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Major Burn Injury From Lightning Strike: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

I A Adigun
K O Ogundipe


BACKGROUND: Lightning has been viewed as a sign of the anger of the “gods” from Greek mythology. Among Yorubas, thunderstorm is regarded as anger from the god of thunder, “Sango” who could strike anybody anywhere to vent his anger at someone who has committed some form of atrocity. When lightning strikes, it draws the attention of the public, news media, and the medical profession. Since lightning rarely causes major burn, we hereby present a 75-year old man who sustained a major burn injury (TBSA-42%) from a lightning strike with a review of literature on lightning strike.
METHOD: A 75-year old man who sustained major burn injury from lightning strike and was managed in our Unit was reviewed. A review of key literature on lightning strike was undertaken to re-appraise various complications that can result from thunderstorm and preventive measures to be taken.
RESULT: Lightning causes serious injury or death in about one third of its victims and permanent sequelae in approximately two-third of the survivors. Almost every system is vulnerable and a wide variety of complications can result from damage to these organs systems. Skin injuries from lightning vary from cutaneous injury to that typically caused by high-voltage electricity. Burns from lightning strike are managed like other thermal burn, when full thickness burns are evident, excision of the devitalized skin followed by the application of autolous split thickness grafts is recommended.
CONCLUSION: The best treatment of lightning accident is prevention. Common safety precautions during thunderstorm include remaining inside a closed car or in a closed building away from doors and windows. When outside and unable to find shelter, it is important to maintain distance from tall trees, hilltops or other exposed areas. Lightning can travel through water, so it is important to avoid swimming and bathing during a thunderstorm.

Keywords: major burn, lightning

Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery Vol. 2 (2) 2006: pp. 15-18

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0794-9316
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