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Muscular variations in the gluteal region, the posterior compartment of the thigh and the Popliteal fossa: Report of 4 cases

Babou Ba
Tata Touré
Abdoulaye Kanté
Moumouna Koné
Demba Yatera
Moustapha Dicko
Drissa Traoré
Tieman Coulibaly
Nouhoum Ongoïba
Abdel Karim Koumaré


During a study of the sciatic nerve by anatomical dissection in the anatomy laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and Odontostomatology (FMOS) of Bamako, 4 cases of muscle variations were observed in three male cadavers. The first case was the presence of an accessory femoral biceps muscle that originated on the fascia that covered the short head of the femoral biceps and ended on the head of the fibula joining the common tendon formed by the long and short head of the femoral biceps. The second case was the presence of an aberrant digastric muscle in the gluteal region and in the posterior compartment of the thigh. He had two bellies; the upper belly, considered as a piriform muscle accessory; the lower belly, considered a third head of the biceps femoral muscle; these two bellies were connected by a long tendon. The other two cases were the presence of third head of the gastrocnemius. These two cases were seen bilaterally in a cadaver. The anatomical variations of the hamstring muscles are rare and their knowledge is needed by radiologists and surgeons. The most common cause of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is the presence of a third head of the gastrocnemius muscle.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2305-9478
print ISSN: 2226-6054