The Scientific Journal Njinga & Sepé (ISSN: 2764-1244) was created in honor of the African Queen Njinga Mbandi and the Brazilian indigenous warrior Sepé Tiarajú. The Journal respects the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (1996), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2002) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2006).

Revista Njinga & Sepé  accepts and publishes texts written in any African or indigenous Brazilian language and videos of sign languages. A special exception is opened for all languages ​​of East Timor as it is a partner country of UNILAB. Texts written in any other European language (Spanish, French, Portuguese or English) must be accompanied by an abstract in an African or indigenous Brazilian language . Sign languages ​​will have 2 abstracts and a video of a maximum of 10 min. The Journal will publish one (1) volume per year, with two numbers (1st number in May and 2nd number in October) and occasionally a special volume depending on the demand of the authors and the Scientific Committee.

Njinga & Sepé Magazine is composed of six (6) sections: Section I - Unpublished articles and translations/interpretations; Section II - Interviews, book reviews; Section III - Poetry and Lyrics of Popular Songs; Section IV - Reports of experiences, photos, recipes for traditional foods, rites and festivities; Section V - Proverbs, taboos, myths and others; Section VI - Sign Languages ​​. Each author will choose a section. It is important to register because all texts must be submitted through the Journal's website. Well done to the cultures, traditions and languages ​​of indigenous peoples, African peoples and the people of East Timor. 

All texts received are first submitted to verification of originality using the Turnitin Originality software, from the company Turnitin for the detection of textual similarity and integrity in academic texts (anti-plagiarism): . The texts approved in this phase are submitted to peer review (blind) to define approval or not.

Access to published works is completely free.

Authors neither pay nor receive any financial tribute for their contribution and publication.

Editors, reviewers, translators, Scientific Committee and other contributors participate voluntarily.

You can see the journal's own website here.

Published: 2024-09-09

O lobo e a lebre na época da fome

Joao Eusebio Imbatene, Alfa Dos Santos Silom


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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2764-1244