Acta Structilia

  South Africa
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Acta Structilia
Acta Structilia Journal is a South African accredited national journal for independently adjudicated research articles on any topic in the field of the physical and development sciences on subjects in any applicable field of scholarship, i.e. architecture, urban and regional planning, quantity surveying, construction management and project management, building economy, engineering and property or community development. 


African Journal of Accounting and Social Science Studies

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African Journal of Accounting and Social Science Studies
AJASSS, the journal of the Tanzania Institute of Accountancy, welcomes research papers concerning all aspects relevant to Accounting, Procurement and Logistic Management, Business Administration, Human Resource Management, Market and Public Relations, Management and other Business related studies.


African Journal of Finance and Management


African Journal of Finance and Management
The African Journal of Finance and Management is designed to carry articles, announcements, notes and reports on in-depth, theoretical and empirical research, analysis of field experience and significant new developments in finance, management, banking, accountancy, insurance, social security, computers and related areas.


African Journal of Management Research

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African Journal of Management Research
Topics and themes appropriate for African Journal of Management Research will come from and cut across organisational/institutional sectors (public, private, non-for-profit) and address matters of theory, research and practice from a variety of management and organisational disciplines including: Finance, Operations, Human Resource, Organisational Behaviour, Marketing Services, Public Administration, Health Services Management, and Information systems.AJMR aims to serve management and business academics.


African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies

Open Access

African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies
African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies offers open access platform to the scholars , researchers, academia, and students of politics and administration with a view to publishing the most captivating , innovative and trending researches that explore political issues and administrative research in the wake of globalization.
Hosted by the Department of Political Science Department of Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Nigeria, West Africa.
Since 2004, “ AJPAS” has become a peer-reviewed international journal which accepts high quality research articles. The Journal is published two times a year (June/December).
The Journal is keen in capturing the major developments in the Political science and Public Administration discipline that is growing vertically and horizontally. The goal of AJPAS is to provide original, relevant, and timely information from diverse sources; to write and publish with absolute integrity; and to serve as effectively as possible the needs of scholars. AJPAS also provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge production and exchange. AJPAS is open to all researchers, in the field of Political Science and Public Administration regardless of their geographical origin, race, nationality, religion or gender in so far as they have an adequate scientific articles. All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review by members of the editorial board who are noted experts in the appropriate field of specialization.


African Review of Economics and Finance

  South Africa

African Review of Economics and Finance
The African Review of Economics and Finance (AREF) is the official journal of the African Review of Economics and Finance Consult (AREF Consult). The journal welcomes high quality articles in theoretical and empirical economics, with special emphasis on African economies. Theoretical contributions can be either innovation in economic theory or rigorous new applications of existing theory. Pure theory papers include, but are by no means limited to, those in behavioural economics and decision theory, game theory, general equilibrium theory, contract theory, public finance, financial economics, industrial organisation, labour economics, development theory and the theory of economic mechanisms.
At the same time AREF publishes papers of high quality dealing with the confrontation of relevant economic theory with observed data through the use of adequate econometric methods. Empirical papers cover topics such as estimation of established relationships between economic variables, testing of hypotheses derived from economic theory, policy evaluation, simulation, forecasting, methodology, econometric methods and measurement.
As a general interest journal, AREF emphasizes the replicability of empirical results. Replication studies of important results in the literature - both with positive or negative results - may be published as short papers in AREF. Authors are expected to make available their data set in case readers, editors or referees should want to replicate results reported in submitted contributions. AREF also welcomes book reviews, and special issues of international conferences and workshops.
Other websites related to this journal: and


Botswana Journal of Economics

Open Access

Botswana Journal of Economics
The Botswana Journal of Economics is a professional journal established for the dissemination of contemporary economic issues–theoretical, methodological, and policy relevant–in the context of both the immediate environment and the wider international community.


Dama Academic Scholarly Journal of Researchers

Open Access

Dama Academic Scholarly Journal of Researchers is a double-reviewed monthly online published journal since January 2016 and is a member of Dama Academic Scholarly & Scientific Research Society. The Journal is endeavors monthly, international, refereed journal published with the aim to provide an online publishing platform for the academia, researchers, and students to publish their original works to promote and disseminate knowledge in the complex multi-disciplinary management, Science, and Technology field. The aim of the journal to become a serious vehicle for inspiring and disseminating research papers, articles, case studies, review articles etc in all subject areas by the academicians, research scholars, corporate and practitioners with substantial experience and expertise in their respective fields. This journal is kept wide to provide platform for diversity of intellectual pursuit from all corners of the society for enrichment and enhancement of the group readers. The Journal is been published on every 28th of the month. The mission is to provide a rapid turnover time to review, publish and disseminate the articles freely for teaching and reference. The Journal focuses on publishing scholarly articles from the areas of management, science and Technology. DAMA ACADEMIC SCHOLARLY JOURNAL OF RESEARCHERS seeks original manuscripts that identify, extend, unify, test or apply scientific and multi-disciplinary knowledge concerned to the management field. 
Aims and Scope
The following types of papers are considered for publication: original research works in the above-mentioned fields, surveys opinions, abstracts and essays related to operations research, few review papers will be published if the author had done considerable work in that area, and case studies related to management domain. Dama Academic Scholarly Journal of Researchers periphery of the Subject areas Includes: Accountings, Finance, Management Accounting, Business, Commerce, Corporate Governance, Financial Accounting, Arts, Fine Arts, Designing, Medical, Bio-medical, Clinical Research, Home Science, Medical Science, Anatomy, Anesthesiology, Ayurveda, Biochemistry, Cardiology, Clinical Research, Clinical Science, Community Medicine, Dental Science, Dermatology, Diabetology, Electrotherapy, Endocrinology, Endodontic, ENT, Epidemiology, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Science, Gastroenterology, General Medicine, General Surgery, Genetics, Gynaecology, Health Science, Healthcare, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Homeopathic, Human Genetics, Immunohaematology, Immunology, Medical Physics, Medical Science, Medicine, Microbiology, Morphology, Neonatology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nursing, Gynaecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Orthodontology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Pathology, Periodontology, Pharma, Otolaryngology, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Physiology, Physiotherapy, Plastic Surgery, Prosthodontics, Psychiatry, Pulmonary Medicine, Radiodiagnosis, Radiology, Rehabilitation Science, Rheumatology, Surgery, Unani Medicine, Urology,Psychology, Human ideology, Sociology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Electronics, Electrical, Information technology, Computer Science, Management, Organization behaviour, Organization psychology, Marketing. etc.
You can see this journal's own website here


Dirassat Journal Economic Issue

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Dirassat Journal Economic Issue (DJEI) (ISSN: 2676-2013. E-ISSN: 2676-2080) is an open-access, peer-reviewed Bi-Annual journal publishing theoretical and empirical research papers covering the major aspects of management, accounting, economics, and management information systems, Commerce, Marketing, HRM and finance. All articles in Dirassat Journal Economic Issue are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication.
DJEI is published by the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Laghouat, Algeria. The journal's emphasis is on theoretical developments and their implementation, as empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research. The journal's purpose is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities, policymakers, and operational decision-makers. DJEI fills a unique niche among business publications of its type by publishing articles that strike a balance between the practical and the academic fields, recognizing the intricate relationships between many areas of business activities. DJEI is represented by a diverse and international Editorial Board comprising of individuals from reputable institutions.

Aims and Scope

The aim of the Dirassat Journal Economic Issue is to provide an international forum for discussion of advancements in all areas of Economics & management studies. The Journal publishes high-quality research articles in a global context pertaining to various business & economic disciplines:
Operations Management
Human Resources Management.
You can view this journal's own website here.


East African Journal of Management and Business Studies

Open Access

East African Journal of Management and Business Studies
The East African Journal of Management and Business Studies is an academic journal dedicated to publishing research on management, business studies, business administration, accounting and finances, human resources and related issues from the African continent. It is published by the Gitoya Centre for Academic Research and Dissemination, Tanzania. 
You can see the journal's own website here.


Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The)

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The)
The Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (EJBE) is a biannual peer-reviewed publication of the College of Business and Economics, Addis Ababa University. It seeks to encourage thinking among academics, practitioners and policy makers in the fields of Accounting and Finance, Economics, Business Management, and Public Administration and Development Management. Equally important, its main mission is to stimulate research-based and inter- and multi-disciplinary debate on the issues involving the four fields particularly as these pertain to the Ethiopian setting and development challenges. EJBE publishes research reports, book reviews, and Master’s thesis and PhD dissertation (abridged versions or chapters). Academic articles and other publishable works from related disciplines are also welcome. EJBE is an authoritative and refereed journal.
This journal content is now open access and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND.


Ghanaian Journal of Economics

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Ghanaian Journal of Economics
The Ghanaian Journal of Economics (GJE) is an international, peer-reviewed general interest economics and allied social sciences journal dedicated to publishing high-quality, original research. The GJE places emphasis on theoretical, analytical, and empirical articles, with policy relevance for the Ghanaian economy and other regions of the world.

Aims and Scope
The aim of the GJE is to lead a new trajectory of academic and professional research that enlarges the debate on key issues underpinning the Ghanaian economy and similar emerging economies around the world.

You can see this journal's website here.


Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences

Open Access

Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences
Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences (GIJMSS) is a biannual (October and April) academic journal, which welcomes contribution from the diverse fields of Management and Social Sciences. The mission is to publish high quality papers from all over the world and make GIJMSS a high ranked journal.

GIJMSS adheres to a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy and all submissions are evaluated initially by the Editorial Board and only those papers that meet the specific and editorial standard of the journal, and fits within its aims and scopes will be subjected to blind review. The Editorial Board reserves the right to modify part of the papers adjudged acceptable for publication.
You can view the journal's own website here.


HAFED POLY Journal of Science, Management and Technology

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HAFED POLY Journal of Science, Management and Technology
The Journal accepts, review and publish scholarly articles that contribute to knowledge from Science field, Management and Technology discipline. The mission of JSMT is to bring improvement in the socio-economic environment, contemporary political discourse, science education and technological innovation in the modern society. The JSMT identifies potential processes, tools, techniques and applications for the development of humanities and provides insightful analysis about those factors that affect ICTs for human development initiatives. Proposing strategies to both governance and technology transfer in organizations for progressive enablement meant to address future educational challenges. Two types of papers are published in the Journal: Research Papers and Review Papers. It is intended that in a research paper, the original material should permit conclusion to be drawn and should not be of a purely preliminary nature. On the other hand, a review paper should critically assess the subject matter under consideration and provide the reader with a thorough review of the particular subject area based on the use of contemporary relevant published literature. The editorial team of the journal recognizes the publications are important to the authors who wish to publish the result of their research work. Typically, the journal would publish accepted articles within six months of acceptance after the peer-review process. All rights reserved. No part of the journal may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means without the prior written permission of the publisher: Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Kazaure. It is also a condition of publication in the journal that manuscripts submitted have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Also, upon acceptance of any manuscripts to be published in the journal, the author(s) have transferred copy right of the manuscripts to the publisher (Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Kazaure).


Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics

Open Access

Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics (HAJBE) is an academic journal published by the College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia. Aimed at publishing high quality research papers in the field of
Leadership and Corporate Governance
Innovation and Change Management
Supply Chain Management
International business
Entrepreneurship and Development
and other topics related to business and economics contributing to international literatures.
You can see the journal's own website here.


International Journal of Development and Management Review

Open Access

International Journal of Development and Management Review



The journal aims to be proactive in initiating and sustaining quality academic debates in social Development and Management practices and theories while providing an institutional framework for the dissemination of such ideas through the publication of quality journals.


International Journal of Innovation and Development

Open Access

The International Journal of Innovation and Development is a peer-refereed multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal.
Aims and Scope
IJID is aimed at generating knowledge that contributes to solve problems and improve the quality of life. It facilitates effective dissemination of new knowledge and technologies developed through scientific investigations to appropriate users (scholars, industry players, policy makers, etc.). The scope includes original research manuscripts, systematic review, conference proceedings, etc. are welcomed from various disciplines including but not limited to the following: Agriculture & Life Sciences; Business, Management and Administration; Creative Arts and Technology; Computer Science and Information Technology; Finance, Economics and Statistics; Engineering and Technology; Health Sciences; Environment, Climate change and Sustainable Development; Hospitality and Tourism; Physical Sciences; Liberal and Socio-Cultural Studies. IJID seeks to serve the academics, researchers, technologists and industry players.
You can see the journal's own website here.


International Journal of Public Administration

Open Access

International Journal of Public Administration
International Journal of Public Administration (IJOPAD) is a broad based biannual open access, peer reviewed International Journal, published by the Department of Public Administration Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra State, Nigeria. IJOPAD aims to publish original peer-reviewed articles, case studies, surveys and critically reviewed academic works within the broad field of public policy and administration. This includes recent developments in research, scholarship and practice within public policy, public Administration, government, public management, administrative theory, administrative history and administrative politics. The journal welcomes submissions from both academic and practitioner communities from around the world.
Aims and Scope
1. To provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in public administration.
2. To facilitate dialogue and collaboration among academics, policymakers, and professionals in the field of public administration.
3. To promote cutting-edge research, critical thinking, and innovative solutions to address the complex challenges facing public administration in Nigeria and globally.
1. Public Administration Theories and Practices: IJOPAD welcomes manuscripts that explore theoretical and practical aspects of public administration, including governance, policy analysis, public management, and organizational behavior.
2. Public Policy and Governance: The journal invites submissions that examine public policy processes, governance structures, and institutional frameworks at local, national, and international levels.
3. Public Management and Leadership: IJOPAD encourages manuscripts that focus on public management, leadership, and organizational development, including human resource management, financial management, and performance management.
4. Development Administration and Planning: The journal accepts submissions that investigate development administration, planning, and implementation, including sustainable development, poverty reduction, and social justice.
5. Comparative Public Administration: IJOPAD welcomes comparative studies that analyze public administration systems, policies, and practices across different countries, regions, or cultures.
You can see this journal's own website here.


Journal of Academic Finance

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Journal of Academic Finance
Journal of Academic Finance ( JoAF ) is a bilingual journal (French / English) which publishes free theoretical, empirical and/or critical texts focusing on one or more dimensions of finance in the world. It is dedicated to publishing high quality research papers in all areas of scientific research, finance, accounting, economics and social sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Business and Administrative Studies

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Journal of Business and Administrative Studies
JBAS’ purpose is to provide practitioners and scholars opportunities for research-based debate as well as discourse in the fields of Finance, Economics, Marketing, Public and Development Management, Governance and related fields and professions, particularly related to Ethiopia. 


JBAS is a bi-annual journal published by St Mary University.


Journal of Business Research


Journal of Business Research
The Journal of Business Research (JBR) is an International journal published by the Institute of Professional Studies in collaboration with relevant professional and academic institutions. The JBR is a bi - yearly refereed publication. The Journal of Business Researchseeks to promote and disseminate knowledge in the various disciplines of Management, Accounting, Marketing and other related disciplines which address issues of concern to business and commerce particularly in developing economies.  


Journal of Education Management and Leadership

Open Access

The Journal of Education Management and Leadership is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online Journal published by “Editon Consortium Publishing”, East Africa, Kenya.
Aims and Scope
The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses in all areas covering educational management, educational economics, and educational leadership.
You can see this journal's own website here


Journal of Health, Applied Sciences and Management

Open Access

Journal of Health, Applied Sciences and Management
JOHASAM is a multidisciplinary journal that provides a platform for researchers, academics, health professionals and management experts to share universal knowledge on Community Health, Environmental Health, Laboratory Science, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Anatomy, Health Education, Medical Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, Entrepreneurship, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Health Information Management.
Other websites associated with this journal:


KCA Journal of Business Management

Open Access

KCA Journal of Business Management
The Journal seeks papers that are well grounded in the theory and practice of business which are relevant to scholars, educators, and practitioners of business. The articles should have strong theoretical contributions and demonstrate a linkage to their application in the practice of business. Moreover, the articles should be based on empirical research either qualitative or quantitive or book reviews. See for more information.


Lapai Journal of Economics

Open Access

Lapai Journal of Economics
The Lapai Journal of Economics (LJE) is a blind peer reviewed academic journal, published by the Department of Economics, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, P. M. B. 11, Niger State, Nigeria. The Journal covers areas such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Development Economics, Agricultural Economics, Welfare Economics, Finance, International Economics, Health Economics, Environmental Economics, Political Science, Banking, Accounting, Public Administration, Economics of Happiness, Social Economics, Education Economics, Managerial Economics, Rural Development, Entrepreneur Development, Sociology, Psychology, Corporate Finance and Governance, Risk Management, Economic History, Human Resource, Women Studies, and all related Social Science Areas.
You can view the journal's own website here.


LBS Management Review


LBS Management Review
The Lagos Business School Management Review is published by management professionals for practising managers without sacrificing academic standards. It carries articles on all aspects of management that reflect issues growing out of management research relevant to Africa and it provides up-to-date information on the economy.


les cahiers du cread

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les cahiers du cread
Our Journal “les cahiers du cread” is a quarterly economic review publishing original findings of empirical research and theoretical debates on fields pertaining to our mission coverage (Macro Economics, Industrial Economics and Firms, Human Development & Social Economics, Agriculture & Environment).
You can view this journal's website here.


Les Cahiers du MECAS


Les Cahiers du MECAS
The review "Les Cahiers du MECAS", Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Tlemcen, was launched in April 2005. Through the variety of subjects treated in three languages (Arabic, French and English), the review expects to lay a dynamic research groundwork in order to be part of a process of positive and constructive change for the Algerian University The objective is to make Algerian scientific production visible and accessible on a national and international scale. At first it was an annual review, but from 2016 it has become biannual with two issues per year, one in June and the other in December; each one contains between 20 and 40 articles. The review "Les Cahiers du MECAS" covers different research themes such as poverty analysis, Islamic economy, informal economy, Marketing and communication, innovation, entrepreneurship, economic engineering, managerial economics, as well as other research issues related to social capital. It aims to promote and disseminate original and innovative research work in most areas of economics and management. It hopes to set a benchmark for researchers and academics, leaders and managers of private and public organizations, professionals and experts, institutional actors at the national and international level, to help them sharpen their decision-making process. It is available free online and each issue is printed by a publishing house with a financial support from the university. It is an academic journal with a national and international scientific committee, an editorial board and scientific directors.

You can view this journal's website here


Management & Economics Research Journal


Management & Economics Research Journal is a peer-reviewed biannual international journal and free of charge (not charge any article processing charges "APCs" or publication fees), It is also a fully open-access journal for readers and authors, issued regularly by the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences - Ziane Achour University of Djelfa (Governmental university affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Algeria), in two issues (March and September) from each year. The Journal is interested in the following fields of research (Business, Management, and Economics). 
For further information, please visit the journal's official website at


Nigeria Journal of Business Administration


Nigeria Journal of Business Administration
The Nigeria Journal of Business Administration has as its principal goal the promotion of academic excellence in research in the management sciences and the exchange of information between the academic, professional and business worlds. Each issue is designed to inform researchers and practising managers of on-going developments in management and their practice. Articles are carefully selected to provide the reader with an analytical, application-oriented approach to managerial problems.


Pan-African Journal of Business Management

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Pan-African Journal of Business Management
PAJBM is a bi-annual and a peer-reviewed open-access journal that focuses on promoting research publications and the dissemination of research findings undertaken by Africans and international scholars from business and management-related disciplines. PAJBM is committed to publishing scholarly articles that have a high impact on the business and management fields as a whole. The journal is devoted to the improvement and further development of theories & practices of business and it is designed to appeal to academics, practising managers and policy makers. The journal accepts original research, theoretical papers, research reports that cover programs and innovations throughout the international community. The journal also addresses
Wide subjects that are crucial to the business and management fields, including but not limited to: marketing, economics, entrepreneurship, human resources, project management, management of natural resources, accounting, finance, tourism management issues, education management issues, legal issues in business, social-cultural & business concepts, transport and logistics as well as general management issues.


Research Journal of Business and Finance

Open Access

Research Journal of Business and Finance
The Research Journal of Business and Finance is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Research Journal in Business and Finance welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Research Journal in Business and Finance engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can see this journal's website here.


Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing

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Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing
REMAREM is a FREE ACCESS "Open Access" magazine of a managerial nature, whose vocation is at the same time Moroccan, African and international. It aims to publish original articles, which are in the field of theoretical or empirical research and which aim to advance knowledge in the field of management sciences. It is intended particularly for marketing and management professionals wishing to learn about the very latest methods and to take a step back from practices. The published articles deal with concepts and methods useful for marketing and managerial decision-making, as well as related issues and strategies (innovation, communication, internationalization, distribution, etc.).
Other websites associated with this journal:


Securities Market Journal



South African Actuarial Journal

  South Africa
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South African Actuarial Journal
South African Actuarial Journalis published by the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA). It is issued free to members of ASSA and will also be made available to them on the Society's website for access via the Internet. The focus of SAAJ is on actuarial research–particularly, but not exclusively, on research of relevance to South Africa. The subject matter must, however, lie within the scope of actuarial work and be relevant and of interest to at least a minority of the profession in South Africa. 
Other websites related to this journal:
Actuarial Society of South Africa (SAAJ) content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence.
For details see:


Southern African Business Review

  South Africa
Open Access

Southern African Business Review
The Southern African Business Review serves as a vehicle for the publication and dissemination of research in the fields of the economic and management sciences.  Research contributions should conform to high standards of scholarly research inquiry.  The following should at least be addressed:  purpose/objective of the article, sound conceptualisation/theoretical foundation, statement of the research problem or hypothesis, research methodology (where applicable), analysis/discussion of research findings (where applicable) and conclusion.Other websites related to this journal:


Tanzanian Economic Review

Open Access

Tanzanian Economic Review
Tanzanian Economic Review (TER) is a biannual journal of the Department of Economics, which is a part of the School of Economics of the University of Dar es Salaam. TER aims to promote greater understanding of socio-economic factors and processes that influence and shape the transformation of developing countries. The Journal is not limited to the Tanzanian Economy, it covers all aspects of Economics and Economic Transformation in developing countries and beyond.
You can view this journal's website here.



Open Access

THE COLLOQUIUM is a publication of Federal College of Education {Technical) Omoku, Rivers state ,Nigeria. It is a multi-disciplinary thematic policy journal devoted to the publication of high-quality research/review articles , survey articles offering description of the scientific advances achieved in given fields. Some editions are compendia of articles selected following a special thematic College seminar and or conferences. The Journal is and funded and supported by Tertiary Education trust Fund TETFUND. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


The Retail and Marketing Review

  South Africa
Open Access

An international and interdisciplinary scholarly forum for sharing insightful and original research and promoting debate in the rapidly developing and converging fields of marketing and retailing.
Aims and Scope
The Retail and Marketing Review (ISSN No: 2708-3209) has as its main focus to publish original research in the disciplines of marketing, retailing, business and related fields.The journal is a peer reviewed and refereed journal, and all articles are submitted to a double blind peer review process. Central to the Journal is the aim to disseminate knowledge in the relevant fields, which can and will be of value to both scholars and practitioners. The Journal serves as a medium for university faculty, researchers in both academia and private or public practice in the disciplines of management, retailing, marketing and related fields, to present and explore new ideas and concepts, to offer innovative ideas and directions, to explore new technologies and latest research tools in the areas of management. The journal uses its advisory/editorial board consisting of international and local academics to provide direction to the journal in terms of policy and publication.
You can view this journal's website here.


UONGOZI Journal of Management and Development Dynamics

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UONGOZI Journal of Management and Development Dynamics
The Journal aims at providing researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders with a platform to publish key issues and new development in the fields of public administration and management, economics, finance, business, law, ICT and social sciences, which are critical to the enhancement of professional competence in the era of globalization. The Journal strives to publish high quality, innovative and novel works aiming to fill the vacuum of relevant information for scientific and professional practices in developing countries and beyond. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Industrialization and socio-economic development
• Public policy analysis
• Economic growth and sustainable development
• Project management
• Public administration, management and leadership
• Natural resources and environmental management
• Education and development
• ICT and development
• Accounting and financial management
• Procurement and supply chain management
• Microfinance and entrepreneurship development
• Law and justice
• Climate change resilience
• Rural transformation and development
• Local government, decentralization and governance
• Strategic planning and management
• Gender equality and development
• Public health

You can view the journal's website here.