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Investigation of the effect of seed coat treatment and open storage time on the germination and survival of Gambeya Albida g. Don seedlings.

EG Oboho


Indigenous forest fruit trees like Gambeya albida play vital roles in the dietary diversity of the Nigerian people. The ever increasing rate of deforestation means their gradual disappearance, hence the need to examine appropriate seed sowing options for people interested in the crop. The study investigated the germination of Gambeya albida under different seed coat and open storage regimes in the nursery. The seed coat treatments were: decoated (CD), filed at circumference (FC) and untreated (CC). The seed moisture content was carried also out every three days ending in 22 days, while the investigation of seed germination was for 3 (three) months. Experimental layout for the germination study was randomized complete block design (RCBD), data was analysed using percentages, one-way ANOVA and means separation by Duncan Multiple Range test at 50% level of significance. The seed moisture content percentage study showed that fresh seeds of Gambeya albida had 43.21MC% which decline steadily with open storage time to 18.30% (critical moisture content) in 22 days. Time of storage affected the germination. The days of germination were between 11 –19 days for seed coat treatment regimes, was lowest for the (CD) and highest for (CC). The percentage germination was 5% (CD), 14.38% (FC) and 45% for (CC). Survival of emerged embryos that became seedlings was 12.5% (CD) 54.5% (FC) and 70.8% (CC). Seedcoat had significant protective role to play in the germination, early growth and survival of Gambeya albida seedlings. It is recommended that the seeds should be sown without seed coat removal in order to have good germination rate and survival.

Keywords: Gambeya albida, germination, moisture content, seed coat, survival.

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print ISSN: 2141-1778