Two experiments commenced in the dry and wet seasons, growth of two commonly grown okra cultivars, not mulched and mulched separately with oil palm bunch refuse, grass and brown wood shavings were studied. The two okra cultivars were: Emerald (green, smooth pods) and Clemson Spineless (green, smooth, ribbed pods). In both experiments soil temperatures were similar in mulch and unmulched treatments in the wet season planting while the mulch treatment reduced soil temperature by about 20C in the bunch refuse and up to 4.10C in the wood shavings during the dry season planting. These reductions in soil temperature led to a greater enhancement of crop growth in the mulched treatment of dry season planting, and equally, significant differences for most growth parameters within these mulch treatments. Highest yield of 26.8 pods/plant was obtained from Emerald cultivars and was significantly (P = 0.05) higher than 22.4 pods/plant obtained from Clemson spineless with bunch refuse treatment. The importance of mulching was emphasized by higher soil moisture content which occurred in the mulched treatment during the dry season. In both experiments, bunch refuse was outstanding in enhancing crop growth. During the two seasons of study, mulching with wood shaving suppressed weed growth while grass and especially unmulched soil encouraged weed growth.
KEY WORDS: Response of Okra, Mulch Materials, Production, Economic Potentials.
Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol.3(1&2) 2004: 53-57