Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences

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Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences
Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences (AJBS), established by Wollo University, Ethiopia in 2016 is peer-reviewed and an open access journal that publishes high quality articles twice per year. This journal publishes original research articles, short communications and review articles in all fields of Business, Economics, Social Sciences, Law, Behavioral Sciences, Humanities and language studies. The journal is devoted to disseminate high quality papers and create common platform for researchers, practitioner and scholars all over the world to share experiences, publish articles and debate on various cross-cutting issues in Africa and the rest of the world.

Aims and Scope

Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences (AJBS), established by Wollo University, Ethiopia in 2016 is peer-reviewed and an open access journal that publishes high quality articles twice per year. This journal publishes original research articles, short communications and review articles in all fields of Business, Economics, Social Sciences, Law, Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and language studies. The journal is devoted to disseminate high quality papers and create common platform for researchers, practitioner and scholars all over the world to share experiences, publish articles and debate on various cross-cutting issues in Africa and the rest of the world. All papers submitted to this journal for publication have undergone through initial editor screening, peer review, and double anonymous review processes. Reviewers will be selected based on their publication experiences, academic standards, proximity to the particular discipline etc. 
You can see this journal's website here.


Abyssinia Journal of Engineering and Computing

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Abyssinia Journal of Engineering and Computing
Abyssinia Journal of Engineering and Computing (AJEC) is a cross-equatorial scientific journal publishing from Kombolcha Institute of Technology, Wollo University, Ethiopia. It is an international, peer-reviewed and an open access journal publishes two times per year. This journal publishes original research articles, short communications and reviews articles that generate the significant contribution in the fields of engineering and computing. Its scope covers mainly: Digitalization Technologies, Data mining, Big Data Technologies, Internet of Things(IoT), Artificial Intelligence(AI), Modelling and Simulations, Sustainable Energy and  Harvesting, Power Systems, Nanotechnology, Construction Development and Technologies, Water Resource and Irrigation, Climate and Climate Change Science, Hydropower and Dam Engineering, Soil and Water Conservation Technologies, Textile and Leather Processing, Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, Integrated Device Communication, Robotics and Automation, Manufacturing Process, Industrial Technologies, Smart and Advanced Materials and Interfaces, Civil and Architectural technologies, Natural Resources, Chemical Engineering and Agro-Processing  Technologies. This journal is established to be one of the known sources of proven research outputs and reviews in engineering and computing fields of study; covering innovative and original researches in the aforementioned fields of studies.
You can view this journal's own website here.


Abyssinia Journal of Science and Technology

Open Access

Abyssinia Journal of Science and Technology
Abyssinia Journal of Science and Technology (AJST) is an established scientific journal based in Africa, published by Wollo University in Ethiopia. This international, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal publishes two issues per year. This journal publishes original research articles, short communications and occasionally reviews articles that generate the significant contribution in the field of science and technology. The journal's scope encompasses all areas of Natural Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, as well as Engineering and Informatics.
To be eligible for publication, a manuscript must enhance the understanding of science and technology by presenting either new and original research findings in the form of a full research article or a short communication, or by providing a review of a specific topic pertinent to science and technology.
Publication schedule: This journal publishes biannually. Every year first issue in JUNE and the second issue in DECEMBER
Homepage: https://abjol.org.et/index.php/ajst/index
Journal policies: Click here
Author guidelines: Either click here 
Manuscript submission: Click here
Cover letter and manuscript templates: Click here
Declaration form and conflict of interest statement form: Click here
Copyright form: Click here
The contents of the journal are currently undergoing updates. All authors and readers are encouraged to visit the journal's URL at https://abjol.org.et/index.php/ajst/index



African Journal of Chemical Education

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African Journal of Chemical Education
The African Journal of Chemical Education (AJCE) is a biannual online journal of the Federation of African Societies of Chemistry (FASC). The primary focus of the content of AJCE is chemistry education in Africa and other parts of the world. More specifically, papers on any aspect of Chemistry Education such as teaching organic, analytical, physical, inorganic, polymer, green, climate change, environmental chemistry and chemistry curricula as well as assessment in chemistry are acceptable for publications. AJCE also encourages issues on chemistry and indigenous knowledge/practice, chemical safety, natural products and related areas. AJCE aims to serve the community of Chemistry Educators and Chemistry Teachers.
Other websites related to this journal: http://www.faschem.org/


African Journal of Economics and Business Research

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African Journal of Economics and Business Research
The African Journal of Economics and Business Research of Hawassa Univerity publishes scholarly peer-reviewed works on finance, business, economics, and development-related issues, policies, theories, and problems relevant to the continent of Africa with a particular focus on Ethiopia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Aims and Scope

AJEBR considers potential publications from the following disciplines: Economics, Accounting, Business, Finance, Hotel and Tourism, Marketing management, Logistics and supply chain management, and Human resource management as well as blended approaches for the development or synthesis of knowledge.
We offer a platform for the dissemination of research-based knowledge for researchers, academicians, professionals, and graduate students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high-quality research papers, case studies, and book reviews.

You can view the journal's own website here.


African Research Review

Open Access

African Research Review
African Research Review (AFRREV) is a Peer Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary Journal of the International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers (IAARR) with its head office in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Its aim is to publish scholarly research outputs in and on Africa. Its focus is on the broad areas of Africa Development and issues in various Academic Disciplines. AFRREV will also publish research monographs, feature articles, brief notes, comments on published articles and book review. The journal is published about four times a year (January, April, July & October) and other issues as the case may be. 
As of 2013 all issues of AFRREV will be open access and therefore free to download.
Other websites associated with this journal: http://afrrevjo.net/?q=ijah_home/archive


AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities

Open Access

AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities
IJAH: International Journal of Arts and Humanities, is a Peer Reviewed Journal by International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia and was also incorporated in Nigeria with Corporate Affairs Commission. It is a forum for research on all aspects of arts and humanities. It publishes articles, reviews and scholarly comments relating to the arts and humanities.
It focuses both on conceptual or theoretical approaches and case studies or essays demonstrating how advanced information technologies further scholarly understanding of traditional topics in the arts and humanities. The journal also welcomes submissions on policy, epistemological, and pedagogical issues insofar as they relate directly to computing-based arts and humanities research.

  • Publication within a short period after acceptance

  • About four editions in a year – (January, April, July and September)

  • On-line publication in advance of the printed journal.

  • Papers abstract/indexed by major indexing services 

Other websites associated with this journal: http://afrrevjo.net/?q=ijah_home/archive


AFRREV LALIGENS: An International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies

Open Access

AFRREV LALIGENS: An International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies
LALIGENS is a peer-reviewed journal by International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers (IAARR). It is published three times a year. Three topical issues are to be addressed by this journal – language, literature and gender with the following sub-headings among others:

  • the relationship between language and development and offers a specific proposal for addressing issues of language policy and planning in Africa and elsewhere in the world

  • the extinction and survival of many African languages

  • the role of foreign languages in African context

  • issues of gender portrayal in language and literature

  • all about feminism

  • the relationship between language and gender

  • Gender-related linguistic properties such as referential terms, word formations, syntactic structures, semantic connotations, social gender and idiomatic expressions.

  • Literature related topics among others 

Other websites associated with this Journal: http://afrrevjo.net/?q=afrrevlaligens_home/archive


AFRREV STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology

Open Access

AFRREV STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology
STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed journal of interdisciplinary scientific research, theories, and observations. STECH is a semi-annual publication of International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers (IAARR). The mission of this journal is to provide a platform for the dissemination of scientific research and theory across the academic disciplines. We seek to facilitate greater communication between the scientific assembly in Africa and the larger scientific community. To this end, STECH provides a platform for research conducted both inside and outside of Africa. The journal is provided strictly in the spirit of academic and scientific discourse and in support of our mission of improving the human condition and researches in Africa. 
Other websites associated with this journal: http://afrrevjo.net/?q=stech_home/archive


Bahir Dar Journal of Education

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Bahir Dar Journal of Education
Bahir Dar Journal of Education is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that seeks to broaden our understanding of the processes that advance issues related to education from an educational perspective. It welcomes the submission of original research articles, systematic reviews, reflections, document reviews, letters to the editor, book reviews, and short communications on issues pertaining to education in general and teaching and learning practices in particular from all corners of the world. It accepts manuscripts focusing on educational issues at all levels of education.
As a peer-reviewed academic journal, we particularly welcome submissions that improve the conceptual understanding of the field of education in which the College of Education, Bahir Dar University, has been making every effort to be a center of excellence. We understand education to be an ongoing process that affects all communities and societies at large. We, therefore, do not have a geographical bias, but wherever possible, prospective authors should seek to highlight how their study has relevance to researchers and practitioners studying and actually practicing education and related areas in different classroom settings and academic environment contexts.


Bahir Dar University Journal of Law

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Bahir Dar University Journal of Law
Bahir Dar University Journal of Law is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal of law that has been published by Bahir Dar University, School of Law since May 2010. As per the approved Editorial Policy, the Journal has its own Advisory Board, Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Committee. The Editorial Policy of the Journal sets, inter alia, Guideline for authors, Manuscript Review Criteria and Review Instructions.
The Journal is meant to serve as a forum for the scholar to contribute to the development of the legal jurisprudence and legal analysis of Ethiopian law as well as contemporary legal issues that bring wider impact on regional and global perspectives. Accordingly, legal scholars, legal practitioners, judges and prosecutors and any legal professionals who would like to contribute their own share to the betterment of the Ethiopian legal system in particular and the legal profession in general are all invited. The manuscript submissions may be scholarly articles, notes/reflections, case comments and book reviews.

Any manuscript which meets the preliminary assessment criteria shall be referred to anonymous internal and external assessors for detailed and critical review. Those which succeed attaining the highest assessment marks for their intellectual maturity and their contributions for the legal profession and the administration of justice in general are published.
The Bahir Dar University Journal of Law is here to serve as a forum to make meaningful contributions to our society and to the world at large.


Berhan International Research Journal of Science and Humanities

Open Access

Berhan International Research Journal of Science and Humanities (BIRJSH) is a multidisciplinary open access and peer reviewed journal that is published annually in both online and print version by Debre Berhan University (DBU). BIRJSH accepts innovative research and original ideas on various fields of Science and Humanity, Management, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Education, Agriculture, Natural Science, Health, Medicine, and Engineering. BIRJSH accepts research articles containing original research and has not been submitted/published earlier in any journal and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Moreover, the research article written either in English or in Amharic will only be considered for publication in BIRJSH. All content is free for everyone to access, and there are no submission or publication fees for authors. The BIRJSH welcomes timely original high-quality scholarly articles of appropriate length on the topic of Science and Humanity, broadly construed.
Aims and Scope
The aim of the Berhan International Research Journal of Science and Humanities (BIRJSH) Journal is to advance in research and publications of both fundamental and applied researches. Research findings of the highest caliber that have undergone rigorous expert review have been released in BIRJSH Journal. Working scientists and researchers from relevant departments, colleges, and institutes who are experts in their fields compose our academic editors. The goal of the Journals is to provide current and influential coverage of basic and applied researches while also aiming for the quality, rigor, and fairness of the review process. Articles published in this Journal are not limited to Ethiopia but it is open to all researchers and scholars from around the world. It is intended to publish original researches from the most recent trends in Science, Social Science and Humanities, Law, Business and Economics, Health and Medical Science, computing, Engineering and Technology in the academics or research institutes. The BIRJSH Journal publish article types of original researches, reviews, and book chapters. This journal is written and reviewed by national and international authors and editors. The Journal is published on a continual basis with a volume per year, every year in December. The BIRJSH Journal promotes the idea of making research freely available to the general public by offering open access to its content. Publications have a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 license.
You can see the journal's own website here


Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia

Open Access

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia
The Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia (BCSE) is a monthly publication of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia. The BCSE is an open access and peer reviewed journal. The BCSE invites contributions in any field of basic and applied chemistry.
Sponsoring Organizations:
Published by: Chemical Society of Ethiopia


Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research

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Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research
The Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research (DIJBAR) is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic and research journal. It provides a platform for the publication of innovative and scientific research in the areas of science and development. The journal welcomes original investigations and accepts papers that represent diverse theoretical outlooks and different methodological approaches. The review and selection process for the journal focuses on the significance of the contribution to the area of academics and research. The journal aims to publish high-quality research that makes a meaningful impact in its respective field.
Aims and Scope
Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research is a research journal that publishes research related to Multidisciplinary. It publishes original articles, review articles, short communications, book reviews and books.
You can see this journal's own website here.


East African Journal of Biophysical and Computational Sciences

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East African Journal of Biophysical and Computational Sciences
East African Journal of Biophysical and Computational Sciences is a peer reviewed open access journal published by Hawassa University, College of Natural & Computational Sciences. This Journal is a multi and interdisciplinary journal that is devoted to attracting high-quality, latest and valuable advancements in the fields of natural sciences. The Journal invites publications from different geographical contexts and disciplines in view to advance the depths of knowledge related to physics, chemistry, geology, biology & veterinary medicine. Manuscript originated from other sciences such as biotechnology, sport science, statistics and mathematics can also be accepted based on their adjunct nature. The Journal encourages publications of both scholarly and industrial papers on various themes with the aim of giving innovative solutions towards natural sciences. It encourages publishing of open access academic journals on a regular basis (presumably biannual). The Journal publishes original research articles, critical reviews, mini reviews, short communications, case reports related to the specific theme and a variety of special issues in English. The Journal offers an opportunity to all social classes regardless of their economic status. This helps to promote academic research published by a resource-poor researchers as a mechanism to give back to society


East African Journal of Sciences

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East African Journal of Sciences
The East African Journal of Sciences (EAJS) publishes original scientific papers and disseminates scientific and technological information to the users in Eastern Africa and elsewhere in the world; the Journal also enhances exchange of ideas among scientists engaged in research and development activities; and accepts papers from anywhere else in the world. The journal publishes peer reviewed original research articles in various disciplines of agriculture, forestry, natural resources, education, natural sciences, human and animal health sciences. It also publishes review articles and short communications, and registers released crop varieties.


Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review

Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review
The Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review (EASSRR) is a bi-annual journal published by the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern Africa (OSSREA). Since the publication of its maiden issue in January 1985, the EASSRR has been serving as a regional forum for reflective thinking and critical discourse on the economic, political, and social aspects as well as development issues of the countries and sub-regions within the Eastern and Southern African Region.


Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
EJAS is to provide readers with original scientific research, both basic and applied, with far reaching implications of Ethiopian agriculture. Thus, EJAS seeks to publish those papers that are most influential in Ethiopian agriculture and that will significantly advance scientific understanding of agriculture.
Other websites associated with this journal: http://www.eiar.gov.et/index.php/journals


Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production

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Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production
The Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production is a peer reviewed journal publishing original basic and applied research articles, short communications, technical notes, and review articles dealing with livestock and livestock related issues. Although the journal focuses on livestock production in Ethiopia, papers from similar agro-ecological regions of the world are welcomed.
You can view the journal's website here.


Ethiopian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology

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Ethiopian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology
EJAST publishes peer reviewed original research articles, short communications, reviews, feature articles, new releases, dissertation abstracts etc. on various disciplines of Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Natural Resources, Food Science & Technology, Post-harvest Management, Rural Development, Biological Sciences, and other related fields.
Aims and Scope
The aim of EJAST is to publish scientific works to promote knowledge among scientific communities in agriculture and related disciplines to maintain demand and supply balance of quality foods for ever increasing world population. Our journal scope is to publish scientific works in all fields of agriculture and related life sciences. We accept manuscripts in areas of plant sciences, horticulture, soil sciences, animal sciences, veterinary medicine natural resource management, forestry, agricultural engineering and mechanization, postharvest management, food science and technology, agricultural marketing, agricultural economics, farm management, rural sociology and agricultural extension, agribusiness and value chain, and in related fields of biology, geography, environmental science, water resource and so on.

You can view this journal's own website here.


Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences

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Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences
The Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences publishes scholarly featured articles, short communications and review articles in the various basic and applied biological disciplines to biologists and other workers in related fields of study.


Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The)

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The)
The Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (EJBE) is a biannual peer-reviewed publication of the College of Business and Economics, Addis Ababa University. It seeks to encourage thinking among academics, practitioners and policy makers in the fields of Accounting and Finance, Economics, Business Management, and Public Administration and Development Management. Equally important, its main mission is to stimulate research-based and inter- and multi-disciplinary debate on the issues involving the four fields particularly as these pertain to the Ethiopian setting and development challenges. EJBE publishes research reports, book reviews, and Master’s thesis and PhD dissertation (abridged versions or chapters). Academic articles and other publishable works from related disciplines are also welcome. EJBE is an authoritative and refereed journal.
This journal content is now open access and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND.


Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science
The Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science (EJCS) is published by the Crop Science Society of Ethiopia (CSSE). The society is a non-profit professional association established in 1987. It was inaugurated as a society in December 1991 with the objective of contributing towards the development of Ethiopian agriculture in general and the solving of crop production-related problems in particular through promoting effective research, documenting and disseminating scientific information, encouraging professional growth, and fostering interdisciplinary interactions and dialogues among crop scientists, policy makers and other governmental and non-governmental partners and stakeholders involved in the sector. Accordingly, the journal publishes research articles in the area of Crop breeding and genetics, crop biotechnology, Agronomy and physiology, Crop protection, Soil-Crop-Water related research results, Climate smart Agriculture in relation to crops, crop value chains and other crop related articles.
Other websites associated with this journal: https://cssoe.org/publication/


Ethiopian Journal of Development Research

Ethiopian Journal of Development Research
The Ethiopian Journal of Development Research (EJDR) is a bi-annual journal devoted to development oriented research and published by the Institute of Development Research.
The publication covers wide areas of the development process. It is devoted to the multi-disciplinary study of development problems of Ethiopia in particular and the less developed world in general. Book reviews, synopsis of major research, theoretical and methodological approaches in the general area of development are also acceptable to the publishers of this journal. Contributions are welcome from any part of the world.


Ethiopian Journal of Economics

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Economics
The Ethiopian Economic Journal of Economics is a publication of the Ethiopian Economic Association. It is a bi annual publication devoted to the advancement of economics as a scientific discipline in Ethiopia. However, contributions of articles by non-Ethiopian and on economic experience of other countries are considered for publication.


Ethiopian Journal of Education

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Ethiopian Journal of Education
The Ethiopian Journal of Education (EJE) seeks to publish scholarly articles based on work in education and related areas. EJE publishes original empirical studies, literature reviews, theoretical articles, methodological articles, book reviews, dissertation and thesis  abstracts, synopsis of major research, short communications, commentaries(comments on articles published in the Journal), and other relevant issues in the area of education. Manuscripts to be published in EJE should satisfy the quality and standard required by a reputable journal.
EJE is published biannually in June and December. In general, the number of articles published per issue is not less than five. However, depending on situations, a special edition may be issued with more than five articles.
Other websites associated with this journal: http://ejol.aau.edu.et/index.php/EJE


Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences

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Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences
The Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences focuses on publishing articles relating to education and sciences. It publishes original research findings, experiments, action research, case studies, brief communications, and review articles in the fields of education and sciences. The objective is to create forum for researchers in education and sciences.
Please see http://journals.ju.edu.et/index.php/ejes for more information


Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management
Kindly note that from 1 September 2017, updating of this journal has been suspended by AJOL, pending the outcome of a journal ownership dispute process.
The Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management (EJESM) is based in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. Its aim is to publish original research output in the area of Geography, Ecology, Botany, Conservation studies, Food and Nutrition, Water Resources, Urban Studies, Environmental Design and Management and other allied disciplines. It is devoted to disseminating results of original research in these fields. Review papers and short communications on topical issues of contemporary importance are also accepted. The journal publishes six issues annually in February, April, June, August, October and December.


Ethiopian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences

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Ethiopian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences
Ethiopian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences (EJHBS) is an official publication of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia. The Journal publishes papers describing previously unpublished research, including original articles, new methodology, short communications, case studies, review papers, and letters to the editor. The scope of the journal includes research on public health, medicine, health sciences, Pharmacy, and biomedical sciences. Article submission to the journal is through the journal online submission system available at the UoG website. Licensure: EJHBS operates under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY NC 4.0), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ EJHBS publishes papers dealing with basic and applied research in the areas of health and biomedical sciences.
Aims and Scope

Ethiopian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences (EJHBS) is open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on public health, medicine, health sciences, pharmacy, and biomedical sciences. The journal has a special focus on the social determinants of health, the environmental, behavioral, and occupational correlates of health and disease, and the impact of health policies, practices, and interventions on the community. It also focuses on clinical, diagnostic, prognostic, and biomedical research.
The objective of EJHBS is to reflect the development of the college, advancement of health-related measures for the promotion of health, prevention of diseases. It would create opportunities for basic research knowledge on problem assessment and would ultimately solve health-related problems.
You can see the journal's website here.


Ethiopian Journal of Health Development

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Ethiopian Journal of Health Development
The Journal publishes analytical, descriptive and methodological articles, as well as original research, on public health problems, management of health services, health care needs and socio-economic and political factors related to health and development. More specifically, the Journal focus on important topics in health development that include: health policy and health politics; health planning, monitoring and evaluation; health administration and organization of health services; hospital administration; health manpower, including training; health economics, financing, and health development; health statistics and health information systems; maternal and child health, including family planning; environmental health and water; food and nutrition; health education; epidemiology and communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS, TB and STI; community involvement and inter-sectoral approaches to primary health care; drug supply and distribution; socioeconomic factors related to health and health services, medical geography, broader topics on scientific work on health care technologies; rights and obligations of communities in participation in health care; and international health organizations and technical cooperation among developing countries.
Other websites related to this journal: www.ejhd.org


Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences

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Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences
The first issue of the journal appeared in July 1990 with the title 'Bulletin of Jimma Institute of Health Sciences'. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences used to appear twice a year until July 2007 but since then it is being published three times yearly by the College of Health Science of Jimma University. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles related to Public Health and Medicine.
The objectives of the journal are:
1. To provide current scientific and technological information on health and related fields for informed planning and decision making.
2. To contribute to the scientific knowledge and practices in medicine, public health and related fields by providing a formal means for researchers to share their scientific research works, observations and experiences.
Other websites related to this journal: https://www.ethjhealths.org


Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights
The Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights (EJHR) is a multidisciplinary journal published by the Center for Human Rights, Addis Ababa University (CHR, AAU). The objectives of the EJHR include the promotion of knowledge and dialogue on issues of human rights as a multidisciplinary theme. Furthermore, it envisions promoting human rights values including, but not limited to, understanding, tolerance, and participation.

All research articles published in the journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and they must be original contributions that are not under consideration for any other publication. The EJHR welcomes solicited and unsolicited research articles, reviews, commentaries, decisions of courts/tribunals, opinions/notes/reflections, etc. related to human rights.


Ethiopian Journal of Language, Culture and Communication

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Ethiopian Journal of Language, Culture and Communication
The Ethiopian Journal of Language, Culture, and Communication (EJLCC) was founded in 2016. The Ethiopian Journal of Language, Culture, and Communication (EJLCC) publishes original research findings and scholarly articles devoted to the interdisciplinary study of issues in the areas of linguistics, language teaching, literature, folklore, and communication. EJLCC also welcomes book reviews, commentaries, and case studies on areas of language, literary, cultural, and communication studies. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License, which permits others to use, distribute, and reproduce the work non-commercially, provided the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal are properly cited. Commercial reuse must be authorized by the copyright holder. Date of Publishing: Every year, the first issue is in June, and the second in December. Submission Deadline: The date of manuscript submission is open. Authors can submit their manuscripts at any time. The editorial board will process their manuscript for future volumes and issues.

Aims and Scope
Ethiopian Journal of Language, Culture and Communication welcomes submission of empirical studies, literature reviews, book reviews, and short communications on issues pertaining to humanities (in particular literature, culture, journalism, media, communication and language education).
EJLCC covers the full scope from linguistics (including phonetics/phonology, morphology, lexicology, semantics, syntax, text linguistics, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, lexicography, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, etc.) on the one hand to language teaching on the other. One of the targets of this journal is to show the enormous performance of linguistics for efficient language teaching on both L1 and L2 context.
It also accepts manuscripts focusing on cultural and literary studies covering a wide range of research on folklore, oral literature, world literature, Ethiopian literature, contemporary literature, comparative literature, literary theories, literary criticism and narratology.
Regarding media and communication studies, EJLCC views the field as a coherent discipline in which all different aspects of journalism, media, public relations, communication are linked by common processes, structures, theories, and methods despite the diverse structure and interests, each representing a special subfield of communication processes and phenomena. To advance its commitment to excellence in communication scholarship, journalism, media research, and application, EJLCC accepts innovative and influential publications that chart new courses in their respective fields of study.

You can see this journal's own website here. or https://journals.bdu.edu.et/


Ethiopian Journal of Natural and Computational Sciences

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Ethiopian Journal of Natural and Computational Sciences
The Ethiopian Journal of Natural and Computational Sciences (Eth J Nat Comp Sci) is a journal that aims at publishing articles that contribute new theoretical and practical results in areas of Natural and Computational Sciences and related disciplines. The frequency of its publication is biannual. Research papers and articles on Biological, Biotechnological, Chemical, Earth Science, Mathematical, Physical, Sport, Statistical, Environmental, Agricultural, Veterinary, Technological, and Health Sciences are covered in Eth J Nat Comp Sci. The journal accepts manuscripts submitted in the form of original research article, review article, short and rapid communication, and book review.
Other websites associated with this journal: https://journal.uog.edu.et/index.php/EJNCS


Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health

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Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health
The Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health (Ethiop J Ped Child Health) is an official organ of the Ethiopian Pediatric Society and regularly publishes merited scientific contributions in the broader field of pediatrics, child health, and related areas having pragmatic significance to science and people’s health in Ethiopia and the World at large. Its broader mission is the advancement of evidence-based Pediatrics and Child Health academics, policy guidance, and care service standards. EJPCH publishes bi-annual regular issues in January and July issues as well as special supplemental issues which are the journal standard publications of the Journal. The Journal will accept Editorials, Policy Briefs, Original Articles, Review Articles, Brief Communications, Case Studies, Teaching Articles, Letters, and other types of submissions based on merit and timeliness. The Editorial Board will invite and propose review and teaching articles for publication.
Other websites associated with this journal are: https://www.ejpch.net/index.php/ejpch/index


Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health

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Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health
The Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health (EJRH) is the quarterly publication of the Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ESOG). It is a peer-reviewed journal providing a vehicle for the publication of high-quality original research, review articles, and commentaries covering the latest advances in reproductive health.  EJRH takes an interest in researches on the subjects of obstetrics, gynaecology, sexual and reproductive health, women’s health, adolescent’s health and others of related topic. EJRH does not request fees for processing articles or reading articles. It is an open-access platform.
You can view the journal's website here.


Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development

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Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development
Scope: The Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development (EJSSD) is a double-blind reviewed journal published twice a year by Adama Science & Technology University (ASTU). The EJSSD is cross-disciplinary in nature and publishes original research findings, review articles, and short/brief communications. The Journal is the place for the exchange of information and research results that describe significant advances in the field of Engineering, Science, Technology, Business, Education, Humanities and Law, Agriculture, Health and sustainable development. Papers from researchers working in different public and private sector, academic institutions, industries, companies, etc., having national/international interest are accepted for publication.
Other websites associated with this journal: https://ejssd.astu.edu.et/index.php/EJSSD


Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology

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Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology
Ethiop. J. Sci. Technol. is envisioned as a key forum for researchers, academicians, industry, and students of physical science, life science, and engineering to communicate breakthroughs and developments in basic and applied science and technology-based findings. In the future, depending on the anticipated increase in the volume of research, manuscript submissions and staff composition and quality, the journal will have specialized journals still within the discipline of science and technology.
The Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology publishes high-quality original research articles, reviews, short communications, and feature articles on basic and applied aspects of science, technology, engineering, agriculture, energy, telecommunication, health, and other related fields.
Other websites associated with this journal: http://www.bdu.edu.et/page/ethiopian-journal-of-science-and-technology
Online submissions and reviews can be managed through the following link: https://journals.bdu.edu.et/index.php/index/login


Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences

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Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences
EJSS publishes scholarly works focusing on historical, socio-economic, development, cultural, gender, political and environmental issues. Contributions for the journal should include full-length original research articles, review articles, book reviews and letters.
The Journal works for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in social sciences. It provides a platform for the research community to share their findings, insights and views in social sciences. The Journal serves as a forum of critical, constructive and problem-solving research and knowledge creation.


Ethiopian Journal of Sport Science

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Ethiopian Journal of Sport Science


Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities

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Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities
Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities (EJOSSAH) is a bi-annual publication of the College of Social Sciences, Addis Ababa University. It is a double blind peer-reviewed Journal in English, and it is open to all interested contributors.


Ethiopian Medical Journal

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Ethiopian Medical Journal
The Ethiopian Medical Journal (EMJ) is the official Journal of the Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA) and devoted to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge pertaining to the broad field of medicine in Ethiopia and other developing countries. EMJ is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed medical journal publishing scientifically valued and influential research outputs in the area of clinical medicine, conventional modern medicine, biomedical research, Preventive medicine, traditional medicine, and other related researches in the broad area of Medicine. Prospective contributors to the Journal should take note of the instructions of Manuscript preparation and submission to EMJ which is available on the journal website.
You can view the journal's own website here.


Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal

Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal
The Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal is an international journal devoted to research concerning all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences.


Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

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Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
It aims to provide a platform for the research community to share their findings, insights and views about all aspects of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Erjssh) is an open access peer reviewed journal published twice a year (July/August and December/Janu- ary in both print and online versions to be accessed free of cost. The journal accepts the research papers from the diverse fields of social sciences and humanities reflecting the disciplines taught in the college such as population, sociology, anthropology, political sci- ence, history, geography, religion, media, environmental issues, art/theatre and culture. Papers can be submitted in the form of full-length original research, review articles, book reviews, commentaries, editorials - policies, news and letters to the editor.
Other websites associated with this journal: http://www.erjssh-uog.org/index.php/ERJSSH/about


Ethiopian Veterinary Journal

Open Access

Ethiopian Veterinary Journal
The Ethiopian Veterinary Journal (Ethiop. Vet. J.) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal intended to promote animal health and production of national and regional/international importance. The journal publishes review articles, original research articles, short communication as well as technical notes in English. Under special circumstances, articles in Amharic may be considered for publication.


Gadaa Journal

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Gadaa Journal
Gadaa Journal is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary bilingual journal (online and print version) published biannually by the Institute of Oromoo Studies (IOS) in Jimma University. It is a double blind, peer reviewed, open access, refereed Journal aspiring to have a brand value among the world’s multidisciplinary journals. The journal publishes original, multidisciplinary, scientific (theoretical and empirical) research in all fields of studies focusing on Oromoo and accepts articles that address aspects of the totality of Oromoo life in space and time.

This includes multidisciplinary research works pertinent to, but not limited to, Oromoo language, culture, philosophy, history, folklore, literature, arts, humanities, indigenous life systems and practices, environment, administrative and governance systems, economy, education, and science and technology. The forms of contributions the journal entertains include original research, review articles, book reviews, and short communications. These contributions should pass through the peer review process to be published on the journal.

This journal's own website can be found here.


Haramaya Law Review

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Haramaya Law Review
The Haramaya Law Review (HLR) publishes original scientific manuscripts and disseminates scientific and information to the users in Ethiopia, Africa and elsewhere in the world. It also enhances exchange of ideas among scientists engaged in research and development activities and accepts papers from anywhere else in the world. The Haramaya Law Review (HLR) publishes original scholarly works on any topic relevant to the legal community, including analysis of domestic or international laws and cases, the African Union and other international organizations, challenges and lessons from domestic practice, and original field research.Other websites associated with this journal: http://www.haramaya.edu.et/academics/college-of-law/journal/


Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics

Open Access

Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics (HAJBE) is an academic journal published by the College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia. Aimed at publishing high quality research papers in the field of
Leadership and Corporate Governance
Innovation and Change Management
Supply Chain Management
International business
Entrepreneurship and Development
and other topics related to business and economics contributing to international literatures.
You can see the journal's own website here.


Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

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Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
The Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access international Journal that aims to publish original research articles, review articles, short communications and case studies in areas of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. All papers are subjected to peer-review by members of the editorial board or qualified reviewers in double blind peer review system. The journal is published by Bahir Dar University of Ethiopia. 
This journal is also indexed on EJOL, and you can visit the journal's own website here.


Journal of Business and Administrative Studies

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Journal of Business and Administrative Studies
JBAS’ purpose is to provide practitioners and scholars opportunities for research-based debate as well as discourse in the fields of Finance, Economics, Marketing, Public and Development Management, Governance and related fields and professions, particularly related to Ethiopia. 


JBAS is a bi-annual journal published by St Mary University.


Journal of Computational Science and Data Analytics

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The journal is aimed to serve as an avenue of research findings in computational science and data analytics. With the rapid advancement of technology and data driven decision making, the study of computational science and data science has been the central focus of researchers in different application areas. Hence, applications, tool developments, theoretical contribution as well as review manuscripts are the focus of this journal.


Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development

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Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development
Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development (JESSD) is a multidisciplinary international journal for all those concerned with equity in sciences and sustainable development. The journal's contents reveal its integrative approach including original research articles, discussion of research notes, short communications, and critical book/article reviews. Manuscripts to be submitted in the journal are critically relevant to the advancement of theories, increasing or extension of body of knowledge/literature as well as brings practical implication. The decision for the submission including accepting, rejecting, or revision is the results of anonymous reviews by at least two referees preferred by the editors. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Ethiopian Medical Practice

Journal of Ethiopian Medical Practice
A biannual scientific journal published by the Ethiopian Society of General Medical Practice


Journal of Ethiopian Studies

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Journal of Ethiopian Studies
Journal of Ethiopian Studies (JES) is the first and the oldest academic journal in the entire history of Addis Ababa University, established in 1963 with the aim of conducting, promoting, and coordinating research and publications on Ethiopia, with particular emphasis on humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies. It’s a biannual journal published bilingually in Amharic and English.
Aims and Scope
JES was established in 1963 at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, with the aim of publishing and disseminating scientific research outputs. Since then, the JES has continued to act as a representative, reputable publication for over half a century, being one of the oldest journals at Addis Ababa University. The JES publishes scholarly articles in the Social Sciences and Humanities with reference to Ethiopia in particular and the Horn of Africa in general. Besides original research papers, the JES publishes book reviews, dissertation abstracts, and short communications about research projects. It’s a biannual journal that publishes articles in multiple languages. With English and Amharic being the main operating languages, the JES also publishes articles in French, Italian, and Geez under special circumstances. 
You can see this journal's own website here 


Journal of Science and Inclusive Development

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Journal of Science and Inclusive Development
The journal's aim is to be one of the reputable and impactful journals of our globe, capable of communicating the research findings that can influence policy making and contribute to solving the community's problems. The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed articles and reviews of all multidisciplinary thematic areas such as social sciences and humanities, human health and medicine, agriculture and rural development, natural sciences, computational sciences and technology. The articles that will be submitted to this journal shall be clustered as follows:-

a. Social sciences and humanities cluster will include articles addressing issues like language, history, law, education, society, culture, business, economics, tourism, climate and other related behavioral and social issues.

b. Human health and medicine cluster will include articles addressing any issue related to human health and medicine.

c. Agriculture and rural development cluster will include articles addressing issues related to agricultural productivity, rural livelihood, animal production and health and other related issues.

d. Natural sciences cluster will include articles addressing issues related to biology, chemistry, physics, and other natural science fields.

e. Computational sciences and technology cluster will include articles addressing issues related to computation, engineering, and ICT and other technological innovations and discoveries.
You can view this journal's website here.


Millennium Journal of Health

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Millennium Journal of Health
Millennium Journal of Health (MJH) is an open access peer reviewed journal within the scope of publishing quality original articles, review articles, brief communications, commentaries, case reports/series and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis on clinical medicine, public health, nursing, biomedical sciences, global health, policies, practices, interventions, social determinants of health, environmental, behavioral and occupational correlates of diseases and one-health relevant articles. It is published twice per year in January and July. If you are interested to submit manuscripts, please follow the following link, (You need to be logged in first in order to submit your manuscripts, else you will have to register yourself). Please Follow this link (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/mjh) register/sign-in to submit your manuscripts. We advise authors to read the instructions before you start the submission process.

Aims and Scope
Millennium Journal of Health (MJH) is an open access peer reviewed journal within the scope of publishing quality original articles, review articles, brief communications, commentaries, case reports/series and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis on clinical medicine, public health, nursing, biomedical sciences, global health, policies, practices, interventions, social determinants of health, environmental, behavioral and occupational correlates of diseases and one-health relevant articles. It is published twice per year in January and July.

You can view this journal's website here.


Mizan Law Review

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Mizan Law Review
Mizan Law Review publishes peer reviewed original scholarly articles that identify, examine and analyze legal and related concepts, principles and stipulations based on research findings. The articles aim at interpretation, diagnosis, problem-solving, proactive critique and projection that assist the application and development of laws in Ethiopia. The journal focuses on law in action relating to Ethiopian laws, comparative laws and various themes under international law. It also publishes non-peer reviewed thematic comments, notes, sharing thoughts and case comments based on internal review. Mizan Law Review is published by the Center for Law in Sustainable development, St. Mary’s University (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
The electronic ISSN for this journal is 2309-902X.
Indexed in DOAJ:  8 September 2010 
Accreditation by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Dec. 18, 2020
Scopus indexed: 29 August 2022


Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science

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Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science

Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science (MEJS) is a free access e-journal devoted primarily to the original contributions containing original scientific findings in any of the science fields, having national or international appeal and significance. It is aimed to publish the research output mainly related to earth science, physical sciences, chemical sciences, biological sciences and computational sciences; and focuses on all aspects of geology, chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics and related areas. It publishes original peer-reviewed scientific papers, covering both basic and applied aspects of science including interdisciplinary researches. It will also include short communications, invited review papers, general review articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, comments and critique of published materials, information related to conferences and any other relevant topics. Papers from researchers working in different public and private sector, academic institutions, industries, companies etc., having national/international interest are accepted for publication.


Oromia Law Journal

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Oromia Law Journal
The Oromia Law Journal covers articles, book reviews, legislative and case comments related to legal, economic, political and social issues arising in relation to Oromia, Ethiopian, and other related International Laws.  As such, the journal has two audiences-primary and secondary. The primary ones are legal professionals of the region and the country. Law students, policy makers of the country, and even legal professionals in other jurisdictions are secondary audiences.


PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development

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PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development
PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD) is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of Jimma University that publishes editorials, research articles, book reviews, commentaries and notes. PJGD offers a platform of expression of new scientific enquiries to intellectuals of the world in general and Africa & Ethiopia in particular to reflect on how governance and development can be promoted, strengthened and consolidated. The biannual edition is published in February and August of each year only in English language. PJGD is APC Free Journal.
PJGD accepts the scientific works focused on the diversified areas of Governance and Development drawn from multiple disciplines of Political Science and International Relations, Public Management, Leadership, Development Economics, Environmental Governance, Peace and Conflict, Human Rights, National and International Law, Globalization, Public Policy, Regional and International Organizations, Gender, Peace and Conflict Management, International Political Economy, Multiculturalism, Civil Society, and related areas.


Pest Management Journal of Ethiopia

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Pest Management Journal of Ethiopia
The Pest Management Journal of Ethiopia is national in scope but may also entertain manuscripts that have regional nature and are relevant to Ethiopian agriculture. It covers all disciplines of crop protection: diseases, insects, weeds, nematodes and vertebrate pests. Priority is given to papers dealing with crop protection problems that are highly relevant to Ethiopian agriculture. Manuscripts dealing with non-chemical pest management aspects are preferred.

You can view this journal's website here.


Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal

Open Access

Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal
This Journal publishes original research work  (including theoretical/conceptual, empirical and critical studies), review articles, Debates, Teaching Cases, Invited articles, conference reports, short communications, case report, Ethics Forum, Education contribute significantly to further the scientific  knowledge related to the field of Science, Technology and Arts.
STAR Journal hopes that researchers, research  scholars, academicians, industrialists publication for the development in the field of Science, Technology and Arts.
Other websites related to this journal: http://www.starjournal.org/


SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science

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SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science
SINET is a peer-reviewed, biannual journal of science published by the Faculty of Science at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, from 1978 to 2021. As of 2022, it transitioned to a triannual format, with issues now published in April, August, and December each year. The publisher is the College of Natural and Computational Sciences, formerly the Faculty of Science. The journal caters to an international readership, both within Africa and globally. Since its inception in 1978, SINET has been publishing original research articles, review articles, short communications, and feature articles across a broad range of fields, including but not limited to Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Physics, Sports Science, Statistics, Earth Sciences, Information Sciences, Enviromntal Science, Food Science and Biotechnology.


Zede Journal

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Zede Journal
Zede is a scientific journal on engineering science and application, produced under the auspices of the Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University. The main objective of the journal is to publish research articles, findings and discussions on engineering sciences, technology and architecture thereby assisting in the dissemination of engineering knowledge and methodologies in solving engineering problems. Technical Notes of significant contribution may be considered for publication.Other websites related to this journal: http://www.aait.edu.et/index.php?id=112