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Epidemiology and Outcomes of Hospitalized Burn Patients in Gaza Strip: A Descriptive Study

Aymen Elsous
Mahmoud Ouda
Samah Mohsen
Mohammed Al-Shaikh
Siham Mokayad
Nafiz Abo-Shaban
Abed Al-Rahman Hamad


BACKGROUNG: Burns are serious health problems and leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. This study aimed to overview the epidemiological profile and to present outcomes among hospitalized burn patients in AL Alamy burn center in Gaza.
METHODS: This was a cross-sectional retrospective study of medical records of hospitalized patients from July 2013 to June 2014. Descriptive analysis for studied variables was applied and P . 0.05 considered statistically significant.
RESULTS: One humdred eighty nime admissions, 60.8% were males and 63% were under 10 years old. Burn patients in the age range between 19-40 years represented 25.9%. Most common burn injuries were accidental (86.2%), located at home (88.9%), caused by scald (66.1%) and by fire flame (23.8%). On admission, the majority of cases presented with second degree burn (45.5%) or mixed burn (38.6%). The mean TBSA was 11.86 (SD } 10.78) ranging from 1% to 75% whereas, the mean hospital length of stay was 11.45 (SD } 12.60) ranging from 1 to 115 days. Total in hospital mortality rate was 2.1% and length of stay was significantly associated with TBSA (P < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Young children below 10 years seem to be at a higher risk for burn injuries. A significant improvement in burn patients care is observed and practiced and in hospital mortality rate is better compared to neighbouring countries. Preventive programs focusing on safety measures, especially for mothers working in the home, should be implemented urgently to save our children.

KEYWORDS: Burns, Hospitalized patients, Length of stay, Mortality

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-7170
print ISSN: 1029-1857
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