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Disorders of sexual development: understanding the basics

Abdulkadir A


The enthusiasms on 'intersex' have been with humanity since antique. Inadequacies in the management of the condition backwash in Psychosocial and medical morbidities with occasional mortality. The upsurge in the knowledge of its pathophysiology over generations has incredibly improved the management outcome. This study aims to present the fundamentals of the Pathophysiology and Management of DSD. The information provided is intended to guide in the basic evaluation and care of individuals with the disorder. Material and Method: Search from PubMed, EMBASE and AJOL for Literature on Disorders of Sexual development was reviewed. The search words were; intersex, the disorder of sexual differentiation (DSD), Pseudohermaphroditism, Hermaphroditism and Ambiguous genitalia. The literature on the Pathophysiology and the managementwas appraised and summarized. Conclusion: Genetic inquest and advances in molecular biology had provided cognizance on the pathophysiology of DSD. Patient's advocacy groups and denovo medical ethics necessitated the transformations in the approach to the management.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-2426
print ISSN: 2006-4772