Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

Letter L: 15 journals.


Lagos Historical Review

Lagos Historical Review

The Lagos Historical Review is an international and interdisciplinary journal publishing papers with a historical focus. The journal generates and participates in debates to advance the discipline of history and promote its relevance to development. The journal aims to serve the academic community with a bias towards history and policy formulation.


Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science

Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science

Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science (LJLIS) aims to publish articles, short communications and conference reports which will: raise the level of awareness within the international library and information community of the potential for change and innovation; assist policy and decision-making in the medium term (five to ten years); help in reporting on present research, the implementation of research results, and the planning of future research; raise the standard of professional theory and practice.


Lagos Notes and Records

Lagos Notes and Records

Lagos Notes and Records is an annual, interdisciplinary journal of the humanities. It is devoted to the publication of well-researched articles in all the subjects in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Law. In addition to original articles, the journal publishes review articles, brief accounts of work in progress, notes and comments on issues arising out of recent publications.


Langues & Cultures

Open Access Open Access

Langues & Cultures

Languages & Cultures is an international scientific journal published in French, but does not exclude other languages. It is edited by the LDP {Laboratoire langue, discours et plurilinguisme, LDP} – Language, Discourse and Multilingualism Laboratory, Department of French Language and Arts at Ahmed Draia University, Adrar, Algeria. The journal primarily targets a multidisciplinary scientific research community. It seeks to publish theme concerns from an interdisciplinary perspective, such as linguistics, didactics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, and literature, preceded by a call for papers sent via numerous websites.Each call for contributions is made under the supervision of a coordinator, with a “Varia” section comprising articles that do not fall under the theme at hand. In exceptional instances, the journal may produce special editions, colloquial acts, or study days.The journal Languages & Cultures strives to prioritize new contributions and publications by scholars and new Ph.D. students who comply with international writing standards and ethical principles.Upon receipt, the articles undergo an anonymous double-blind evaluation. If the first two events are in conflict, a third will occur. Each publication is examined by a diverse, multidisciplinary, and international scientific committee made up of many experts and research teachers from Ahmed Draia University, as well as other Algerian and foreign universities.To continuously improve the quality of scientific publications and foster multidisciplinary research, the journal “Languages & Cultures” continues to accept submissions from national and international specialists, particularly in the areas of scientific writing, methodology, and publishing.The journal and its whole team make every effort to provide the reader with all linguistic and epistemic requirements to produce high-quality scientific articles that adhere to scientific rigor and ethical standards.

Aims and Scope

Arts and Letters: This section encompasses various forms of artistic expression and literary works, exploring their cultural significance and impact.
Linguistics: Research in linguistics investigates the structure, evolution, and usage of languages, as well as their sociocultural contexts.
Literature: This section focuses on the analysis and interpretation of literary texts from diverse cultural backgrounds, periods, and genres.
Discourse Analysis: Scholars delve into the systematic study of language use in various contexts, including communication, media, and society.
Didactics: Research in didactics explores innovative approaches to language teaching and learning, addressing pedagogical strategies and methodologies.
Translation: This section examines theories, practices, and challenges in the translation process, highlighting linguistic and cultural aspects.
Cultural Studies: Scholars investigate cultural phenomena, identities, and representations, exploring their intersections with language, literature, and society.
Langues & Cultures encourages submissions that contribute to advancing knowledge in these areas and promotes rigorous scholarship, critical inquiry, and intellectual exchange within the scholarly community.

You can view this journal's website here.


Lapai Journal of Economics

Open Access

Lapai Journal of Economics

The Lapai Journal of Economics (LJE) is a blind peer reviewed academic journal, published by the Department of Economics, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, P. M. B. 11, Niger State, Nigeria. The Journal covers areas such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Development Economics, Agricultural Economics, Welfare Economics, Finance, International Economics, Health Economics, Environmental Economics, Political Science, Banking, Accounting, Public Administration, Economics of Happiness, Social Economics, Education Economics, Managerial Economics, Rural Development, Entrepreneur Development, Sociology, Psychology, Corporate Finance and Governance, Risk Management, Economic History, Human Resource, Women Studies, and all related Social Science Areas.
You can view the journal's own website here.


LAUTECH Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies

Open Access

LAUTECH Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies (LAUJOCES) is an academic journal of the Department of Civil Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. It is an international peer review journal which publishes original research papers, reviews and technical notes in the fields of Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Highway and Transportation Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Sciences and other related disciplines. LAUJOCES provides a veritable platform for dissemination of new research outputs, latest technologies and discoveries that promote research, academic excellence and sustainable development.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Law, Democracy & Development

Open Access

Law, Democracy & Development

The evolution and implementation of democracy, good governance practices, human rights and socio-economic development are critical issues facing South Africa and Africa as a whole. Law interacts with this process in ways that may promote or inhibit it. Law, Democracy & Development addresses this interaction. Our aim is to create a forum in which critical aspects of the process can be debated by scholars, practitioners as well as those concerned with policy-making across the continent, thus contributing to the development of shared knowledge and cooperative effort. The focus is on:
* the way that the law regulates important aspects of the economic process such as trade and industry, labour, the environment, education, training and culture;
* the protection and extension of rights which drive and mould socio-economic development such as political rights, gender rights, children's rights, labour rights and other rights which enable the individual to participate in civil society;
* the influence of international and regional developments in the areas of policy and law on socio-economic development. Law, Democracy & Development is a peer-reviewed journal and has been accredited by the Department of Education for the publication of subsidised research outputs since 2001. Other websites related to this journal:


LBS Management Review

LBS Management Review

The Lagos Business School Management Review is published by management professionals for practising managers without sacrificing academic standards. It carries articles on all aspects of management that reflect issues growing out of management research relevant to Africa and it provides up-to-date information on the economy.


Le Carrefour Congolais

Open Access

Le Carrefour Congolais

The objective of the journal is to promote a Congolese approach to research in social sciences, particularly in Anthropology. It provides researchers from various disciplines, professionals from development organizations, media, and businesses in the DRC with a platform where they can publish the outcomes of their practices as well as relevant ideas that could inspire the development of social programs. Authors are offered the opportunity to write and analyze, even in local languages, the issues experienced by Congolese people on a daily basis.
L’objectif de la revue est de promouvoir une approche méthodologique congolaise de la recherche en sciences sociales, en particulier en anthropologie. Elle offre aux chercheurs des diverses disciplines, aux professionnels des organisations de développement, aux médias et aux entreprises en RDC l’opportunité de publier les résultats de leurs recherches sur les problématiques vécues quotidiennement par les Congolais et de disséminer les idées pertinentes susceptibles d’inspirer l’élaboration des programmes de développement social. Les auteurs ont la possibilité d'écrire et d'analyser leurs données de recherche aussi dans les langues locales.
You can see this journal's website here.


Legon Journal of the Humanities

Open Access Open Access

Legon Journal of the Humanities

Founded in 1974, Legon Journal of the Humanities (LJH) is a peer-reviewed periodical published by the College of Humanities, University of Ghana. LJH welcomes the following types of contributions in the humanities from scholars in all countries: 

  1. research articles 

  2. reviews of new and particularly noteworthy books and films

  3. interviews with distinguished writers, filmmakers, and scholars

The journal is devoted to the study of the humanities, operationally conceptualized to cover not just the arts and languages but also social science disciplines, such as cultural studies, human geography, international affairs, management studies, political science, psychology, and sociology. The journal occasionally publishes theme-based issues, coordinated by guest editors. For such editions, a call for papers (CFP) is announced in a preceding issue of the journal and/or through listserv/mail shots. 
For all its issues, LJH only publishes original contributions (i.e., papers that have not been published elsewhere) and therefore, disapproves of duplicate publication and multiple submissions of the same paper to different publication outlets.  In consonance with best academic practices, it equally takes a very dim view of the illegitimate direct replication of material in the form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. The Editorial Board will not only ban authors of plagiarized material from any subsequent association with the journal, but also bring any breach of intellectual property rights to the attention of the contributor’s institution.
The language of publication is English. As of Vol. 26, LJH will be published online twice a year as a gratis open access journal.  
Legon Journal of the Humanities is indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).


Les Cahiers du MECAS

Les Cahiers du MECAS

The review "Les Cahiers du MECAS", Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Tlemcen, was launched in April 2005. Through the variety of subjects treated in three languages (Arabic, French and English), the review expects to lay a dynamic research groundwork in order to be part of a process of positive and constructive change for the Algerian University The objective is to make Algerian scientific production visible and accessible on a national and international scale. At first it was an annual review, but from 2016 it has become biannual with two issues per year, one in June and the other in December; each one contains between 20 and 40 articles. The review "Les Cahiers du MECAS" covers different research themes such as poverty analysis, Islamic economy, informal economy, Marketing and communication, innovation, entrepreneurship, economic engineering, managerial economics, as well as other research issues related to social capital. It aims to promote and disseminate original and innovative research work in most areas of economics and management. It hopes to set a benchmark for researchers and academics, leaders and managers of private and public organizations, professionals and experts, institutional actors at the national and international level, to help them sharpen their decision-making process. It is available free online and each issue is printed by a publishing house with a financial support from the university. It is an academic journal with a national and international scientific committee, an editorial board and scientific directors.

You can view this journal's website here



Open Access


Lexikos is the official journal of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX). The aim of Lexikos is to create a vehicle for national and international discussion of lexicography, and in particular to serve lexicography in Africa with its rich variety of languages; – to stimulate discourse between lexicographers as well as between lexicographers and linguists; – to establish and promote contact with local and foreign lexicographic projects; – to focus general attention on the interdisciplinary nature of lexicography, which also involves fields such as linguistics, general linguistics, lexicology, computer science, management, etc.; – to further and coordinate cooperation in all fields of lexicography; and – to promote the aims of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX). Impact Factor: Lexikos is ISI-rated by Thompson Reuters on their various indexes, namely Arts and Humanities Citation Index®, Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities, Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, Social Sciences Citation Index®, and Social Scisearch® The Impact Factor of Lexikos in the Linguistics category with their latest rankings was 0.667. Lexikos is furthermore indexed on Scopus, Linguistic Bibliography Online, Linguistics Abstracts Online, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA International Bibliography & R.R.K. Hartmann's Bibliography of Lexicography.
Other websites related to this journal:


Libyan Journal of Medicine

Open Access

Libyan Journal of Medicine

The aim of the journal is to publish high quality medical data in the different discipline of medicine. It also aims at rapid publication via the advanced online publication. The journal is directed to clinicians and researcher around the globe. The scope of the journal covers all medical research and related subjects. This includes Original clinical prospective and retrospective studies, original research data reporting, case reports, technical notes, comments, and letters to editor. The journal welcome scholarly Reviews that are topic-oriented that either review the topic or present a state-of-the-art view. Manuscripts that discuss medical economy, health policies, medical ethics, and medical education are welcomed too. The ABC section is directed toward to medical students and junior clinicians and focuses on practical points of diagnosis and management.
Other websites related to this journal:
As of 2013 the LJM had an impact factor 0.585


Libyan Medical Journal

Open Access

Libyan Medical Journal

Libyan Medical Journal (LMJ) (ISSN:2079-1224), formerly known as Jamahiriya Medical Journal (JMJ), is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all fundamental and clinical aspects of medical sciences, with an emphasis on the clinical and disease-oriented studies. Scope of the journal includes: Medicine, nursing and allied health sciences, pharmacy, pathology, anatomy, pharmacology, toxicology, surgery and physiology, and other related fields.

Aims and Scope
Libyan Medical Journal (LMJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all fundamental and clinical aspects of medical sciences, with an emphasis on the clinical and disease-oriented studies. Scope of the journal includes: Medicine, nursing and allied health sciences, pharmacy, pathology, anatomy, pharmacology, toxicology, surgery and physiology, as well as medicine. The journal is supported by the Libyan Board of Medical Specialties, who covers the cost of publication on behalf of the authors on acceptance of their article.

You can see this journal's website here.


Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research

Open Access

Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research

LWATI is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal which reviews and publishes critical scholarly essays in all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, Development, Health and Gender Studies. It is a Pan-African journal that situates Africa at its core. It publishes genuine or original research from anywhere in the globe from African, Africanist scholars and perspectives.