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The effect of growing conditions on phenolic compounds and antimicrobial activity of Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr. Allemão

Lenaldo Muniz de Oliveira
Nayra da Silva Negreiros Cardoso
Luzimar Gonzaga Fernandez
Milton Ricardo de Abreu Roque
José Raniere Ferreira de Santana
Claudinéia Regina Pelacani
Renato Delmondez de Castro


Myracrodruon urundeuva is a naturally occurring species in the Brazilian semi-arid and is widely used for anti-inflammatory and healing properties. This study evaluates the level of phenolic compounds and the antimicrobial activity in extracts of M. urundeuva obtained from greenhouse seedlings grown from seeds that were previously submitted or not to osmotic stress treatment (osmoconditioning), and from seedlings and callus grown in vitro. The Folin and Ciocalteau method was used to determine the phenolic content, whereas antimicrobial activity was evaluated by agar well diffusion and bioautography. Phytochemical analysis revealed greater concentrations of phenolic compounds in greenhouse seedlings independent of whether they originated from osmoconditioned seeds or not. Chromatography was shown to be an efficient technique for the separation of compounds. However, it was not possible to detect activity by bioautography. On the other hand, growth inhibitory activity was detected by agar well diffusion in acetone-ethyl acetate extracts taken from leaves of seedlings grown in greenhouse conditions.

Key words: Myracrodruon urundeuva, antimicrobial activity, chromatography, phenolic compounds.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315