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An assessment of the degree of the use of sustainable environmental management practices by farmers in Ifedore Local Government of Ondo State
Respondents were grouped into 4 categories of use of sustainable environmental management practices on the basis of scores obtained for those practices engaged in by them as follows;
i. Environmentally sustainable practices (70% and above) with 7 respondents (5.83 percent)
ii. Environmentally compatible practices (50 to 60%) with 78 respondents (65 percent)
iii. Environmentally unfriendly practice (30 to 49%) with 19 respondents (15.83 percent)
iv. Environmentally damaging practices (0 to 29%) with 16 respondents (13.34 percent)
The sustainable environmental management practices include; Tree planting (93.33%) and Multiple cropping (90.83%), while zero tillage and alley farming had (34.16%) and (26.67%) respectively.
The multiple regression analysis results indicate that farm size, tenure in farming, household size and age are important determinants of degree of sustainable environmental management practices use with R2 = 0.75, 0.65 and 0.78 for linear, semi log and double log form of equations respectively.
Farmers should be encouraged to use such practices to prevent deterioration and degradation of environment and extension agents should provide more skills training in order to attain sustainable agricultural development.
[JEXT Vol.2(1) 2001: 3-9]