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Histological Effects of Xylopia aethiopica on the Kidney of Adult Wistar Rats

JO Obhakhan
MO Ozor
BN Obodo


This study investigates the effect of Xylopia aethiopica leaves on the histology of the kidney. 24 growing rats were used. They were divided into four groups: A (n = 6) as control and B (n = 6), C (n = 6) and D (n = 6) as tests. Group A received normal feed and distilled water only, while B, C and D, received daily doses of 1.2g, 3.0g, and 6.0g / kg body weight of Xylopia aethiopica leaves respectively, for 21 days. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed under light chloroform anesthesia to harvest the kidney for histological studies. The kidney was excised, fixed in 10% formal saline and processed for light microscopy using H&E staining procedures. The histological studies revealed normal cells in the control group (A), while group B presented glomerular degeneration, vacuolation and haermorrhage. Group C showed tubular wall enlargement, exudation, tubular disruption and cellular infiltration, while group D showed parenchymal erosion, tubular cavity obstruction and vacuolation. The observed kidney damages were dosage and duration dependent. The histological observations suggest that Xylopia aethiopica leaves is toxic to the kidney and may induce a dose dependent renal damage; hence the need for further studies.

Keywords: Xylopia aethiopica, Kidney, Histology, Plants

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2384-6836
print ISSN: 2315-537X