographies of social well-being.
Leisure & Tourism
Provides an international platform for the publication of empirical and theoretical-based research findings in all areas of leisure and tourism. The section particularly welcomes both multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, and work with applications to other areas of the journal, and the wider Cogent Series.
Media & Communication Studies
Offering an international forum for all work covering the media and new media technologies. The section invites a broad range of topics from the philosophy of communication to strategic communication, and digital cultures to journalism studies.
Politics & International Relations
Publishing contemporary scholarship across all subfields of political science, including political theory, comparative politics, international relations and political methodology. The section welcomes diverse methodologies and various approaches, from positivism to rational choice theory, and structuralism to institutionalism.
Embodying a global perspective, this section encourages work which advances the theoretical understanding of sociological topics. Submissions may report findings using both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Focusing on wide-ranging and multidisciplinary research, discussion and analysis on contemporary sport issues. Topics may include the history, sociology, and psychology of sport, as well as sports administration and management.
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences considers original academic articles, review articles and critical essays in any of the following fields of the arts and humanities:
- Archaeology
- Conservation Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Cultural Anthropology
- Film Studies
- Heritage Studies
- History
- Linguistics
- Literature & Criticism
- Media Studies
- Museum Studies
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Visual & Performing Arts
- Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Environmental Studies
- Geography
- International Relations
- Law
- Media & Communication Studies
- Planning
- Politics
- Social Anthropology
- Sociology
- Sport
- Leisure and Tourism

Other websites associated with this platform:


Nano Plus: Science and Technology of Nanomaterials

Open Access

Nano Plus: Science and Technology of Nanomaterials is a bimonthly Open Access Journal published by Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Nanotechnology Research Group (NANO+). The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, review articles and short communications in all areas of nanotechnology. In addition, the journal provides a platform where rigorously reviewed conference and symposia proceedings are published. Nano Plus places high premium on the quality of articles it publishes while ensuring processing and publication times are completed within reasonable times. Articles are published rapidly after acceptance.

Aims and Scope
Nano Plus welcomes articles from nanotechnologists working in industry, universities and research organizations focusing on synthesis/processing, characterization and applications of all kinds of nanomaterials. The scope is not limited to the following areas and applications of nanotechnology: nanobiotechnology, nanocomposites, surface coating, packaging, nanotoxicology, nanoenzymes, nanobiosensors, nanomachines, nanomedicine, nanoagriculture and agro-allied industries, renewable energy, built environment, transportation, climate change, waste treatment, recycling, policy development and bioprocesses.

You can see this journal's own website here.


New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy

Open Access Open Access

New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy

NEW AGENDA is an open access, Diamond status, peer-reviewed journal that is accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). The journal’s focus encompasses South African, African and international developments in social and economic research and policy. We aim to provide high-quality pertinent information and analysis for people in government, academia and civil society. and New Agenda aims to bring solid, policy-relevant research to the public in an accessible and intelligible form. We are dedicated to promoting democratic participation in economic, social and political life. Relevant unsolicited articles or queries are welcome.

New Agenda is the flagship journal of the Institute for African Alternatives.

Other websites associated with this journal: and
To submit an article to New Agenda for consideration by the editorial collective please register on our digital portal at and click on 'Make a Submission'.


New Egyptian Journal of Microbiology

New Egyptian Journal of Microbiology

The journal welcomes papers focusing on microbiological and/or immunological studies from medical or pharmaceutical perspectives.
Research pieces on bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, algae, spores, immunity, immune systems, health and pharmaceutical applications are highly relevant


NG Journal of Social Development

Open Access

NG Journal of Social Development

The NG-Journal of Social Development is one of the open access International Journals, in the area of development studies, social studies, arts, humanities, social policy, education policy, history, anthropology, management since its foundation in 2003. It started first as a print journal before it started publishing online in 2014. It has published many seminal articles, academic debates, and well researched scholarly papers bordering on the scope. Priority is given to papers which are relevant to important current issues, cutting edge and stimulating research outputs both contextual, theory and analysis. The journal has made novel and significant contributions to the field of development studies.

We invite articles that are interdisciplinary or focused on particular disciplines like public administration, political science, management, sociology, anthropology, geography education policy, fiscal policy, development studies and other related fields.


Nigeria Agricultural Journal

Open Access

Nigeria Agricultural Journal

Published by the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, the Nigerian Agricultural Journal is the oldest agricultural journal in the country having been published since 1961. It is published bi-annually to quarterly, and contributions are accepted from anyone engaged in agricultural work in Nigeria and other countries in tropical Africa.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigeria and the Classics: Ibadan Journal of the Classics and Multidisciplinary Studies

Open Access Open Access

Nigeria and the Classics: Ibadan Journal of the Classics and Multidisciplinary Studies

Nigeria and the Classics (NigCL) is a multidisciplinary journal, double-blind and peer-reviewed. It accepts original publications in English on any aspect of classical antiquity, African History, African world view, problems and prospects, including all fields in the Humanities. Review of recent publications that relate to classical antiquity and Africa are also accepted.


Nigeria Journal of Business Administration

Nigeria Journal of Business Administration

The Nigeria Journal of Business Administration has as its principal goal the promotion of academic excellence in research in the management sciences and the exchange of information between the academic, professional and business worlds. Each issue is designed to inform researchers and practising managers of on-going developments in management and their practice. Articles are carefully selected to provide the reader with an analytical, application-oriented approach to managerial problems.


Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics

Open Access

Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics

Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in specific areas of physics, pure and applied, as listed below. The journal content reflects core physics disciplines, but is also open to a broad range of topics whose central theme falls within the bounds of physics.  Research areas covered in the journal include:

  • Quantum physics

  • Atomic and molecular physics

  • Statistical physics, thermodynamics

  • Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Modelling

  • Condensed-matter physics

  • Fluid dynamics

  • Information theory and computation

  • Electronics, photonics, device physics

  • Nanotechnology

  • Nuclear physics

  • Plasma physics

  • Astrophysics and cosmology

  • Biophysics

  • Geophysics

  • Material Sciences and Engineering

  • Instrumentation



Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists

Open Access Open Access

Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists

The journal publishes themed articles from SONTA Annual International Conference, which usually applies itself to current issues of national or international importance but approached from the varied areas of theatre scholarship and practice. Technically, the hard copies of NTJ are made available at SONTA conferences. This is because it is owned and sponsored by the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists (SONTA). There is virtually no subscription in print because the Association underwrites its production and shares copies among its members at annual international conferences. There are no author charges for author submissions. Articles are drawn from SONTA international conferences and published annually. NTJ is freely available online. However, SONTA members pay their annual dues and conference fees annually and such members could be considered as NTJ subscribers in addition to any other interested institutions or persons.

Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Bar Journal

Open Access Open Access

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is a non-profit, professional association of all lawyers admitted to the Bar in Nigeria. It is engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria. It has an observer status with the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, and a working partnership with many national and international non-governmental organizations concerned with human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria and in Africa.

The Nigerian Bar Association has 125 branches across 36 States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and its National Secretariat is located and administered from Abuja alone. Its organizational Structure comprises of a National Executive Committee, a National Officers/ Management Board, Sections, forums, committees, Working Groups and a National Secretariat.

The Nigerian Bar Association is a principled, people-centred organization, which takes with all seriousness, its leading role in advancing the reform of Nigeria’s laws, strengthening her access to justice institutions and promoting the rule of law and good governance.

The NBA also has commitment to strengthening legal skills and law practice of its members, and to improve the legal profession in order to meet the needs of the 21st century. It also seek to reposition its members to embrace and cope with the changes occasioned by globalization, information technology and economic developments, to enable the Nigerian lawyer and law firm compete in the international globalised market


Nigerian Dental Journal

Open Access

Nigerian Dental Journal

The Nigerian Dental Journal, the official publication of the Nigerian Dental Association publishes peer reviewed, scientific articles relevant to the needs of dental, medical and other health professionals in Nigeria and other parts of the world. The Nigerian Dental Journal is published biannually and the contributions that are accepted for publications include clinical papers, research papers, review papers, technical notes (surgical techniques, technical innovations), case reports and letters to the Editor that are related to dentistry and allied professions.


Nigerian Endocrine Practice

Nigerian Endocrine Practice

Nigerian Endocrine Practice, a peer reviewed publication published twice a year is the official publication of the Nigerian Chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE-Nigeria). The primary mission of the Nigerian Endocrine Practice is to enhance the health care of patients with endocrine disorders through continuing education of practicing endocrinologists and specialists of related fields.The journal accepts original contributions related to the practice and science of clinical endocrinology, articles updating the clinical endocrinologist on current areas of interest in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders, articles discussing dilemma facing endocrinologists in the clinical, social, and ethical arena of endocrine practice, instructive clinical and laboratory cases, articles dealing with the history of clinical endocrinology and letters to the editor.


Nigerian Food Journal

Nigerian Food Journal

The Nigerian Food Journal (NIFOJ) is a peer-reviewed journal designed to contribute towards the development of new and improved food sources and products based on sound research. NIFOJ is also designed for effective communication of special attributes and advantages of food products as well as focus on the activities of the food industry in Nigeria. The journal publishes pure and applied food science and technological research to promote knowledge sharing and nutrition development in all aspects of the food processing and consumption value chain. Aspects covered in NIFOJ include food chemistry, food engineering, food microbiology, food packaging, food preservation, food safety, new product development, and sensory analysis.Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Frontline Medicine Journal

Open Access

The Nigerian Frontline Medicine Journal (NFMJ) is identified as the official publication of the Faculty of Family Medicine at the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria.
Aims and Scope
The Nigerian Frontline Medicine Journal (NFMJ) is dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and healthcare practices in Nigeria and beyond. NFMJ is identified as the official publication of the Faculty of Family Medicine at the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Published biannually since its inaugural issue in 2023, NFMJ prioritizes high-quality, peer-reviewed articles spanning various medical disciplines. Its mission includes promoting open access to ensure broad dissemination of research findings. The journal welcomes original contributions from frontline doctors and healthcare professionals across primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare facilities, emphasizing health promotion and disease prevention. The publication operates under the copyright of the Faculty of Family Medicine at the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. It has ISSN number 2636-6487. Despite being a relatively new entrant in the scholarly landscape, NFMJ has maintained its promised frequency of publication, with the latest issue released in November 2023. While currently not indexed, the journal employs a rigorous peer-review process to uphold the quality and integrity of its articles. Utilising a double-blind review system, submissions undergo scrutiny by two expert reviewers over two weeks. Authors receive constructive feedback aimed at enhancing the scholarly merit of their work. Ultimately, the editorial board makes the final decision regarding publication. The journal employs Grammarly as its primary plagiarism detection tool. This software scans submitted manuscripts for any instances of plagiarism by comparing the text against a vast database of academic and online sources. Additionally, the editorial team conducts manual checks to ensure the originality of the content. If plagiarism is detected, appropriate actions are taken, including rejection of the manuscript or requesting revisions from the authors to address the issue. With a rejection rate of 25%, the journal maintains standards while providing opportunities for dissemination. Authors and reviewers adhere to specific guidelines, fostering a transparent and fair review process. Moreover, NFMJ operates as an open-access platform, allowing unrestricted access to its content. Given that this is an open-access journal, neither the user nor their institution will be charged for access to any content. The complete texts of the articles may be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, searched, linked to, and used for any other permissible purpose without prior permission from the publisher or author. This fits the definition of open access provided by BOAI. Authors retain copyright, with articles licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This journal takes a firm stance against duplicate publication and plagiarism, striving to maintain the integrity of scholarly research. As part of its editorial process, the journal routinely conducts plagiarism screenings on submitted articles to ensure the originality of the work. Authors submitting manuscripts to this journal are expected to affirm that their study has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Proper attribution should be given for any content reused from previously published papers, and authors are responsible for obtaining necessary permissions if applicable. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism will not be considered for publication. In cases where plagiarism is detected in a published paper following an internal investigation, immediate action will be taken. All authors, their affiliated institutions, and relevant funding agencies will be notified, and the paper will be retracted from publication. The journal's plagiarism policy draws inspiration from Nature's plagiarism policy and adheres to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) definition of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as the attempt to pass off someone else's work as one's own, encompassing the reuse of ideas, processes, results, or words without proper acknowledgement. Clear instances of plagiarism, such as the wholesale copying of large sections of text, result in immediate rejection of the manuscript. However, minor cases of plagiarism without dishonest intent, such as reusing parts of an introduction from a previous paper, are also addressed. Duplicate publication, or self-plagiarism, occurs when authors reuse significant portions of their previously published work without appropriate references. This practice, sometimes called 'text recycling', raises ethical concerns and is subject to scrutiny by editors, reviewers, and authors. The journal follows guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding text recycling, and adherence to these guidelines is strongly encouraged. In cases of suspected minor plagiarism, authors are contacted for clarification, and final decisions regarding the manuscript are made based on thorough assessments by reviewers and editors. If a manuscript is accepted for publication, all relevant reports are published alongside the paper as part of the publication history, ensuring transparency in the peer review process. Journal editors evaluate each case of plagiarism based on its merits, relying on their knowledge and awareness of the literature and input from referees. The journal's support stems from the Faculty of Family Medicine at the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Notably, NFMJ boasts an extensive editorial board comprising esteemed professionals from various institutions across Nigeria. Additionally, international advisers contribute to the journal's global perspective. For those seeking hard copies, the journal is available for purchase at 6000 naira, approximately 4 US dollars via the Editor-In-Chief. Interested parties can contact the designated email address for further information. There are no fees associated with submitting and processing articles for publication. However, upon acceptance of an article for publication, authors are required to pay a publication fee of N60,000 or $40. This fee covers the costs associated with the final processing, formatting, and publication of the article in the journal. Furthermore, the journal's website serves as a central hub for accessing its content, reinforcing its commitment to widespread dissemination.
You can see the journal's own website here. 


Nigerian Hospital Practice

Nigerian Hospital Practice

The aim of the Nigerian Hospital Practice Journal is to aid in enhancing the advancement of medicine globally by acting as a medium for disseminating information on current clinical and drug practices in Nigeria and the medical science world as well as acting as a medium for continue medical education.


Nigerian Journal of Animal Production

Nigerian Journal of Animal Production

The Nigerian Society for Animal Production was inaugurated in March 1973 during the First International Symposium on Animal Production in the Tropics at the University of Ibadan, lbadan, Nigeria. This society is responsible for the publication of the Nigerian Journal of Animal Production (NJAP) which commenced publication in 1974.


Nigerian Journal of Animal Science

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Animal Science

The Nigerian Journal of Animal Science (NJAS) is an official publication of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) that is published twice a year in two issues. The Journal publishes carefully peer-reviewed original research articles on various farm and laboratory animals covering diverse areas such as production, management, health, physiology, nutrition, feeds and feedstuff, breeding and genetics, reproduction, animal products, biotechnology, socio-economics, extension, farming systems and crop/livestock interactions within the context of sustainable livestock production among others.  Review articles should cover new development in a field of livestock production.


Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

The object of the Journal is the advancement of science in all its aspects of theory, principles, methodology and practice, with emphasize on areas of common interest to all scientists.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NJBMB) is the official journal of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The NJBMB is an international, rigorously peer-reviewed journal, devoted to the advancement of science that interfaces with all life processes. The purpose of this journal is to provide a medium for the rapid communication of advances and new knowledge in the areas of Life Sciences. 

The Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology welcomes original research papers in all and related fields of Biochemistry; including, but not limited to Macromolecular Biochemistry, Toxicology, Environmental Biochemistry, Medical/Clinical Biochemistry, Membrane Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Enzymology, Parasite Biochemistry, Reproductive & Developmental Biochemistry, Nutritional Biochemistry, Malariology, Bioinformatics, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Phytomedicine, Health Science, Biophysics and Food Science.

You can see the journal's own website here.


Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology

Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology is a publisher of multidisciplinary peer-reviews original research works and critical reviews on interdisciplinary studies in Biotechnology, Agriculture, Food and Environment interface; and is published twice a year. It serves scientists in the field of Agriculture, Food science and Technology; Animal science, Agriculture Economy and Extension, Fisheries and Aquiculture, Biotechnology, Breeding and Veterinarians. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Botany

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Botany

The Nigerian Journal of Botany is published by the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON) and is devoted to disseminating results of original research in pure and applied Botany, from within and outside Nigeria.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research

The Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research seeks to disseminate results of research in
all branches of chemistry including Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical and
various areas of chemistry in application. The journal, which will be published once a
year, acceptsfull research papers, short communications and letters on condition that
they make original and new contribution to knowledge in the respective areas of


Nigerian Journal of Christian Studies

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Christian Studies

The Nigerian Journal of Christian Studies (NJCS) is a scholarly double- blind peer-reviewed journal and the official publication of the National Association for Christian Studies (NACS). Published since 2017, the NJCS is an annual publication which focuses on the in-depth, critical and original research papers in various disciplines within Christian Studies and those consisting of theological themes within the Nigerian contemporary experiences in particular and the world in general. These papers are those that had been presented at eth annual conference of the National Association for Christian Studies (NACS). The papers will received for editorial processing after correcting and made to be in sync with the Authors’ Guidelines and relates to the conference theme.


Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology

Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology

The Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology is concerned with the psychological, social, behavioural, medical, paediatric and ethical aspects of the applied field of clinical and counselling psychology. The journal publishes contributions of research, clinical, counselling and theoretical interest. Contributions from other disciplines which have a close bearing on psychology such as psychiatry, sociology, social work, nursing and educational issues are also encouraged. Although primary emphasis is placed on empirical research, the journal also welcomes articles concerned with important clinical, theoretical and methodical issues as well as reviews of relevant literature. Summaries of proceedings of important national and international workshops, conferences, symposia falling within the aims of the journal are also featured.


Nigerian Journal of Clinical Medicine

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Medicine

The Nigerian Journal of Medicine (NJCM) is a biannual journal of the Association of Resident Doctors of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, which hopes to provide a platform for medical researchers to make contributions that advances/illuminates medical science or practice in all its spheres.


Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice

The Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice is the official publication of the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN) established in 1997 and published regularly twice yearly in June and December. Its purpose is to promote clinical and academic excellence in Medicine and Dentistry and allied sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice has been admitted into the latest Journal Citation Reports with an Impact factor of 0.168 (as of June 2011)


Nigerian Journal of Communication

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Communication

The Nigerian Journal of Communication (TNJC) is a scholarly, academic, professional peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal of the African Council for Communication Education (ACCE), Nigeria Chapter. It is devoted to publishing researches, book reviews and position papers in all functional areas of communication. The journal focuses on relevant and contemporary issues in all areas of communication including Print Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, Development Communication, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing Communication, Business and Organisational Communication, Political Communication, Science, Health and Environmental Communication, International Communication, Traditional/Indegenous Communication, ICT and Online Communication, Film and Multimedia, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication, Culture and Society, Media Language, and other communication-related disciplines or areas. While the journal is Nigerian-based, it also accept contributions from accross the world.
You can see this journal's website here.


Nigerian Journal of Dental Research

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Dental Research

The journal publishes articles in all field of Oral, Dental and Craniofacial Science, and Applied Research in form of original Research Articles, Special Review Articles, Histories and Case Reports of Rare and Special Cases, New Science, Discoveries and Innovations in Surgical Techniques Relevant to the study and Practice of Dental Surgery. Others are Short Communication, Editorial Comments, and Letters to the Editor. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Economic History

Nigerian Journal of Economic History

The Nigerian Journal of Economic History (NJEH) seeks to promote the scholarly study of Africa's and the developing world's past economic issues and events from a diversity of perspectives notably those of History, Economics, and other relevant disciplines. The Journal, which encourages careful formulation of issues and methods, hopes to stimulate discourse among scholars with varied interests and backgrounds.


Nigerian Journal of Engineering

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Engineering

Nigerian Journal of Engineering (NJE) is a publication of the Faculty of Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria - Nigeria. NJE publishes original articles from all fields of Engineering like

  • Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering

  • Automotive and Mechatronics Engineering

  • Chemical & Petroleum Engineering

  • Civil Engineering

  • Computer Engineering

  • Electrical Engineering

  • Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

  • Polymer and Textile Engineering

  • Water Resources & Environmental Engineering

and some related applied sciences. 
The journal receives articles for publication at all times, however publishes three issues per year. The journal uses a double-blind review system for manuscripts received.
Other websites associated with the journal:


Nigerian Journal of Family Practice

Nigerian Journal of Family Practice

Nigerian Journal of Family Practice (NJFP) serves as a repository for cutting-edge, peer-reviewed research in all fields of primary health care and family medicine in a uniquely African context. Encouraging scholarly exchange between family medicine and primary health care researchers and practitioners across Sub-Saharan Africa, NJFP provides a contextual and holistic view of family medicine as practiced across the continent. The journal is indispensable for family medicine specialists, primary health care practitioners and academics from both the developing and developed worlds, and offers an engaging insight into the growth of these disciplines from a distinctly African perspective.
Coverage of NJFP includes: Family medicine; Primary health care; District health; Rural health; Health promotion Prevention of disease and disability; Community oriented primary care; Education and training of professionals and health workers in primary health care and family medicine; Medical informatics and information science; Accident & Emergency care; Occupational Health; Travel Medicine etc.


Nigerian Journal of Fisheries

Nigerian Journal of Fisheries

The Fisheries society of Nigeria (FISON) was founded in 1976 by some few civil service based enthusiasts to promote the development of the fisheries profession and related disciplines in Nigeria, Africa and internationally. Today the membership of the society has expanded cutting across all the related disciplines including fisheries scientists, fishing companies and professional industrial fishing/fish farming enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. The Nigerian Journal of Fisheries is aimed at encouraging needed research into multivariate fisheries development options for national and international benefits and also providing the forum for dissemination of scientific findings in all aspects of fisheries for progressive development. It aims to serve individuals, industrialists and most importantly members of academia.


Nigerian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Nigerian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

The journal is published biannually, and its contents include original research, review articles, clinical trials, conference proceedings, case reports, commentaries, letters to the editor and other items of interest on the biology and diseases of the gut, liver, pancreas, peritoneum, and spleen both in humans and experimental animal models. Readers, researchers and scientists in basic medical sciences and clinical medicine related to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and its accessory organs are critical stake holders in this effort. This includes but not limited to medical and surgical specialists, general internists, pathologists, human nutritionists, endocrinologists, nursing scientists, radiologists, radiobiologists and indeed all allied medical specialists. The journal is also an invaluable companion to practitioners in the specialties who are desirous of remaining up to date in the practice of gastroenterology and hepatology.
Journal website:


Nigerian Journal of General Practice

Nigerian Journal of General Practice

The Nigerian Journal of General Practice is the official publication of the Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria. It is a multi-disciplinary, biannual, peer-reviewed biomedical journal that has been published since 1985. It invites scholarly manuscripts relevant to the broad discipline of Family/General Medicine education. It aims to publish evidence-based scientific research articles from a diversity of disciplines in the basic medical and clinical sciences.


Nigerian Journal of Genetics

The journal publishes original articles in the broad discipline of basic genetics (plant, livestock and human) and applied breeding. Only specially invited review articles will be published.Please note that this journal is now published by Elsevier - a non-African publisher. For this reason AJOL no longer hosts the future published issues.


Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling

Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling

The Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling (TNJGC) (ISSN 0794-0831) is published annually by the Department of Counsellor Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. The journal publishes well researched and well articulated papers/articles on all issues relating to counselling and applied psychology which use a variety of appropriate approaches in the conduct of research and inquiry in theoretical, empirical and experimental studies. The editors invite submission of manuscripts from contributors for publication. Manuscripts are peer reviewed anonymously, and those that are accepted are published in the following issue of the journal.


Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences

Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences

The Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences is a multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal. This journal was established to meet the challenges of health care delivery in the 21st century in Nigeria and other countries with similar setting in the ever-changing world of science and technology. The health care delivery apart from primary, secondary and tertiary health care systems has a lot of subjects/disciplines. There is a beauty in the diversity of these disciplines in Medicine but the primary goal of maintaining good health of an individual in a stable society, should not be lost to researchers. It is inconceivable that a man with typhoid intestinal perforation after surgical intervention in a tertiary health institution should be allowed to go back to the same old insanitary environment with polluted drinking water. Health education now becomes very relevant for the individual and the society where many sociological problems exist. The application of molecular biology and information technology is taking a center-stage in this century.


Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science

Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science

Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science (NJHS) is an international double-blinded, peer-reviewed Journal of Horticultural Society of Nigeria. The journal publishes original research manuscripts in all aspect of horticulture and horticultural industries. Specifically, the journal publishes full length paper, short communication, reviews and technical reports in area of horticultural research and industries that have not been published previously or considered for publication elsewhere. Issues of the journal are released quarterly.


Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences

Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences

Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences publishes original research papers, case studies and critical reviews in all the sub fields of the hydrological sciences including water-based management and policy issues that impact on the environment and economics. These comprise the physical, chemical, biological, stochastic and systems aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology, hydro-meteorology, hydrogeology and eco-hydrology. Social science perspectives on hydrological problems such as resource and ecological economics, environmental sociology, psychology and behavioural science, management and policy analysis are also invited. The scope of the journal includes applied aspects as in agricultural water management, ecosystems management, water resources engineering, water quality, hydropower, watershed and environmental management.


Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education is a collaborative peer reviewed scientific publication of the Network for Oral and Maxillofacial Infections, Oncology and Traumatology in Nigeria® with Department of Periodontics & Pure and Applied Dental Oral and Craniofacial Research Society (PADOCRS), Health Sciences Research Group (HESRG), University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State; Community Dental Health Unit of Department of Preventive Dentistry, University of Port Harcourt, River State; Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bayero University Kano, Kano State and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State.
Aims and Scope
Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education welcomes high quality papers on all aspects of health research, health professional education including; undergraduate education, postgraduate training, continuing professional development and interprofessional education. As such, all issues of current interest, including teaching methods, curriculum reform, the training of medical/dental teachers, the selection of entrants and assessment techniques, are covered. • The readership consists primarily of teachers of medicine/dentistry, medical/dental educators, administrators of medical/dental faculties, medical/dental workers and researchers involved in the development of medical/dental education as a whole. Two issues of Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education (NJMDE) are published annually covering January-June and July-December.
You can see this journal's own website here.


Nigerian Journal of Medicine

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Medicine

Nigerian Journal of Medicine ( NJM) , is the official publication of Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors ( NARD), established in 1990. It is an international peer-reviewed print and online bi-monthly journal.
NJM publish scientific reports on human subjects in the form of original articles, review articles, case reports and letters. The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to medicine, dentistry and allied sciences. Articles with clinical interest and implications are only considered for publication.
The journal allows free access ( Open Access) to it's contents.
Other websites related to this journal: and


Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine

Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine

Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine is published by the Nigerian Society of Pharmacognosy, a non profit organisation established in 1982 dedicated to the promotion of Pharmacognosy, Natural Products and Traditional Medicine. It has a current circulation of about 500 to scientists in Nigeria and abroad. The journal is produced once a year and had been in production since 1996. Articles published cover phytomedicine, natural product chemistry and biochemistry, pharmacognosy and traditional medicine, ethnoveterinary medicine and chemistry, clinical studies among others.


Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences

Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences

The Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences (ISSN 0189-0913), official Journal of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria, is a peer-reviewed publication and is published biannually, two volumes per year.
The primary focus of the journal is the publication of basic and applied studies in nutritional sciences and related fields. The following types of manuscripts are considered: original research articles, review articles, issues and opinions, special communications, letters to the Editor, book reviews, and proceedings of symposia. The journal is intended for a wide audience, including, nutritionists, dieticians, biochemists, health professionals, home economists, policy makers, students of nutrition and related fields, health educators, and all those in the health sciences. Other websites related to this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology

Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology, a publication of Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Semiannual print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal’s full text is available online at journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs.
Scope of the Journal
The journal will cover technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of clinical, laboratory, community medicine, basic medical sciences, medical technology, economics and management of health care delivery. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference.


Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma

Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma

The Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma publishes original papers, review articles and case reports on pathology, anaesthesia, orthopaedics and trauma.


Nigerian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

Nigerian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

The Nigerian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology was established by the Otorhinolaryngological Society of Nigeria, as an international medium for the rapid dissemination of original research and scientific works related to all aspects of academic and clinical practice of Otorhinolaryngology. It aims to promote academic and clinical excellence of the highest standards that will be second to none in the world. The Journal welcomes original scientific contributions, review papers, clinical trials, case reports letters to the Editor, medico-legal and ethical articles, on the basic medical and clinical sciences in relation to the fields of Otorhinolaryngology, Head-and-Neck surgery, Audiology, Speech and Language Disorders, and allied specialties.


Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics

The Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics a quarterly journal publishes original articles, brief reports on clinical and laboratory observations; case reports of substantive value; invited editorial annotations; invited papers on recent electronic clinical briefs, advances, clinical diagnosis, announcements (meetings, courses, job advertisements); summary reports of conferences and book reviews.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Parasitology

Nigerian Journal of Parasitology

The Journal is devoted primarily to pure and applied research and provides a medium for the publication of investigations in all aspects of Parasitology. The Journal will publish original research and technical studies carried out in the country, as well as works and documents from foreigners which are of interest to Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology publishes original research works on Parasitology (epidemiology, vector biology, public health, disease prevention, molecular and biochemical parasitology, drug test, diagnostics parasitology, control, socio medicine and international health).


Nigerian Journal of Periodontal Research

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Periodontal Research (NJPR) is a peer reviewed scientific publication of Periodontologists Association of Nigeria (PAN). This Journal will publish original clinical and basic investigations, review articles and case reports concerned with every aspect of periodontology and related sciences like Implantology etc. Reports of scientific meetings in periodontology and related fields are also welcomed.
Aims and Scope
Nigerian Journal of Periodontal Research is a journal whose aim is to publish original clinical and basic investigations, review articles and case reports concerned with every aspect of periodontology and related sciences like Implantology etc.. Reports of scientific meetings in periodontology and related fields are also published. One volume of two issues will be published annually and this may be reviewed from time to time.
Journal Ethics
This journal is committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. These requirements are met by the journal following the set standards and guidelines for best practices established by associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
You can see this journal's own website here


Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research

Open Access

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, the official publication of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Nigeria, is published quarterly as a reference source to researchers in the pharmaceutical, chemical, life, medical, and paramedical sciences. It is a refereed journal. Statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communication are those of the authors, not the editor(s) and publisher. The Editor(s) and Publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such materials and do not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised in this publication or any claim made by the manufacturer.
Aims and Scope
The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research is an international open-access journal committed to advancing the field of pharmaceutical sciences and its intersecting disciplines. With a special focus on research of tropical relevance, the journal aims to bridge the gap between traditional pharmaceutical studies and cutting-edge interdisciplinary research encompassing biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, drug utilization, adverse drug events, medical and other life sciences, as well as relevant engineering fields. The journal serves as a dynamic platform for scientists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and the pharmaceutical industry to disseminate and exchange knowledge, fostering a collaborative environment for multidisciplinary research. It emphasizes the importance of integrating diverse perspectives to drive innovation and address complex challenges in the field. In addition to original research papers, the Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research welcomes comprehensive reviews that provide insightful analysis on current topics of special interest and importance in the pharmaceutical and applied sciences domains. By offering an international forum, the journal ensures the communication and critical evaluation of significant data, methods, and findings, contributing to the global discourse in pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines. Through its dedication to open-access publishing, the journal ensures that its content is readily available to a wide audience, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and supporting the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences on a global scale.
You can see this journal’s own website here.


Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research publishes scientific work in all areas of Pharmaceutical and life sciences, including (but not restricted to): medicinal plant research; herbal medicines and cosmetics; development of drugs and pharmaceuticals; quality assurance of drugs; safety and efficacy of drugs; pharmacy practice; veterinary pharmacy.


Nigerian Journal of Physics

Nigerian Journal of Physics

Nigerian Journal of Physics publishes original papers in pure and applied physics. It aims to serve research physicists in the academia, industry as well as graduate students.


Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences

Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences (Niger. J. Physiol. Sci.) is a biannual publication of the Physiological Society of Nigeria. It covers diverse areas of research in physiological sciences, publishing reviews in current research areas and original laboratory and clinical research in physiological sciences.Other websites related to this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery

Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery

The Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery has its objectives in publishing original articles about developments in all areas related to plastic and reconstructive surgery as well as to trauma surgery.

It also serves as a means of providing a forum for correspondence, information and discussion. It also accepts review articles that may be related to plastic and reconstructive surgery, burns and trauma management, epidemiology or prevention.


Nigerian Journal of Postgraduate Medicine

Nigerian Journal of Postgraduate Medicine

We are interested in contributions that illuminates or advance medical science or practices extending all aspects of medicine. Contributions may be in the form of review articles, case reports, clinical practice materials, letter to the Editor, short communication commentaries, and viewpoints. Articles on socio-economic, political and legal matters related to medical practice, conference and workshop reports and medical news are also published by the Nigeria Journal Of Postgraduate Medicine


Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry

Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry

The Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry publishes original scientific papers, review articles, short reports and opinion papers in all areas of psychiatry and related fields, such as sociology, applied anthropology and neurosciences


Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment

Open Access

The Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment is the official journal of the Faculty of Science, Delta State University, Abraka Nigeria and publishes original peer-reviewed research manuscripts in agriculture and pure and applied sciences.
Aims and Scope
The journal is designed to contribute towards the promotion of science particularly in the developing countries of the world. Manuscripts on environmental, physical and biological sciences with particular reference to the African continent are highly welcome. The subjects covered include: Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Microbiology, Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Zoology Manuscripts for publication will be accepted on the basis of their high scientific merit and originality. Manuscripts are welcome from all over the world.
You can see this journal's own website here


Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology

Nigerian Association of Social Psychologists (NASP) is a unit under the Nigerian Psychological Association (NPA) and was inaugurated in March 2018. NASP has a longstanding commitment to maintaining the quality and integrity of research findings in social and personality psychology in Nigeria. This commitment is reflected in our ongoing efforts to identify, adopt, and promote best practices through the association’s publication platform, Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology (NJSP). 
The Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology (Online ISSN: 2682-6151, Print ISSN: 2682-6143) is open to publication of high quality research on all topics within the field. The topics covered include, among others, intergroup relations, group processes, social cognition, attitudes, social influence and persuasion, self and identity, verbal and nonverbal communication, interpersonal relationships, language and thought, affect and emotion, embodied and situated cognition, cultural and cross-cultural phenomena, societal psychology and individual differences of social-psychological relevance. 
NJSP is an international outlet for original empirical papers in all areas of personality and social psychology. Occasionally, NJSP will publish other pieces of particular interest to members of the Association, such as special topical issues, selected symposia, and invited addresses. All papers are reviewed with respect to their scholarly merit.
Note: Regardless of whether you are a member of the Association, you are welcome to view abstracts and to subscribe to its NJSP feed free of charge.

Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research

Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research

The Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research (previously named Nigerian Journal of Soil Research) is an annual publication of the Department of Soil science, Faculty of Agriculture/Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira. The journal accepts articles in English. The journal is concerned with soils and environmental issues of tropical interest.


Nigerian Journal of Soil Science

Nigerian Journal of Soil Science

The Nigerian Journal of Soil Science publishes research works in all aspects of soil science.


Nigerian Journal of Surgery

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Surgery

The Nigerian Journal of Surgery publishes original articles, special articles (by invitation), reviews, case reports, correspondences and notes. Materials cited for publication will include scientific research papers read at the meetings of the Nigerian Surgical Research Society, and of the Association of Surgeons of Nigeria and the abstracts of those meetings. Suitable papers not presented at the meetings are also welcome.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research

The Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research is a publication of the Surgical Research Society with main office in Zaria, Nigeria. Zaria is home to Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), a premier university in Nigeria. The aim of The Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research is to cover developments and advances in the broad field of Surgery and related Clinical and Basic Sciences in Nigeria and the rest of Africa. It will also serve as a medium for publicising and communicating scientific meetings and other news in these fields within Nigeria and Africa. The Journal will also serve as a medium for continuing education, particularly for doctors in remote rural areas. Other websites related to this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences

Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences


Nigerian Journal of Technological Development

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Technological Development

The Nigerian Journal of Technological Development (NJTD) is a quarterly publication of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. It publishes original high-quality articles focusing on all aspects of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Manuscripts are double-blind peer-reviewed and if found suitable, are published as full length research articles or review papers. Our publications are scheduled for March, June, September and December.
Please note that this Journal does not receive manuscripts via this website. To submit your manuscript to the NJTD, please click on the link:


Nigerian Journal of Technological Research

Nigerian Journal of Technological Research

The Nigerian Journal of Technological Research is a pure scientific journal with a philosophy of attempting to provide information on problem solving technology to its immediate environs and the international community. The scope of the journal is in the core areas of: Pure and Applied Sciences; Engineering Sciences; Environmental Sciences; Agricultural Sciences; Information and communication Technology; Management and Entrepreneurship sciences.


Nigerian Journal of Technology

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Technology

The aim of establishing the Nigerian Journal of Technology is to create a forum for the publication of well-researched articles in all areas of Engineering and Technology and for fast dissemination of such research reports. We accept multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary manuscripts that have application and relevance in Engineering. Manuscripts submitted to NIJOTECH should fall within any of the following broad areas:

  • Building, Civil and Geotechnical Engineering

  • Chemical, Industrial, Petroleum and Production Engineering

  • Mechanical, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, 

  • Computer, Telecommunications, Software, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

  • Agricultural, Bioresources, Biomedical and Food Engineering

  • Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

  •  General and Emerging Engineering 

All papers submitted to the journal should be an original thought-provoking appraisal of existing knowledge, collation of relevant data of interest or investigation and exploration of new fields in applied science and technology. Only original articles which have been peer-reviewed to show new or additional knowledge can be considered for publication.
View our website here:
This journal has been accepted for indexing in Scopus (October 2023).


Nigerian Libraries

Nigerian Libraries

Nigerian Libraries provides information on library science in Nigeria.


Nigerian Medical Journal

Open Access

Nigerian Medical Journal

The Nigerian Medical Journal publishes original articles, reviews, memoranda, reports, case reports, reports of meetings as supplements, letters to the Editor, Association New, book reviews as well as any news of medical relevance. Topics published are of interest to clinicians, researchers, resident doctors, epidemiologists, medical and paramedical teachers, biomedical scientists, health managers and other professionals.
See our website here:


Nigerian Medical Practitioner

Nigerian Medical Practitioner

The Nigerian Medical Practitioner, a monthly Journal publishes clinical and research articles in medicine and related fields which are of interest to a large proportion of medical and allied health practitioners. It also publishes miscellaneous articles-hospital administration, business practice, accounting, law-for health practitioners. Case reports and letters about published papers are welcome.


Nigerian Music Review

Nigerian Music Review

Nigerian Music Review is aimed at the scholarly review of the developments in various musical practices in Nigeria. It considers well researched articles in any of the following areas: Musicology, Ethnomusicology, African Music, Music Education, Performance, Composition, Music Technology, Music & Related Disciplines, Book/Album Reviews etc.


Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine

Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine

Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine is published quarterly and the contents include articles in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical and Basic Medical Sciences with emphasis on health problems and solutions relating to developing countries. The readership are in - Libraries, Teaching Hospitals, Universities, Institutions within and outside the country.


Nigerian School Library Journal

Open Access

Nigerian School Library Journal

The Nigerian School Library Journal is a scholarly publication of the Nigerian School Library Association that focuses on issues relating to school library media centers’ establishment, administration, organization, media resources management, reading development, e-learning/m-learning, and other related topics of concern to researchers and school librarians or media specialists and those in the field of library and information sciences.


Nigerian Veterinary Journal

Open Access

Nigerian Veterinary Journal

The Nigerian Veterinary Journal (NVJ) has been in existence since 1971. The NVJ is published by the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) as part of the association's commitment to the advancement of Veterinary Medicine in Nigeria and other parts of the world, with a general view of enhancing the livestock economy worldwide.Other websites related to this journal can be found here: and


NJINGA e SEPÉ: Revista Internacional de Culturas, Línguas Africanas e Brasileiras

Open Access Open Access

NJINGA e SEPÉ: Revista Internacional de Culturas, Línguas Africanas e Brasileiras

The Scientific Journal Njinga & Sepé (ISSN: 2764-1244) was created in honor of the African Queen Njinga Mbandi and the Brazilian indigenous warrior Sepé Tiarajú. The Journal respects the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (1996), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2002) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2006).
Revista Njinga & Sepé  accepts and publishes texts written in any African or indigenous Brazilian language and videos of sign languages. A special exception is opened for all languages ​​of East Timor as it is a partner country of UNILAB. Texts written in any other European language (Spanish, French, Portuguese or English) must be accompanied by an abstract in an African or indigenous Brazilian language . Sign languages ​​will have 2 abstracts and a video of a maximum of 10 min. The Journal will publish one (1) volume per year, with two numbers (1st number in May and 2nd number in October) and occasionally a special volume depending on the demand of the authors and the Scientific Committee.
Njinga & Sepé Magazine is composed of six (6) sections: Section I - Unpublished articles and translations/interpretations; Section II - Interviews, book reviews; Section III - Poetry and Lyrics of Popular Songs; Section IV - Reports of experiences, photos, recipes for traditional foods, rites and festivities; Section V - Proverbs, taboos, myths and others; Section VI - Sign Languages ​​. Each author will choose a section. It is important to register because all texts must be submitted through the Journal's website. Well done to the cultures, traditions and languages ​​of indigenous peoples, African peoples and the people of East Timor. 
All texts received are first submitted to verification of originality using the Turnitin Originality software, from the company Turnitin for the detection of textual similarity and integrity in academic texts (anti-plagiarism): . The texts approved in this phase are submitted to peer review (blind) to define approval or not.
Access to published works is completely free.
Authors neither pay nor receive any financial tribute for their contribution and publication.
Editors, reviewers, translators, Scientific Committee and other contributors participate voluntarily.
You can see the journal's own website here.


Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence

Open Access

Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence

Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence (NAUJILJ) is a scholarly, online/print, open access, peer-reviewed and fully refereed journal which focuses strictly on issues of international law and jurisprudence. The Journal is abstracted and indexed with African Journals Online (AJOL) and HeinOnline. It provides a forum for legal scholars and jurists to report research findings for policy making through innovative and advanced methodologies. Well researched and original papers on topical subject matters, and case/book reviews, which extend the frontiers of knowledge with a view to solving developmental problems, are welcome. NAUJILJ is published biannually in April and September, and promptly appears in Google scholar. Submission of manuscripts can be made all through the year.


North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research

Open Access Open Access

North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research

The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (NAJFNR) ISSN : 2588-1582 is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal with no publication charges, costs or fees. The journal is committed to the rapid publication of the latest research and studies in all fields of human nutrition and food sciences.  The NAJFNR is dedicated to publishing innovative and high-quality papers providing a better understanding of the advances in nutrition fields such as original research, review, short communication, correspondence, case reports, hypothesis formation, expert opinion, and commentaries. The NAJFNR publishes papers that address human, animal, cellular, or molecular nutrition and food science.
The primary purpose of NAJFNR is to act as an advancing professional knowledge usable by researchers and practitioners across the range of research and practice issues such as:

  1. Nutritional Science (NS): study of food, nutrients, and other food substances, the intake and biochemical processing of food substances, their relationship to health and disease, and the application of this information to policy and programs.

  2. Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT): evidence-based medical approach to treating certain chronic conditions through the use of an individually-tailored nutrition plan. This nutrition plan aims to benefit the patient's own health and reduce health-care costs.

  3. Public Health Nutrition (PHN): is the application of nutrition and physical activity to the promotion of good health, the primary prevention of diet-related illness of groups, communities, and populations (not individuals) through health services, program development, and policy advocacy.

  4. Food Science and Biotechnology (FSB): is the study of the physical, biological, and chemical makeup of food; the causes of food deterioration; and the concepts underlying food processing. Some disciplines can be included such as: chemistry, engineering, microbiology, and nutrition to the study of food to improve the safety, nutrition, wholesomeness and availability of food.

The journal also seeks to increase consumer awareness of the interrelationship between nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle to ameliorate health across the lifespan and to determine how health policies can be improved by taking a more nutrition-focused approach.
We welcome manuscripts describing observational and interventional studies as well as basic scientific reports on the topics of food sciences, diets, metabolism, nutrients, clinical nutrition, social sciences and health economics related to nutrition, eating behavior and disorders, and nutrition policies. Physical activity partnered with nutrition education; and strategies to reduce food insecurity are also valued.
The journal hosts also the proceedings of relevant congresses and presents shorter notices focused on the original character of the Mediterranean and North African nutritional civilization. In addition, this journal is intended as a platform for scientific debate and knowledge-sharing among students professionals and researchers, and between them and the broader scientific community, and finally as a tool making nutrition a development priority in Africa through enhancing scientific cooperation.
The average time between submission and the final decision is 45 days. The time between acceptance and online publication is less than 15 days.
Papers with a major focus on traditional medicine will not be accepted.
Direct rejection: Submitted manuscripts can be rejected without given comments after initial review by an editor if the manuscripts are considered inappropriate or of insufficient importance for publication in the NAJFNR. Submitted manuscripts will not be reviewed if they fail to match the aims and scope of the journal, or if they do not conform to standard English usage and do not meet the formatting requirements.
Specific topics covered in the journal include:


Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies

Open Access

Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies

The Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies (NJRCS) is the official and open access journal of the Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. NJRCS aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars from various fields, including religious studies, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, , Psychology, and philosophy. By exploring the complex intersections of religion and culture, the journal seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of human experience and the promotion of tolerance, inclusivity, and social cohesion.
Aims and Scope
1. To provide a platform for scholarly engagement with the intersections of religion, philosophy, culture and other interdisciplinary fields in African and global contexts.
2. To foster critical thinking, research, and debate on the role of religion in shaping cultural values, beliefs, and practices.
3. To explore the complex relationships between religion, culture, and society, and their implications for human flourishing.
The NJRCS welcomes articles, and book reviews that address the following areas:
1. Religious traditions and their cultural expressions (e.g., Christianity, Islam, African religions, etc.).
2. Comparative studies of religion and culture across different regions and historical periods.
3. Methodological innovations in the study of religion and culture.
4. Cultural hermeneutics and interpretation of religious texts and practices.
Interdisciplinary fields such as Philosophy, anthropology, sociology, Psychology, Social Sciences, humanities, and other related areas.
You can see the journal's own website here