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ISO Standards and Records Management: The Case of the Botswana Meat Commission

Peter M. Sebina


In 1997 the Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) appointed consultants to advise on ways of improving records management activities in the company. This paper presents the results of the efforts of the BMC to set up effective ways of managing its records. It also explores the use of ISO (International Standards Organisation) 9000 standards in the management of BMC records. The paper explains the steps followed by BMC and the consultants to have their records systems streamlined to meet ISO requirements and concludes by arguing that there is no way BMC could have resisted ISO 9000 certification if it was to continue being a player in the world beef industry.

(African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: 2002 11 (1): 49-60)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0795-4778