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Deforestation motivators by small farmers in common and protected lands in South Eastern Nigeria: a factor analytic approach

FE Bisong


Study explores through a multivariate analysis the human ecological variables driving deforestation by small farmers in South-eastern Nigeria. Applying frequency scores and factor analytic techniques to data generated from twelve sampled communities in the rainforest of South-eastern Nigeria, through questionnaire and exploratory participatory research methods, it delineates the most significant factors in the decision field of the farmer motivating deforestation. Social psychological factors and preference for virgin forest soils appear to be the most critical of the factors. Strategies to combat deforestation by small farmers may only ignore to their peril these driving forces rooted in the farmer's objective and subjective realities.

Mathematics Connection Vol. 3 2003: 1-23

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0855-4706